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Good morning, beautiful. 😚
-6:30 a.m.

Why you been dodging a nigga?
-12:15 p.m.

Rein! Answer me! 😭
-12:16 p.m.

I know you see my messages.
12:20 p.m.

You gonna keep ignoring me? Okay.👌
-1:05 p.m.

Those were only some of the messages from today. He's been trying to talk to me all week, but I'm not having it. I refused to get beaten up again for him.

After school he tried to talk to me, but I pretty much ran from him. It's breaking my heart. I really like Tyler.

"Reina!" I heard my mom yell from downstairs.

I quickly got up to see what she was calling me for. As I was halfway down the stairs I saw Tyler standing at the door. He frowned when he saw my face.

My mom knew what happened and it took a lot of begging to make her not go up to the school. I made her cover my face with make up to hide the scratches, bruises, and noticeable black eye.

"Reina!" My mom snapped me from my daydream.

"M-ma'am." I looked down at the ground.

"This young man came to see you." She smiled. I knew exactly why she was.

"O-okay." My eyes remained on the ground.

She gestured for him to follow me up to my room.

"Keep your door open." She said sternly as we walked up the stairs.

I still closed the door behind Tyler when he walked in. I sat on my bed, not bothering to say anything to him.

"So you not going to talk to me?" He spoke, obviously annoyed by the silence.

I still said nothing.

"Look at me." He told me with so much athourity.

My eyes remained where they were, on the ground.

His hand grabbed me by my chin, forcing me to look up at him.

"Who did this to you?" He asked in a softer tone. His eyes scanned over my face.

I pushed his hand away, not responding. It was none of his business anyway.

"Reina, I'm not going to ask you again. Who the fuck did this to you?" He began getting agitated with my silence.

"A-Angel." I finally admitted.

I glanced up at him to see him clench his jaw with his face turning red from anger. He looked down at me and his face softened.

"I'm sorry." He apologized, bending down to hug me, but I pushed him away.

"I-I ca-can't b-be" I told him, quoting what Angel said.

"Who told you that?!" The volume of his voice made me flinch."I'm sorry, baby girl."

"A-Angel." I mumbled.

"Fuck her! The hell are you listening to that bitch for?!" He yelled.

I started crying, "I-I'm so-sorry, j-just st-stop y-y-yelling."

I hate when people yell at me. It scares me.

"No, no. I'm sorry." He sat next to me, pulling me onto his lap.

Mismatch |Book 1|Where stories live. Discover now