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Y'all getting so upset about Reina starting a new 'relationship' with Bryant and I'm trying to figure out where I insinuated that she wanted him as a boyfriend. 🤔

I recall him asking her name and for her phone number. Don't jump to conclusions.


"Demmyyy." Monica whined.

"What I tell you about calling me that?" I snapped.

"Why can't I call you that?"

"Because I said so." I rolled my eyes in annoyance.

It's been two months and Reina hasn't spoken to me. She's been spending all her time with Bryant. They aren't dating, Kylee says she doesn't want a relationship and neither does he. They're just friends, but that still doesn't mean I like it.

Monica, she's so clingy. She thinks she's my girlfriend and that's not the case. She's just temporary until Reina comes back around. I say she overreacted with the whole situation, but I do admit that I was kind of stringing her along.

I didn't mean to. It was just that I thought that maybe she wanted to wait for a relationship after what happened with Tyler. Every time I try to explain myself to her, she wants to start an argument.

I admit, I shouldn't have did the whole window thing, but I can't take it back now.

"We should go to prom together." She suddenly said.

It's May, so that means prom and graduation is right around the corner. I'm not ready for neither.

"I'm good." I mumbled.

She frowned, "Why not?"

"Because I'm not going to prom."

What's the point if I'm going to be sitting down all the time. I'm off of crutches now, but I still have to wear a brace at all times. My ACL is far from fully recovered. I've only gained little strength, enough to form a steady walking pattern.

But I can't stand for a long time because it gets painful after a while. So there's absolutely no reason for me to go to prom. It would honestly be a waste of money.

"Why?" She asked again making me groan in frustration.

"Because I'm injured, Monica."


"You gave me what I wanted so you can leave now." I pointed at the door.

She rolled her eyes and got up from my bed. I followed her downstairs to the door. When I opened it Reina was just about to knock.

She looked Monica up and down before chuckling to herself.

"Is there a problem?" Monica sneered.

"Nope. Should there be a problem?" Reina kept a smile on her face.

Monica huffed and stormed away. I don't understand what that girl's problem is.

"My mom said that your mom wanted her to bake these cookies for the party tonight. She didn't want Hunter to get to them." She handed me the plate of cookies, not bothering to make eye contact with me.

My mom got a promotion at work so she's having a big celebratory party.

"Thanks, how are y-"

"You have a good day now." She turned to walked away, but I pulled her into the house by her arm, quickly shutting the door.

"How long are you going to keep this up?" I asked her.

"As much as I would love to talk to you, I have a ice cream date with my son." She tried to walk away again, but I blocked the door.

"Demitri, I don't have time for these games. Move out of my way."

"I will if you give me a kiss." I smirked.

"Okay." She kissed the palm of her hand and patted my cheek. "I'll see you tonight at the party."

She pushed me out her way and left.


The party has been going on for well over two hours and Reina has been intentionally avoiding me. I don't know why she insists on making this whole situation difficult. All I want to do is explain myself.

I walked up to her and tapped her shoulder.

"Hello, Demitri. How's your night going?" She asked. I know she was acting phony towards me.

"I have to talk to you."

"I'm busy." She turned her attention back to hunter playing with the other children.

I leaned down to her level, "I ain't ask."

She rolled her eyes, but she still got her ass up. I pushed past people as I followed her up to my room. I closed the door and watched her look around the room while standing.

"You know you can sit down." I plopped down on my bed.

She looked at my bed and made a disgusted face, "I'm good."

I sucked my teeth at how childish she was being, "These are clean sheets and covers."

I took in her red dress that was secured with a tied bow. Her heels made her legs look more amazing than they already are. She was makeup free like I like her to be.

"I'm sorry." I finally broke the awkward silence between us.

"That's nice. Can I go now?"

"So what is this? You're just giving up on us?" I asked.

She laughed to herself, "Us? You made it clear that we were 'chilling' so there never was an 'us', Demitri."

"But I want there to be. I was dumb for saying that and for what I did with Monica."

"Who you're still fucking. But you want there to be an us, right?" She tilted her head slightly.

"I'll drop her."

"I'm still not interested. I don't have time for games, Hunter is my main priority." She said.

"What's going on with you and Bryant?" I blurted out from the anger that was building up inside me. I wasn't angry at Reina, I was angry at myself for being so stupid.

"He's my friend. Nothing more, nothing less." She shrugged.

"You like him?" I asked, afraid of the answer I might get.

"No." She answered straightforwardly. "And if I did, it's not your business."

"It is my business, you're my business."

"I'm not. Just leave me alone and worry about yourself. You do you and I'll do the same." She opened my door, letting in the loud noise, and walked out.

I sighed and fell back onto my bed. I've went through so much trouble to get Reina and I let her slip through my fingers. I had her and I fucked it all up.

There's no getting her back now.




You think Reina is doing a little too much?


Excuse mistakes.

Mismatch |Book 1|Where stories live. Discover now