Dramione-Falling Apart

By Mrs_Barrington

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My apologies but this is my first fanfiction and I wrote it when I was 13-please note that the romance moves... More

Dramione-Falling Apart
Hogwarts (Honor Student)-Edited
Honor Student
I Think, I Think I Like You
High (Emotion wise ;)
Do you want to?
Draco meet Ginny, Ginny meet Draco
Death Eaters Revenge
Your Enemy, My Boyfriend
Will you come?
The Trial
Stacey The Siren
What Were You Up To?
Together We Can Do Anything
Mum, Dad, Meet Hermione
Narcissa's Story
Stacey. Again.
Polyjuice Potion
A bang, a shout and a Draco Malfoy.

Time Turner
Stacey Riddle, a tale of Voldermort's Niece
Let It Go
Moving On
Stacey's Trial
Love You
Authors note-Sequel news
The Twins First Birthday-OneShot
How Dare He

What's wrong with me?

17.4K 507 83
By Mrs_Barrington

Hermione's POV:

I felt hollow, empty everywhere I went people would look at me and snigger, oh that's Hermione Granger, yeah The Golden Trio, Ron cheated on her. With a Veela! I needed to breakdown. Have another shower, read a book, maybe kiss Draco more. My classes usually involved me moping about. I just couldn't concentrate. I was put through hell with potions, Slughorn giving me a sympathetic face and Flitwick pulling me aside and telling me I didn't have to do the homework. I wanted to cry. I ate dinner quickly muttered an apology and ran to my dorm.

I sat on my bed and threw my robe on the floor. I got dressed in my pajamas and crawled under the covers of my Gryffindor blanket. I put my head in my hands and finally allowed myself to cry. After being strong for so long I could no longer could. I curled up in a ball and sobbed. I shook as tears continued to fall down my face. I couldn't believe that I was letting everyone get to me. Especially after rereading Hogwarts, A History. I pulled out my wand from my robe and cast a new spell I learnt. "Asusmac," I whispered. The thing that made me happy the most was supposed to appear in front of me. But nothing did. I cried all over again. Why was the spell not working? Did nothing make me happy?

I heard the door open and realised that Draco was hear. I quickly wiped away my tears and hoped that my eyes weren't red and puffy. I went to greet him and the look on his face said that yes, he could tell I had been crying.  

"Mione? Why are you crying?" he said. I lost control and ran over to him and gave him a hug. He embraced me and held on tightly. He carried me gently to the edge of my bed and I clung onto him tightly. 

"Why are you crying?" He asked again softly. 

"Draco, I can't deal with it! Everyone keeps looking at me, whispering, sniggering and all my teachers are being sympathetic like I can't handle it. I have no passion for anything! I don't really try my hardest anymore. I don't have any energy. Then I said this new spell I learnt asusmac it's supposed to make the thing that makes you happy appear in front of you. Nothing did appear. Does nothing make me happy? What's wrong with me?"

"Mione of course something makes you happy! Perhaps you misread the spell. It could be something as simple as that. Don't get worked up over it. I'm sure your teachers just thought you needed a break and for the whole whats wrong with me thing? You might have your imperfections but to me you're perfect. The thing I always admired about you was the way when things got bad you invested yourself in your work. I know you can do it. If you ever need it, I am here. I will do anything. I'll always be there to listen. And Mione..." He paused for a moment. 

"I, I love you." My heart stopped and I realised that perhaps i had misread the spell. And that if things get tough I have him, I can do my work that always helps. He, he said he loved me. I loved him too. No one had ever made me feel so much better. Especially not after a day like today. 

"Draco. I love you too and thank you I feel so much better."

I couldn't help myself as I leaned in and gave him a kiss. He kissed me back and I deepened the kiss. Tangling my hands in his hair, his hands supported my back and I wrapped my legs around his back, not even realising what I was doing. He kissed a trail down my neck and to my shirt. I quickly pulled away, even though I wanted nothing more than to continue what we were doing. 

"Did I do something wrong?" Draco asked cautiously. 

"Definitely not. I just thought that maybe we could try that when I'm more experienced." I didn't want to exactly call myself a virgin and I think he got the idea. 

"Oh. I'm so sorry. Yeah another day." I felt bad that I had led him on.

"I love you Draco." I said. 

"I love you too Mione." We shared a passionate kiss, and I went to sleep.

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