A New Beginning

By Alecxis_Powers

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This book is the sequel to "Alecxis' Life" Hi! My name's Alecxis! I have done so much in my life because of w... More

Chapter One: An Introduction
Chapter Two: The Big News
Chapter Three: Maria
Chapter Four: Extending Family
Chapter Five: New Baby
Chapter Seven: My First Mission
Chapter Eight: New Powers
Chapter Nine: Big Job
Chapter Ten: Meeting Old Friends
Chapter Eleven: New Experiences
Chapter Twelve: Getting Started
Chapter Thirteen: Scavengers And Survivors
Chapter Fourteen: Sky Winters
Chapter Fifteen: Another Child
Chapter Sixteen: Deaths
Chapter Seventeen: Ember
Chapter Eighteen: Training A Baby Dragon
Chapter Nineteen: Normal?
Chapter Twenty: Ghoul Life
Chapter Twenty One: Suspended From Life?
Chapter Twenty Two: Aogiri Tree
Chapter Twenty Three: Finding Eto
Chapter Twenty Four: Messing With Memories
Chapter Twenty Five: Trouble
Chapter Twenty Six: I'm An Auntie?!
Chapter Twenty Seven: Earth Once Again
Chapter Twenty Eight: Crystal Rivers High School
Chapter Twenty Nine: Very Odd Relationship
Chapter Thirty: Love Is In The Air
Chapter Thirty One: Calling Names
Chapter Thirty Two: Naming
Chapter Thirty Three: Reunited

Chapter Six: Changing Minds

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By Alecxis_Powers


Myself and Max went to the commissioner's office the next day.

I knocked on the door.

"Come in." my oldest brother called.

"Hi." I greeted.

Max stayed quiet. We had made a plan earlier on.

"Alecxis? Max? What are you two doing here?" James sounded confused.

"Maria and Leo are with Kyra, Kyle and Dylan's family." I explained. "We've come here because I DON'T was to be stuck here for another two years. I want to be out on the front line again."

James sighed.

"You too Max?"


"Well, I can't-"

"I don't care! Look, I'm sick of being cooped up in H.Q., no matter what I do. I need to be out doing what I'm meant to do. Even if you don't agree, I'll be doing my job." I shouted. "I may be a mom now, but I don't know how to be one! I need to learn, not just from Yuki and the others. And I haven't seen the outside world in over a year."

James said nothing.

Max just stood there, ready to help.

I glared at the commissioner, who was my oldest brother.

"I'm not asking this of you as the commissioner, I'm asking this of you as my brother." I paused.

"You know it's not me who decides." James pointed out.

I just glared at him.

I was doing this because, who in the world wants to be stuck in a huge building, like a prisoner? And worse, not allowed even outside the compound for even a walk.

"Alecxis, Max, sit down."

We did. Max was on his phone as he was bored.

"You don't understand Alecxis. You're still recovering and so is you're magic."

"You known damn well I don't need magic to do my job!" I clenched my fists.

"Why won't you listen to reason?"

"Well, one, I'm your younger sister. Two, I hate doing nothing. And three, I. Am. Going. Insane." I basically spelt out the last one.

"Ok Alecxis. I get that you're bored here but it's for your own good." James was clearly getting annoyed.

"I'm not staying here. I won't be away for long. I know I have a responsibility as a mother. But I have over responsibilities too." I too was getting annoyed. "Just let me go out. Even once a week will do!"

James sighed again.

"Fine. Every Friday you may go out. But only when Leo can be fed by a milk formula. So in about six months. Ok?" James offered.

"Yes!" I was so happy.

Max must have heard what happened because he gave me a big hug.

"You happy now?" he whispered in my ear.

"Yes. Yes I am." I replied. I got up and went over to my brother. "Thank you." I hugged him.

"It's fine. Though I'll have to get the leader's approval."

"Don't worry about that." I said happily.

Both James and Max gave me an odd look.

"What?" I asked, an insane look in my eyes. I shook my head then itched the back of my neck. "Sorry. I told you I was going insane."

"Ok.. Let's get back to the kids." Max said slowly.

"Ok!" I skipped out of the room happily.

Again, I did say I was going insane.  I can hold it back but sometimes I can't do it. My eyes tend to show it.

I got to Dylan and Yuki's room in about three minutes. I knocked on the door, shaking my head from side to side viciously.

"Oh hi Alecxis!" Yuki had opened the door.

"Hi. Hello, my little Angel." Maria appeared from out behind Yuki. "Where's Leo?"

"In here. Come in." Yuki moved out of the way.

"Thanks. Leo?" the little boy came running to me. He was already a year old.

"Mama!" he cried out happily.

"Hello." I picked him up.

Myself and Yuki talked as Sara, Dara and Maria played together. I had to feed Leo so he couldn't join in for a while.

"Alecxis?" Max came into the little apartment.

"Hi Max." My eyes were back to normal, no sign of insanity there.

"We're needed at a meeting." he said bluntly before picking up a reluctant Maria.

"Oh. Well, cya around Yuki, Dylan." I waved goodbye as Max led me out of the apartment.


"Hello you two." James greeted.

"Hi!" I smiled.

"Sit down." the leader was at the head of the table.

We did. The meeting went on for a long time. By the time it was over, both Maria and Leo were asleep.

"You ready to move into our new home?" Max asked excitedly.

"Duh. Of course I am. Let's get there quickly. I don't want these two waking up anytime soon. They need their sleep." I said.

"Then let's go."

We were going to live in a new house, still on H.Q. grounds but a normal house.


I was dropping Maria off at daycare. I had Leo in my arms again.

"Bye bye Mammy!" Maria shouted, running into the daycare centre.

"Bye bye my Angel."

I walked back to our new home. Leo was awake.

"Mama!" he was playing with my hair.

When I got back, Max was already home.

"Hi Max!"

"Dada!" I let Leo down and he ran to his dad, stumbling along to the way.

"Hello Leo." Max played with Leo as I made some lunch.

"Lunch is ready guys!" I shouted from the kitchen. I brought the plates of food into the dining room.


"Mmm?" I asked, well, tried to ask as I was eating my ham and cheese toastie.

"Uh. Nothing. Never mind." Max was eating, not as much as normal.

"Why aren't you eating as much as usual?" I questioned.

"No reason. Just not that hungry. That's all."

"Yeah..." I took a huge bite out of my sandwich.

I can't wait till tomorrow!

Leo started crying so I had to bring him to his bedroom and played with him. Max had to go to another meeting.

"I won't be around tomorrow Leo. So daddy is going to mind you."

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