Time Travel ~ The Past Meets...

By CrystalSerenity12

628K 16.1K 9.1K

Boruto and Sarada are the best of friends, well sometimes they fight, like Naruto and Sasuke back in those da... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Suprise! Special Chapter
Sequel Reveal!!!
Sequel Release!!!!!

Chapter 19

13.9K 440 149
By CrystalSerenity12

Back in the past timeline, the young team 7 were laying on the grass of the forest, still unconscious. Sakura was first to wake up.

She groaned in pain when she felt an ache on her head. She put her hand against her head and rubbed it gently, muttering to herself, "What happened? Where am I?"

Then she noticed her two teammates beside her. She shook the raven haired boy first, resulting him to jolt up, pulling out his katana.

Sakura gasped, taken aback by this, but of course, Sasuke was a very light sleeper. He is still on guard and alerted even in his sleep.

He looked at Sakura in suprise before pulling his katana back, realising that it was not one of the enemies. He shut his eyes tightly and mumbled a quiet 'ouch', probably also having a headache.

"Sa....kura? Where are we?"

"Eto, I don't really know myself."

Then they both looked at the still sleeping blonde.

He was mumbling incoherent words, which they figured was something related to ramen.

"Naruto, wake up," Sakura said and shook him the same way she did to Sasuke earlier.

But he only turned away, his back facing Sakura.

An irk mark appeared on Sakura's forehead. She was really not in the mood to deal with the blonde, especially with the headache.

Sasuke snorted, receiving a glare from Sakura. Then he scooted closer to Naruto and said in a monotone voice, "Teme, there is a new flavour of ramen in Ichiraku."

Just after Sasuke finished that sentence, Naruto quickly bounced up, yelling, "REALLY?!"

"Neh, not really," it was Sakura's turn to snort.

'Wow, he falls for that a thousand times.'


"Shut it, usuratonkachi."

"Why you-"

Then he was cut off by the sting on his head. He clutched his head, hoping the pain will go away.

"You're also having a headache?" Sakura asked.

"Wait, you too?" Naruto replied.

"Hn, seems like we all have a headache," Sasuke jumped to the point. "And what are those?"

He pointed to Naruto's hands.

"What?" Naruto said and looked at his hands. "Oh my! I didn't feel anything in my arms just now! What are these anyway?"

He shoved the paper in front of his face. Sakura and Sasuke decided to read as well.

Once they are done reading, they looked at the scroll in Naruto's other hand.

"Wonder what's inside," Sakura said.

"Dunno," Naruto shrugged. "Let's just give this to baa-chan."

Then they zoomed inside Konoha and continued their way to the Konoha Office.

They slammed the door open with full force.


"Ah, you're finally back. Hooray," Tsunade sarcastically said, not really enjoying Naruto's hyperactive aura around. For the past 5 to 6 days she has never felt so peaceful before.

"Baa-chan! Baa-chan! Someone gave this scroll to you!" Naruto said, handing over the scroll.

"Oh, and who might that be?"

"I don't know."

Tsunade sighed and opened the scroll. She examined every single words written on the scroll and gasped slightly as she saw the name of the scroll sender.

Dear Tsunade baa-chan,

I have sent these three back to their own timeline. And I also erase their memories, making sure that don't remember anything about their encounter with us.

So please just tell them some random lies if they asked you about anything related to those events. I beg you.

And about how they ended up in the forest when they came back here, tell them that they just came back from a mission and they're knocked out by some rogues. And could you also keep this a secret to yourself? Ask Hinata to do it too. We do not want things to mess up once again.

From the Seventh Hokage of Konoha
Uzumaki Naruto

"And by the way, what happened to us? We found ourselves laying on the forest," Naruto asked.

'Ugh you are so gonna pay for this, you damn Uzumaki Hokage,' Tsunade hissed in her mind.

"Um....you see, I sent you three out on a mission and it seems like you three were knocked out by some rogue-nin," Tsunade lied.


"And I don't remember much about coming back to Konoha. I only remember being dragged back here by Naruto, yet it feels like a dream," Sasuke grunted.

"Oh, you're right," Tsunade nodded.

"Well, now let's go to Ichiraku!!!" Naruto yelled, dragging both Sakura and Sasuke by their arms.

While the blonde told stories to Sasuke about how cool and awesome he is defeating many enemies when Sasuke isn't present, Sasuke turned to Sakura and smirked.

"I might not remember much, but I do remember you and me dating, right?"

Sakura blushed, "Y-yeah. I guess so."

Sasuke smiled. No, it wasn't a stupid smirk or a wicked grin, but a REAL SMILE. A GENUINE ONE.

"You really look beautiful. And I do hope that you're stronger now."

"Ohoho," an evil glint was seen from Sakura's emerald eyes as she tightened her gloves around her wrists, "Do you really want to see?"

Sasuke gulped, somehow scared of what Sakura will do to him, "N-no."

Her dark aura changed back into a bubbly one. She smiled sweetly at him, realising that Naruto was waaaayyy ahead of them and tugged Sasuke's sleeve, "Now, let's go, shall we?"


Meanwhile with Naruto.....

He was almost arriving at Ichiraku when he spotted Hinata. He smiled cheerfully and ran towards her, calling, "HINATA-CHAN! I haven't seen you in a while!"

Hinata was suprised to see him and a blush crept up to her cheeks. She smiled a shy smile to Naruto and greeted back, "H-hello, Naruto-kun."

Then a memory went pass him. He somehow felt a developing crush on the Hyuuga heiress. He blushed too, not remembering how or when it happened.

"U-um, would you like to join me to eat at Ichiraku?"

Hinata was once again suprised by the knucklehead ninja's sudden invitation, but happy and delighted notheless.

"O-of course!"

Then Naruto wrapped his hands around hers, causing a blush to both of them. They walked to Ichiraku together, eyes never leaving each other.

And when the Sasusaku couple arrived on Ichiraku, they saw the Naruhina couple kissing.

Sakura was fangirling silently at how they cute they are, while Sasuke snickered and mumbled, "Took you long enough, usuratonkachi."

They were happy, but sadly, they didn't know that time travel caused this all -well, except for Hinata.


Dhowhsuxojckjfkrntbrbevgecnxbnzndueuejwnq OMG! My first Naruhina fluff! ♡_♡ Kya!!!! They really are so cute together!! Anyway, the next chapter will be the last one, and most possibly, a sequel will come out.

Vote and comment~☆!

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