Mismatch |Book 1|

By NiyAlsina

594K 34.4K 18.4K

Demitri is just a normal teen, enjoying his senior year alongside his best friend, Tyler. Reina is...differen... More



16.7K 1K 437
By NiyAlsina

I'm sorry I didn't update yesterday. I tried, but I could barely keep my eyes open because I was so tired.

I'll make it up to y'all with another update later on.


Tyler and I texted on the phone all night. He's so nice, I think I'm starting to like him.

But I'm still cautious because I never know if he could just be playing me for a good laugh. Boys never give me the time of day once they find out my condition.

"What you all smiley for? Who you texting?" Kylee asked with a smirk, wiggling her eyebrows.

I passed her my phone and her eyes widend in shock. She looked over at the lunch table where Tyler and Demitri were sitting with a group of boys. Tyler was too occupied into his phone.

Seniors and Juniors have lunch together so I'm still able to see Tyler during this period.

"You're talking to Tyler?" She asked, passing back my phone.

"Y-yeah." I blushed.

"Well your man is coming over here right now." She looked over my shoulder.

I turned around and sure enough, Tyler was walking over to out table. He caught me looking at him and he smiled.

He sat next to me, throwing his arm over my shoulder.

"How you doing beautiful?" He grinned.

I gave him a slight wave.

"What I tell you? I like it when you talk to me." He tapped my chin.

"H-hi." I looked away from him.

I don't understand why he likes listening to me talk. It should be annoying to talk to someone that stutters with every word that comes of of their mouth.

"Listen, my parents are out of town this weekend so I'm throwing a party. I would be happy if you came." He gave me a pleading look.

I honestly didn't want to go. All those people around me will trigger my anxiety. I don't talk to anyone but Kylee and Tyler so I'll most likely be an outcast.

"You can bring you friend if you want." He added, referring to Kylee.


He smiled, "Cool, I'll talk to you later."

He got up and went back to his table. Demitri was shooting daggers at me.

I wonder if he's got a secret crush on Tyler or something because he's always getting mad when he's talking to me.

"Reina likes Tyler!" Kylee shouted making people in the cafeteria look at us.

"Sh-shut....u-up." I looked behind me seeing Tyler smirking.

That's just great.


"I-I d-don't...n-need som-someone t-to loo-look.....a-after m-me." I snapped at my mother.

She had to go work a night shift and she has Demitri looking after me. His mom works nights shifts too so she couldn't do it.

She still doesn't know about Demitri acting the way he does towards me. I plan to keep it that way because it will just cause problems.

"I'm sure you're capable of looking after yourself, but I would like for someone to keep an eye on you." She told me as she packed her lunch for work.

"Y-you t-thi-think I-I'm t-too s-slow t-to b-be le-left a-a-alone." I hissed, getting frustrated by her.

She never leaves me home alone like I'm going to burn the house or something.

"Watch your month, Reina." My mother warned.

"Y-you're ju-just l-like J-John-Johnathan. Y-you d-don't f-fucking ca-care!" I stomped up the stairs.

"Reina Ivana McKinley, you get your high yellow ass back here right now!" She shouted as I heard her heels clacking against the wooden stair care behind me.

I slammed the door to my room. Her footsteps got closer before she was busting into my room.

"Don't walk away from me when I'm talking to you and you curse at me again I'll knock the curls out your damn hair. Now Demitri is going to watch you and that's final." She walked out of my room, slamming my door.

I fell onto my bed face down. I kicked and screamed into the pillow out of frustration.

Why can't she just let me be independent?

I stayed upstairs for a good ten minutes before I got hungry. When I walked downstairs, Demitri was sitting on the couch watching TV.

He turned around when he heard my bare feet slap onto the floor. He just stared and it was making me uncomfortable.

"W-what a-are yo-you loo-l-looking a-at?" I mugged him.

"A dumb ass." He mimicked my facial expression.

I'm really getting sick of him. He was so nice to me when we first me. Why is he treating me this way now that he knows about my condition.

"Bi-Bitch." I turned on my heel, walking towards the kitchen.

I was snatched back by my arm, crashing into a hard chest.

"What the fuck you just say." I heard his voice rumble through his chest.

I looked down, suddenly becoming a coward. My body was forcefully knocked to the ground.

"Don't call me out my name you dumb bitch. Tyler might like you, but I couldn't care less about your feelings." He sneered as he towered over me.

Tears threatened to fall from my eyes, but I refuse to let him see my cry. I got up and scurried past him to my room, closing and locking my door.

My hands were trembling as I bawled my eyes out.

It's just like my father all over again. I can't escape it...

I skipped down the stairs with the decorated construction paper in my hand. It was my sixth father's day.

"Daddy, look what I made for you." I said, walking into the living room where my dad was watching the basketball game.

I handed him the hand made card and he just looked at it with a bored expression on his face. He ripped it up and threw it on the ground.

My smile disappeared from face as I began to softly cry.

"I-I hate yo-you!" I shouted, stomping my foot.

Before I knew it, the back of his hand came in contact with my cheek making me fall to the ground. His ring cut my face making it bleed a little.

"You don't talk to me that way you little disrespectful bitch!" He yelled causing me to flinch.

I got up and ran to my room. That's where I stayed until my mother called me down for dinner.

She was gone at work all day.

I sat at the table with my head down. My wild curls covered my face so she didn't see the red mark on my face along with the cut.

"Sweetie, sit up straight and eat your dinner." My mother told me.

I did as told and my hair fell out of my face.

"What happened!" She grabbed me by my chin, examining my cheek.

My dad gave me a look that told me he might hit me again if I tell.

"I...f-fell o-outside." I lied.

She looked at me suspiciously, "What were you doing?"

"R-running." I still felt my dad eyes burning into the side of my head.

"Hm, after dinner I'll clean that cut so it doesn't get infected." She looked at me as if she still didn't believe me.

But she never found out what really happened and I'll never tell.




What do you think about the story so far?

Excuse mistakes.

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