Loving His Demons

By brianderson1999

6.3K 406 27

Wyatt is 25 and struggling to keep up with his bills. After just being fired he's desperate to find a job. Ev... More

Chapter 1- New Job✅
Chapter 2- Plea Bargaining✅
Chapter 3- Parker✅
Chapter 4- Family dinner ✅
Chapter 5- Dirty, Filthy, Whore ✅
Chapter 6- I Just want your time✅
Chapter 7- I feel safe with you
Chapter 8- I'll save you... I'll always save you
Chapter 9- Breakdown after Breakdown
Chapter 10- Don't think just do
Chapter 11- Getting your man
Chapter 12- Date night and throwing up
Chapter 14- Wyatt's secrets
Chapter 15- Two Deaths
Chapter 16- Relapsing
Chapter 17- David's Secrets
Chapter 18-Fights and Forgiveness
Chapter 19- Birthday
Chapter 20- Hurtful Words
Chapter 21- Stupid Hormones!
Chapter 22- I Did it to protect you!
Chapter 23- Thanksgiving Peace
Chapter 24- I need help
Chapter 25- Lunch date
Chapter 26- Emotional day, Family night.
Chapter 27- First Therapy.
Chapter 28- Santa Claus
Chapter 29- Church or sleep?
Chapter 30-Last Family Dinner

Chapter 13- Passing out

178 14 0
By brianderson1999

(This will probably be short. Like really really short. Next chapter should be its normal length)

Chapter 13
Loving His Demons
Wyatt's POV
July 11th

"Are you well enough to accompany me at trial today?" David asks me. I nod my head "I'll be fine. What time is it at?" I ask him.
"10 am" he says and I nod my head. "As long as I don't eat until after I'll be fine" I say and he sighs and nods his head.

"So I guess breakfast is out of the picture" He says. "You can eat if you want" I say.

"Nah I'll just wait to eat with you" he says so I nod my head and we finish getting ready

I'm wearing a baby blue dress shirt with a navy blue jacket and navy blue dress pants. David is wearing a white dress shirt with a black suit jacket and black dress pants.

(Wyatt's outfit)

(David's outfit)

Once we are finished getting ready David walks over to me and kisses me. I wrap my arms around his neck and he deepens the kiss making me moan into his mouth.

He pulls away and kisses my forehead "You look beautiful baby" he says and I blush "thanks stud muffin you look sexy" I say and he chuckles "Stud muffin?" He asks and I blush "it's the first thing that popped into my head" I say and he chuckles again.

"Well let's go or else we're going to be late" he says grabbing my hand and leading me out of his house. We get into the SUV and Brayden pulls out of the drive way and starts driving to the court house.

I lay my head on David's shoulder suddenly feeling exhausted. "you okay?" He asks quietly in my ear and I nod "Yeah just tired" I say and he kisses my forehead "it shouldn't be too long All I have to do is give a closing statement and then the jury deliberates which could take a couple days so the Judge will dismiss us and then call us when the jury is ready." He says and I nod my head and close my eyes.

15 minutes later we arrive in the court house. David gives me a soft look and a kiss before his face turns cold and emotionless. We walk into the courtroom and I sit behind the bar.

"All rise Judge Sharon is now presiding" the baliff says

We stand up and wait for the judge to come in once she comes in she told us we can be seated and wait for her to continue the trial.

"Prosecution are you ready for your closing statement?" She looks at David.

He stands up "Yes your honor" he says and walks around the table to the middle of the room and faces the jury

"Ladies and Gentlemen of the Jury we are here today because that man" David says and pauses walking over to the defense side and points to the defendant

"Committed an unspeakable crime. The defendant Isaac Hendrich murdered his best friend. He took away Levi Cavanaughs life! Ladies and gentlemen think about the victims family and in their time of grieving. The prosecution has the burden of proving this defendant guilty and I believe we have gladly met that burden. We have give you evidence to prove that the defendant killed the victim. You have his hair at the scene you have gun shot residue on HIS clothing and you have the defendants DNA at the crime scene. Now the defense will try to blame it on Tyler Cherry and yes it is true that there was also evidence on Tyler Cherry but I can give you reasons why Mr. Cherry has not committed the crime all the evidence there was against him was there because he had an argument with the victim a week before his death. The victims fingerprints and shoe prints were there because he had visited the victim a week before. Tyler Cherry's blood was found at the scene because he punched the wall and cut himself. Now you may think these are coincidences but here's why they're not. Isaac Hendrich had motive to kill his best friend because he was having an affair with her what was Mr. Cherrys motive? There was none. So think about that. Ladies and gentlemen of the jury the prosecution had done your job now it's time to do yours. Think about The victins family during this time. Please do the right thing listen to the fact and we ask you to choose a verdict of guilty. Thank you" My amazing man concludes with. I smile at him and he keeps his face emotionless but winks at me.

The defense finishes up their closing statement and the judge gives the jury directions after that we are free to leave. So I follow David out to the car and we get in.

David tells Brayden to head to a restaurant and I start to feel light headed.

David grabs my hand and squeezes it. "Everything okay?" He asks and I nod my head and peck his lips.

Once we arrive at the restaurant we get out. I start to walk forward and I start to see stars I feel myself fall forward and David calls out to me and the next thing I knew I darkness consumed me.

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