Taming Lies (A Tom Hiddleston...

By Chelsea_Rena

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"Love blinds you. One minute you're on top of the world with everything in the palm of your hand - and the ne... More

{ prologue }
one: truth be told
{meeting the demi-god}
two: behind his eyes tell my story
three: anniversary of birth
{slow movements}
four: uneasy arrangements
{room service}
five: past becomes present
{rabbits and engagement rings}
six: the memory effect
seven: not exactly a fairytale reunion
eight: step one, we need to talk
nine: true confessions
ten: deep symphonies
eleven: heart of glass
twelve: red
thirteen: time to decide
fourteen: fears and phobias, forever and always
fifteen: the interview from hell
sixteen: child's play
eighteen: time for change
nineteen: dancing on each others toes
twenty: yours truly
twenty one: caesar salad & superheroes
twenty two: reassuring hugs
twenty three: my lips are sealed
twenty four: a little party never killed nobody
twenty five : not just any dinner
twenty six: surprise, surprise!
twenty seven : like father like son
twenty eight: those three words

seventeen: calls at two a.m.

5.2K 151 18
By Chelsea_Rena

Chapter Seventeen

Calls At Two A.M.

"Thanks again, Tom..." I said, my hands gripping on the door, almost about to close it. I already offered for him to stay the night, but Tom had other plans. Which was fine, he was a celebrity and I was just a normal person. I peered down at William, who had his hands wrapped around a large plush monkey, "Will, say thank-you to dad."

"Thank-you! Thank-you! Thank-you, Dadda!" William cried at the top of his lungs, throwing his arms around Tom once more.

Tom smirked, "It was nothing, really. I just wanted to spend time with my boy..." He bent down and ran his fingers through his sons hair. William giggled innocently and Tom returned to his tall figure. He smiled faintly, "I'll call you tomorrow."

"I can't wait," I whispered before closing the door in his face. I exhaled loudly and stared down at William. Turns out I wasn't the only one with my back against the door and wandering off into deep thought, "Hey." I said quickly, making him look up at me, "Are you hungry?"

"Dad and I already had dinner..." William yawned before sliding his back cowards against the door and sitting on the carpet. His eyes fluttered to a close and he kept his new monkey friend against his chest.

"Somebody is ready for bed..." I whispered, my hand wrapping around his and beginning our walk towards his bedroom. William slumped behind me tirelessly and with his eyes shut. He was absolutely knackered. I brought him up into my arms and placed him on the bed with placidness. William muffled a thank you and I brought the blankets up to his neck, tucking him into bed. I brought myself to sing his lullaby as I caressed my hand up and down his arm, just like Tom would do to me.

I turned off the lights and closed the door, leaving it open ajar. I rubbed my eyes and made my way towards my own bedroom. I shut the door behind me and slid the blinds across. The lanterns above my bed flickered off after I flicked the switch, giving away the dimmest of light, leaving my room almost completely dark.

I brought the covers over my cold body as I retreated into the quilts and sunk into the mattress. My eyelids closed over and I couldn't help but drift in and out of sleep. My fingers made their way across the other side of the bed, grabbing pillows and placing them in a body like figure. I cuddled up beside it and the warmth from them rebounded like some sort of radioactivity.

It was like Tom was there.

But he wasn't.

And that made me cry silently to sleep.

Through out the night, I got a phone call, and my annoying ringtone practically shrilled through the bedroom. I rubbed my eyes and felt my hand around the bedside table for my phone. I slid my thumb across the 'answer' panel and brought it up to my ear, "Hello?" I said groggily.

"Avery?" Tom's voice asked, unsure.

"Tom..." I breathed, a smile on my face. I flopped into my back and ran my fingers through my hair, "It's so good to hear your voice again."

Tom chuckled softly to himself, "You have no idea. I couldn't stop thinking about you."

I squinted and peered at my blinds, sunlight not even threatening to flood through. I cleared my throat of sleep talk and spoke again, "Tom? What time is it?"

"It's two in the morning," Tom's gravelly voice echoed, "I had a night out with the boys but it wasn't the same without you. I just wanted to talk because I miss you."

I tried not to laugh, "We haven't seen each other for what? Five hours? And you claim that you miss me?"

I could feel Tom smile on the other line, "It's what love does to men..."

"Tom?" I murmured, a smirk on my face.

"Yes, darling?"

I bit my lip, "Are you drunk?"

Tom did what I couldn't; he laughed. But it was one of those 'this-is-hilarious-only-because-I'm-drunk-and-I-don't-know-any-better' laughs. He struggled to find words and I heard a clattering sound, "I don't think so..." He cooed, "I don't remember drinking that much."

I rolled my eyes pathetically and sat up, "Tom, I want you to hang up and go to sleep," I instructed, "The best way to get rid of intoxication is to sleep it off..."

"But darling, I'm not tired..." He purred, rolling around on something or rather, "I want to talk to you."

This was strange; he had never been this drunk before. I mean, Tom Hiddleston, drunk? It was quite peculiar. It was almost like a rare event, something that happened only on a blue moon, "Tom? Who did you go out with tonight?"

"Some guys in the business, some guys from work..." Tom slurred, "Don't worry, Avery, they're good people."

I frowned; people from work? "Well, Tom, can you promise me that you will get some rest? Currently, I'm exhausted. Call me tomorrow." I tapped the 'end' button and slinked back into my sleeping position, placing my phone on the table. I put the phone on silent and wrapped myself into the blankets. Something didn't seem right.

Tom never talked about people from work.


"Here you go, Will...' I grinned, slipping a waffle on the plate, "Just promise me you won't go crazy with the chocolate sauce?" William nodded innocently and leapt for the sauces; I guess things will never change.

I made my way into the kitchen and my eyes caught the glowing green neon numbers on the microwave. It was eleven and Tom still had not called me. I was beginning to get worried, but that was just an overreaction. When you wake after a night of being drunk, the last thing you want to do is get up.

Trust me. I know from experience.

I ate my waffle in silence as Will sat in front of the television, watching some sort of cartoon. When I finished off, I cleaned myself in a quick shower and hopped out, feeling quite refreshed. I got changed into a basic pair of denim jeans and a white shirt with black flats. Nothing much, since it was a lazy stay-at-home day.

A vibration from the bedside table became audible when I brushed past it. Five missed calls from Tom? No wonder I hadn't heard it go off; I put my phone on silent! I slapped my palm onto my forehead and groaned pathetically. I quickly called him back and raised the phone to my ear, "Avery?" He questioned, "God, I was so worried. Why didn't you answer my calls?"

"I-I had my phone on silent..." I apologised, "Sorry for scaring you."

"It's alright, I'm just having some trouble filling in the pieces about last night. My head is pounding and the last thing I remember is dropping William off at your place..." Tom explained, "I checked my recent calls and it said we talked to each other at 2:14 in the morning."

"Yeah, that's right," I responded, "You were drunk."

"Well, you're not wrong. I'm so badly hungover..." Tom grumbled, "Shit, I have an interview today as well..."

"Don't stress. Just calm down and drink plenty of water. Take a paracetamol," I instructed through the phone, flopping onto my bed.

Tom sighed quickly, "Wow. I just got a serious case of déjà vu..."

"We went through this the night after we met up," I replied quickly, half laughing.

"Right. I knew that," Tom said, making me laugh. For another five minutes, I told him to take some medicine and lie down, and he did without question. I tried to ask him about last night, yet he could hardly remember anything. He only remembered a few faces and some events, but other then that, nothing.

A message tri-tone echoed through the phone and Tom grunted, noises making their way through the line. He read the message as he whispered it under his breath, hardly audible, "What does it say?" I asked.

"Hey Tom! Last night was great. Hope your not too hungover haha. Sara and I were wondering if you wanted to come with us to a dance this coming Friday. You can bring your friends, we don't mind. Text me back if you're interested..." Tom read aloud, pausing for a significant amount of seconds, "That message was from Josh. He's a guy from work. I must have spent the night with him and his mates."

"I figured..." I replied, enveloped in my own thoughts, "Oh, Tom. A dance sounds like fun! Can we go?"

Tom waisted no time to reply, "Of course we can!"

"Can we bring Laura and Drew? It would be a good catch up with Laura, and give us a chance to properly meet Drew," I questioned, sitting up on the bed. Laura would love to come, dances were her favourite! She would drag me along to all the school formals and the debutantes. Plus, it would give me another excuse to wear a dress.

"Sure! I've been meaning to meet both of them!" Tom responded, "Ok, darling ,I'll reply to the message later, though. Right now I've just got to have a lay down for a few hours. I'll talk to you later."

"Alright then Tom. Have a good nap!" I grinned, and Tom laughed, blessing his last goodbyes to me. Before hanging up, I added in a small potion of information, "A bit of a warning in advance: I can't ballroom dance. At all. Bye!" I hung up quickly before he could say anything and clutched the phone to my heart, sighing. I sent Laura a message about the dance directly after I finished swooning over the call and my phone vibrated through my hands. I tapped the new received message and blushed.

Don't worry. I'll teach you.


Aw, isn't that cute? They're so adorable I just- I don't know if I ship them because that would be weird because that's my own character and... *sigh* what am I doing with my life?


Okie dokie! *calms down* Please, please, PLEASE comment your thoughts below and tell me what you think! I know I ask for this every single time but I love reading your comments, they inspire and help me write!

And come on, my authors note aren't THAT long... are they?

PS. Would Tom and Avery's ship name be along the lines of Tavery? Or Averom? (Yeah obviously I'm no good at this... Any suggestions?)

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