10 Emails Why - Luke Hemmings.

By theunbeatingheart

1.2K 124 12

Opals favourite book is 'Thirteen reasons why' by Jay Asher. In fact, she likes it so much she decides to int... More

Video 1.
The rumour.
Video 2.
The Urge.
Video 3.
Video 4.
The split.
Video 5.
Meal out.
Video 6.
The Band.
Video 7 - Part 1.

The party.

86 7 0
By theunbeatingheart

I didn't go back to the email. I stayed with my dad until my mum got home. I hugged her and told her I loved her too. Can't a man tell his parents he loves them. My mum decided to stay in so we ordered a take away and sat on the sofa watching movies. But I couldn't help but think about Opal's parents. Are they crying right now? Is Opal still alive? All these thoughts floated in my mind until I had to go to bed and sleep it off. When I got to school, I searched the corridors for Opal. "Matt, have you seen Opal?" He looked at me weird "No why?" I ignored him and darted down to Calum who was waiting near my locker. " Luke you look like trash!" He laughed. I ignored his sarcastic remark and asked "Have you seen Opal?" He shook his head "Oh, here's Mich." I took in a deep breath and followed Cal towards  Micheal. "Luke, you okay? You look flustered my man!" Calum placed an arm around my shoulder and dragged me towards his locker. "I'm fine really. But I gotta go." I turned around and walked in the opposite direction of the lads.

"Lukey!" I rolled my eyes and began speed walking towards my media room. "LUKE!" I stopped in my tracks and turned around "What Melody?" She was walking towards me in her black stiletto high heels, her skin tight dress at mid thigh and her pink cardigan rolled up to the elbow. A fake tattoo wrapped around her forearm like some cheap tart. "Luke, why in such a hurry?" She purred as she stands a foot away. "None of your business." I quickly turned and left Melody signing. "Fine go running off to your fat, p.ussy girlfriend. What's her name. Opalling. Because she is .. appalling." I shook my head and pushed open the wooden blue door.

"Oh Luke, you're early." I smiled and sat in the seat next to Opal's. Laying my book, notes and pen out. I was fifteen minutes early but I knew Opal is always here before anyone else. The teacher was humming some high pitched pop song whilst sorting out the papers for the lesson. She always had the weirdest dress sense. A large coloured flower in her pixie cut hair that matched the colour of her silk scarf. She was short for her mid forties. Always wearing a pencil skirt and funky looking shoes. Today she was wearing a bright orange scalf, a flower and a black pair of sparky flat shoes. Her hair was dyed a dark red and her black framed glasses sat perched on her nose. "So have you and Opal been working on your energy drink product?" I snapped out of the thought and looked up. "Erm, yeah. I have some drafts and notes drawn." She nods and smiles, walking to the computer on her desk. The bell rings and one at a time people started walking in. But there was no sign of Opal.

"Isn't Opal in today?" I shrugged my shoulders "Well that is  usual of her. She's probably ill." I nodded and brought out my phone. But she wasn't in on Thursday or Friday either, isn't anyone bothered! I was temped to put my earphones in and watch the next video but if anyone creeped up behind me and eavesdropped, I wouldn't know what too say! I stuffed my phone back into my pocket and grabbed my pencil. Sketching out an outline of a can.

The lesson was over and I literally drew nothing but a can of coke, ready to be designed and changed with our design. "Luke, are you okay? You're normally covered with designs and ideas but you've not done anything?" My media teacher brought the chair from the table in front around and sits down. "What's wrong?" I smiled and shrugged. "Nothing. I'm just concerned about Opal" She nods "Yes, she has been through enough and it's nice knowing someone is looking out for her." I gather my stuff and shoved them into my backpack, smiling. "I have music now so I should go" I awkwardly walked away. Rushing through the corridor down too music. "Wow, slow down Mr. Hemmings." Mr. Smiths voice boomed down the corridor. I stopped and speed walked whilst trying to not make eye contact with him.

"So I've decided on mixing you all up. I know some of you are very talented and some have took music to learn new things. So I have all of the students name who have some connection to music on these Popsicle sticks. I have placed them in a cup and one by one you are all going to pick a stick. The person you pull out will be your partner. Your task is to produce a song about something inside that black sack" Mr. Rodgers points to a large black parcel bag with a question mark stuck on the side. Mr. Rodgers started walking around on half of the room. When all the sticks were picked out, Mr Rodgers paired us up. "Luke Hemmings and Reece Benton." My face turned to stone as Reece locked eyes on mine. He hadn't commented to my message to him on Facebook but I knew he's seen them because he keeps giving me the eye. Reece gets up and drags himself and his bag to the chair next to me. He plops himself down and rests his head on his hands.

"Luke, come up and pick a random object." I stand up and walk towards the sack. I dive my left arm and and fish around. Pulling out a heavish item. "An Iron" I looked at the iron in my hand. The large, purple, heavy iron. The class laugh "I might have to use this, my jeans are looking alittle creased" I joked. Mer. Rodgers rolls hi eyes and laughs "Okay sit down." I take the iron back to Reece. "Now everyone has their item. Go away and produce your song." Reece and I decided to go to the music room next door that has a piano, couple of guitars and a drum kit.

"Have you seen Opal recently?" Reece stopped messing with the keys on the piano. "No why?" He snapped. "I was just asking! She isn't in school today!" Reece shrugged his shoulders. "Look, I don't keep tabs on her. She can come and go when ever she pleases. I don't care." He walked over to the window and pulls himself on to the window pane. "Well would you care if she was in danger?" He didn't look at me. "Would you care if she was falling back to her old ways?" nothing. "I guess you wouldn't care if she's commit suicide then!" I raised my voice, grabbed my bag and stormed out of the music block and ran my way out of the school premises.

I didn't want to go home because I knew my mum would be there but I have no where else to go. I walked through town, until a thought popped into my head. Instead of taking a right near the traffic lights, I decided to cross over and take a left. Walking towards the daunting huge building. 'Walker's Law Firm.' I climbed the large sandstone steps and stepped into the revolving door. I walked up to the main desk to see an oldish woman. She was on the phone so I waited.

"Hello, what can I do for you love?" She smiles. I stopped looking at the photos on the wall that was of Opal, her mum and dad and asked if Mr. Walker (Opals dad)was in. "He isn't in today, can I take a message for him?" Her smile beams. I shake my head "No thank you. I just wanted to see if he was in work today" I smile and headed back out.

"Mum?" I shouted whilst flinging my bag onto the furniture closest. "Luke! Where have you been, school rang saying you didn't turn up to your study or business class." I looked at my mums worried face. She had an apron wrapped around her waist with bolognese sauce stains down the front. "Mum, can I have tomorrow off?" I've never asked for a day off and I can tell she was shocked. "Lukey, of course you can!" She rushed over to me and feels my forehead. "You aren't burning up but if you feel like you need a break then you can have one" I kissed my mum and dragged my feet upstairs. Throwing my shoes off as I entered my bedroom. I jumped onto my bed and pulled my phone out of my skinny jeans. My earphones were already plugged in. I took one deep breath before going on to my saved emails.

"When do I give myself a break? Should I just do all of these in one sitting? So, you've returned. I've actually lost count on how many I've done. Is this the forth? I'm mentally messed up to even care. So, if your name hasn't been said yet, I am so sorry you've had to sit here and wait. Because unless your name is Matthew Kennedy. It's not your turn yet!" I paused the video and took a deep breath. Still mind boggled as too why I am involved?


--- Long wait but here it is. I normally update the chapters in two so the next one will be up soon. I hope you enjoyed. Vote and comment! <3 Stay amazing, Stay beautiful and Stay perfect! --- Naomi xox

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