No One Is Perfect

TheBlueBubbles tarafından

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Wynter Miles has had a rough life from going to different foster families and homes, but not towns so no matt... Daha Fazla

No One Is Perfect-Chapter One
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen

Chapter Two

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TheBlueBubbles tarafından


I slowly walked towards the hurt man on the floor, that's when one of the attackers finally intervened. I smirked when I noticed he has a slight limp to his left leg and that he's slow. I think I'm going to have some fun.

He swung his fist towards my face and I hastily dodged and slammed my fist to his stomach, he doubled over so I kneed his face knocking him out cold. I smirked and someone grabbed my hair from behind me, should've seen that coming!

The person holding my hair turned me around making my head feel like it's on fire, but I made no noise, so I don't let the person know that it hurts me greatly. He smirked at my lack of acknowledgement of the pain he's dealing me. I started kicking and punching in to anything I could reach, that only made him laugh.

"Come on sweet cheeks, surely you can do better?" The one holding my hair taunted. He punched my stomach and laughed in my face.

I snarled and reached up to his hand holding my hair and dug my nails in not even thinking twice about stopping when I saw him wincing. He let go of my hair and held his bleeding hand to his chest.

"You little bitch!" He screamed at me, I smirked at his bleeding hand.

I started to walk up to him but the pain in my stomach made me drop to my knees; he hit me harder than I thought.

Another attacker laughed and said to the one holding his hand, "We can have some fun with this little fighter."

I stood back up, ignoring my protesting stomach kicked the man that talked right where it hurts, he fell holding him with his hands. He started yelling and I was afraid he would attract attention from the festival, finding us like this. I punched his face making him silent; he'll wake up soon though.

I turned my attention to the other man, "Your friend made quite a noise, I'm sure you don't want anyone finding you." I said sweetly, flexing my knuckles.

He growled and replied in a deadly tone, "I'll be back girl, and you won't be too lucky."

I feigned to look frightened and he glared at me before taking the other men and leaving.

I went to the injured man on the floor and checked for anything fatal, which looked okay only a little beaten.

"Come on, what I said before wasn't a lie, we have to get out of here." I said concerned of getting caught.

I helped him up by putting an arm around his waist and he automatically put on around my shoulders. He leaned on me and put most of his weight on me. It made my stomach cry in pain.

I grit my teeth together and we walked out of the forest, "Take me to the pay phone on the other side of the road by that light pole." He said pointing to a light pole a bit further down across the road.

"It'll be easier if you started walking by yourself." I grumbled pulling him forward.

He grinned at me, "But I'm hurt."

"You're no damsel in distress, hun." I said dropping him near the light pole.

He chuckled at me and under the light I saw how gorgeous he is. He has a mass of dirty blond hair that's messy in a cute type of way with a strong face. He has deep green eyes that you just want to get lost in; he has a very muscular build he's about six feet, towering over me. He has light subtle around his chin and cheeks.

He caught me checking him out and gave me a cocky smirk. I glared at him and sat down while he made a call.

I listened in after a while, "...No she knows nothing. Yes, she knocked two of them out the other scrammed...She knows nothing but yes, she is like us.... No, we must get her to trust her, not kidnap her.... Yes, I know the others will be after her! Get some protection for her... Pick me up in ten." He hung up.

What the hell just happened! I shouldn't have listened to that call; I won't take it seriously since he might have a concussion and talking non-sense.

He sat next to me wincing a little. "Your new here?" He said starting conversation.

"Yeah just moved here with my foster parents." I replied looking out to the sky.

He looked at me intensely before asking, "If you don't mind me asking, why are you fostered?"

I looked at him sharply, "I do mind, because it's none of your fucking business!" I said icily.

He held up his hands in a surrender gesture, "I didn't mean any harm."

I snorted; he's brought me lots of harm and not just with asking that but with those other men. "Who were they?"

Knowing exactly who I was talking about he replied, "People you shouldn't mess with."

I rolled my eyes, no shit I haven't noticed at all.

"What's your name?" He asks me.

"I'll tell you when I see you again, which won't be happening."

"Why not?"

"If I'm around you those guys will have better chances to finding me, and though I love fighting, I don't want to see them again. I mean, I just moved here today for gods' sake!" I yelled.

Understanding flashed across his face, "You're a smart one." He said tapping my head."

I poked my tongue at him and he smiled.

A car turned up and we departed, I followed our track of the way we came, and I went to find the boys.

When I found them, they were by the rides and they looked like they were in a heated discussion. I poked Nathan's side and he glared at me before playfully messing up my hair. I squealed and slapped his hand away and he smiled.

Nathan told me that Daniel wants to go home but Kaileb wants to go on a few more rides. I offered to go on some more rides with him but then Kaileb wouldn't be able to get home. Because I'm damn sure my fosters won't give him a lift. Thinking of fosters reminds me that I should probably get going.

"Hey guys, I'm going to head off now, maybe I'll see you guys around?" I said already starting to head towards all the concession stands.

I reached for my home-made bracelets in my back pocket and saw that one fell out; damn it was a good one too. My stomach protested until I sat down in the car, Abi and Jared are being quiet which means they had an argument that hasn't come to an end. I sighed, when I get to my room they're going to shout their heads off.

Once we got home I headed straight upstairs to have a shower and try to get as much dirt off as I can. As soon as the hot boiling water touched my scalp I yelped, obviously my head is going to hurt for a bit. I turned the water down, so it didn't hurt so much.

About ten minutes later I'm trying to find my pyjamas', they disappeared and it's pissing me off. Finally, I found them underneath all my shirts; I don't know why I put them there. I sit on my bed that I got up here with the help from Abi and Jared before we left. It's a single but Abi promised me that she would get me a double once she got her check.

I got my black nail polish and recoated my long nails. Abi has always been envious that I got such lovely nails; they're thick and perfectly shaped. My nails grow way too fast for me to get fakes, and if I did how the hell am I supposed to fight? I always get fights, people always judged me from my past. But my past made me the person I am today, which is a sad, mistaken, lonely girl. But I have my moments where I forget everything that has happened to me and try to enjoy, like today at the festival. If I was the loner like I normally am, I would've thrown something at Nathan and ran off making sure that he and his crew left me alone.

Once I finished my nails, I braided my hair and got out my journal. I don't like calling it a diary because it makes me feel too girly. It doesn't have a lock or anything it looks like a normal journal. It has a weird inscription on the front that made me fall madly in love with it.

I finished my last one and just started this one last night. I wrote everything and how I'm worried about the other man and if those other guys will ever see me. But I'm more worried about myself and how I'm dealing with this town and fosters. Also, about how nervous I was about the new school I must go to tomorrow.

I untie one of my bracelets and put it on my page marking it, like a bookmark. I don't really need a bookmark since I've only written about ten pages, but it's nice to have.

"Wynter!" Abi calls from downstairs, "Dinner!" I went downstairs, and the smell of microwave pizza hit me, yum. Even though I'm still full of the hamburger I had before, but how can I resist a pizza?

I ate my fair share and headed upstairs to brush my teeth and put some face cream on. I hate zits or anything like that, I've never got them before, but I don't want to, so I try and prevent it.

Once I was done I got out my school uniform and put it beside the bottom of my bed, so I don't have to go through everything to find them like I did with my pyjamas'. I hate uniforms, especially this type of uniform. I made a face at the thought of me wearing it.

I went to bed shortly after and went into a long dreamless sleep.

To only be awoken by an alarm.

I groaned and got off sluggishly to turn the annoying thing off, or throw it out the window, I like the latter choice. But I simply hit snooze and went to the bathroom to splash my face, so I can wake fully up.

I look in the mirror and realise I forgot to take out my braid last night and now it's a clump of mess at the back of my head. I try to take it out without pulling any hair but that's next to impossible, so I just rip it out wincing painfully. I tried to get as much knots out as I can with my fingers before I get my brush. It hurt, a lot. But my hair turned into nice waves that made my long layers look reasonable, but it doesn't look fierce or anything. So, I go and take out my straightener and straighten my hair. My black hair falls down my back and over my chest just like how I knew it would.

I quickly race downstairs and get some cereal before I must put my make-up on.

I found the milk; Cheerio's, bowl and spoon more easily than I thought I would. I ate sitting on the kitchen bench looking at the time. Seven-thirty-two. Not too bad, took me half an hour to do my hair. I don't know when we have to leave but I hope it's at around eight-ish so I can make sure I have everything.

I soon see Abi yawning and making her way to the kitchen while rubbing sleep from her eyes, "Morning." She says sleepily.

"Morning." I say while eating my food. Abi makes her coffee and Jared's before putting some toast on. I put my bowl in the sink and go up the stairs thinking of all sorts of things about my new school, things like. Is that man going to be there? Are Nathan and his crew going to be there? Is there going to be any girls I can get along with? Well everyone just ignores me like my old school? So many things and not any answers, well not yet anyways.

My uniform is a simple button down white shirt with short sleeves, a grey, short skirt, a red tie, and a black jacket. All depressing but awesome colours. I love depressing colours, it's better than the too bright pink or blue.

I add my black vans with the uniform thinking that it isn't too much of a crime to add some style. I didn't tuck my shirt in, but I pull my skirt up so it's mid-thigh, and it just goes above my hips. I undo one button at the top and bottom.

I grabbed my jacket and put it in my bag. I let the tie hang loosely around my neck. I got my bag with all my stuff and grabbed my phone and sent a long-detailed message to one of my only friends from my old school, Breanna.

She's a cool girl, we were both high school rejects and she's pretty, but she is emo, so no one liked her. So, we instantly became friends. I told her about the house and about the festival and the fight, I told her about Nathan and his crew and I told her I'll text her after school today. I go into the bathroom to do my make-up which only includes, mascara, and quite a lot of eyeliner, foundation, and clear lip gloss. Once done I quickly brush my hair and Abi calls for me so we can go.

And now I'm off to my new high school, great. 

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