By nenadaily

19.7K 707 44

"Why?" I asked "why do you notice me now unlike before? "I added "I was blinded by my pride "he said. .. Nico... More

chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 28


721 27 0
By nenadaily

(Nicole's POV )
It was 6 in the morning I woke up feeling like crap as I was about to change until I heard the doorbell ring huh that's odd who would be here at this time I went down stairs seeing someone I at least expected "brie??" ..

"Hey nicole" she said "What are you doing here ? How did you find me? " I asked "I kinda followed you here " she said well that's not creepy at all...

"Um come in " I said as I stepped aside "thank you" she said "wow this house is lovely " she said "thanks " I said we sat in the living room "So what are you doing here?" I asked "Um I came here to apologize "she said "I'm sorry Nicole for giving you a hard time "she said "it's fine brie I knew where you were coming from and I apologize too for being a b*tch " I said. .

"So sisters again?" She asked "I never lost you brie" I said I walked to her and gave her a hug "So now that your here wanna see my room " I said "sure " she said I led her upstairs "Woah your room is better than mines" she said as she was surprised...

She looked around "wow you changed a lot "she said as she looked though the pictures "yeah yeah I did" I chuckled. .

I went to my clothes and picked out a white t shirt and some shorts as I came back brie was laying on my bed "everything ok?" I asked "yeah I'm just thinking " she said "well I really like this guy name randy and he asked to this party John is throwing "she said "your going too?" I asked "yeah why? "She asked "Um John invited me " I said "ooooh my sister has a crush" she said as she smirked ...

"Well I used to have a crush on him during freshman year but I stopped " I said "how come? " she asked "he was dating liz " I said "I always wondered what he saw in that b*tch" Brie said in disgust "well I heard he has a crush on you" she said "you really think so?"I asked "he has his eyes on you like all the time " she said "woah" I said. ..

"Well enough talking we should get going do you need a ride? " I asked "uh yeah "she said. ..

We came to school where I saw that same blonde girl who hangs with brie "oh Nicole this my friend renee , renee this is my twin Nicole " she said "hi it's very nice to meet you" renee said "same here" I said we walked through the halls talking and laughing. ..

But eyes were on me as if they were scared of me I guess they saw me beat up kelly I'm starting to love highschool again ..

"Hey nicole " I heard my name I turned to see John walking to me as we met to face he hugged me "thank you for tutoring me I have an A+ on that calculus test " he said "Um congrats "I said chuckling "well I have to go thanks again for helping me" he said and left...

I turned around as my sister gave me a smirk "no no its not like that brie "I said as began to blush "wow your freaking lucky the John cena has the likes for you he turned down so many girls " renee said "hmm interesting "I said. ..

As we continued to walk me and kelly met eye to eye but I saw fear in her eyes wow she finally learned her lesson on not to mess with me ..

Last hour came and as usual guys were drooling as I walked pass them I was starting to get uneasy today I went to the locker room to change suddenly I heard girls talking "So are gonna ask him out?" Some girl asked "who? " another girl asked "John duh" she said "oh yeah right now, he's so dreamy he's been so nice to me " she said yeah right brie he has a crush on me I rolled my eyes...

I left "ok guys today we are playing indoor soccer " coach h said me and John were on separate teams I dominated the whole game I was making people fall until out of nowhere I was tripped on the floor my ankle was twisted "OW OW!!" I screamed "holy crap I'm so sorry Nicole " Someone said I looked up how ironic it was john..

''Mr cena since you made her fall take her to the nurse's office " coach h said " I understand sir " he said he picked me up I was limping slowly it was silent until he broke it by picking me up "your in pain you shouldn't be walking on it " he said my he's very strong. ..

I held on to him tight on the neck we finally made it to the nurse's office laid me on one of the beds "thanks for carrying me "I said "anytime I'm truly sorry though for injuring your ankle" he said sounding guilty ..

"It's fine but for that your gonna give me a ride home " I said he was surprised "uhhh sure" he said "well I should get going " he said and left...

After the nurse told me to ice it she Also told me I was gonna be in crutches for a week I look like an idiot

Just as I made it to the gym the bell rang I was annoyed I was even more annoyed that the girl from the locker room was talking to john... wait why do I even care? ? ...

I crutch my way to get my bag and as I came back he was still there talking to her but I had no time for his flirting to other girls "John are you ready? " I asked "huh oh yeah I am" he said the girl just glared at me "well good I don't think I can crutch any longer " I said...

In fact I don't even know how to use these stupid things just as I tripped he caught me holding my waist I turned to him to say thank you..

but he was extremely close to me that we met face to face and that we can feel each other's breath. ..

We met each other's eyes it felt like time stood still ..

"We should get going " I said

"Um yeah " he said. .

He held on to my bag as we walked to my car...

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