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"You did this to your own daughter, you sick bastard!" Tabitha shouted as the tears ran down her face uncontrollably.

She threw her plate of food at him and wrapped her hands his neck. I released him from her grip and my mom walked off with her to calm her down.

I ran upstairs to Reina's room, finding her crying in her hands.

"I-I'm sorry." She looked up at me when I sat next to her.

"Why are you apologizing?" I asked.

"Because I r-ruined y-your fi-first thanksgiving b-back from c-college." She cried.

"Don't apologize, you did the right thing." I pulled her close to me.

"Tabitha, get that thing away from me God dammit!" We heard Johnathan yell from downstairs.

Reina got up and ran downstairs with me right behind her. We stopped dead in our tracks when we saw Tabitha aiming a gun right at Johnathan. She held a cold expression on her face with her hand steady as a brain surgeon.

The room was dead silent as we all looked at her holding the silver 9mm pistol in her hand. Fuck Johnathan, I was scared for my life. Something tells me this isn't the first time Tabitha's held a gun in her hand.

"You won't shoot me." Johnathan said boldly.

"Oh I won't?" She chuckled evilly before pulling the trigger, shooting right above his head. Then she actually shot him in the shoulder. "Get the fuck out my house."

He scurried out of his chair and left, holding his bleeding shoulder. Tabitha sighed and sat in her chair. She sipped on her wine and looked at the three of us.

"Come eat." She smiled.

I slowly sat in my chair, along with everyone else. It was silent for the rest of the evening.


"Ayye, Mitri back!" Lazarus threw his hands up when I walked into the room.

"Wassup man." I chuckled, sitting my stuff down on the floor. "How was your break?"

"Man, I forgot how bad all the girls from NOLA are. My moms threw down in that kitchen though. What did you do?"

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Eat. Watch my girlfriend's mom shoot her dad. Eat some more. And fuck.

"Just chill with my girl." I simply replied.

It thought for a second and snapped his fingers, "The crazy girl that flew all the way out here last month?"

I chuckled, "Yeah, that's her."

"Now I'm not the type to settle down, but she's a keeper." He said.

"I know." I smiled.


I sat in my room, isolating myself from everyone. Seeing my dad always brings up the past. Yesterday was just too much for me.

"Reina?" My mom knocked on my door before walking in. She closed the door and sat on the edge of my bed. "You want anything to eat? You've been up here all day."

Mismatch |Book 1|Where stories live. Discover now