A New Beginning

By Alecxis_Powers

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This book is the sequel to "Alecxis' Life" Hi! My name's Alecxis! I have done so much in my life because of w... More

Chapter One: An Introduction
Chapter Two: The Big News
Chapter Three: Maria
Chapter Four: Extending Family
Chapter Six: Changing Minds
Chapter Seven: My First Mission
Chapter Eight: New Powers
Chapter Nine: Big Job
Chapter Ten: Meeting Old Friends
Chapter Eleven: New Experiences
Chapter Twelve: Getting Started
Chapter Thirteen: Scavengers And Survivors
Chapter Fourteen: Sky Winters
Chapter Fifteen: Another Child
Chapter Sixteen: Deaths
Chapter Seventeen: Ember
Chapter Eighteen: Training A Baby Dragon
Chapter Nineteen: Normal?
Chapter Twenty: Ghoul Life
Chapter Twenty One: Suspended From Life?
Chapter Twenty Two: Aogiri Tree
Chapter Twenty Three: Finding Eto
Chapter Twenty Four: Messing With Memories
Chapter Twenty Five: Trouble
Chapter Twenty Six: I'm An Auntie?!
Chapter Twenty Seven: Earth Once Again
Chapter Twenty Eight: Crystal Rivers High School
Chapter Twenty Nine: Very Odd Relationship
Chapter Thirty: Love Is In The Air
Chapter Thirty One: Calling Names
Chapter Thirty Two: Naming
Chapter Thirty Three: Reunited

Chapter Five: New Baby

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By Alecxis_Powers

"Yes." I said for the fourth time. "I'm serious. So what? Anyway, I'm about four months pregnant." I had told the others that I was pregnant. Again.

Maria didn't understand so she just kept giggling and laughing whenever someone said something that, to her, sounded funny.


I was, once again, in hospital.

I had thoughts that were... Very.... Evil or maniac like. I didn't like being in the hospital. I hated it. I wanted to be at H.Q. No, I wanted to be out and doing stuff.

Now, with the new baby, I'll be staying in longer for another two years!


It was a week after I was released from hospital. In my arms, was a baby boy.

Max was with me, holding Maria in his own arms.

Maria looked fascinated by the baby.

"Max?" I asked.


"What should we call him? I mean, I choose Maria's name so it's only fair that you choose this baby's name." I reasoned.

"Ok. Umm... Let me see... What about Leo?" Max questioned.

"Leo it is! So we have Little Angel and baby Leo. We need a nickname for him."

"We'll have to do that later, the chopper's here." he pointed to a helicopter that was parked in front of us.


We got home safely and some friends and family were there to greet us. I saw a little girl and little boy run behind Dylan.

"Are those your kids, Dylan?" I asked.

"They sure are" Dylan replied.

"Oh cool. So you and Yuki got together?" Max asked, letting Maria down.


"Good for you." I smiled. "What age are you ones?"

"They are twins and they're nearly two." he answered.

"Around the same age as Maria then." I stated. "I think Maria and you're two are already friends." I pointed to the three of them, messing around. "Also, what are their names?"

"Well, the boy is called Dara and the girl is Sara."

"Nice names. This is Leo and that, as you already know, is Maria." Max introduced.

Leo started crying.

"Sorry but I have to go. I need to feed Leo. Cya another time." I waved goodbye with my one free hand them carried Leo to my room.


I was supposed to be sleeping but I couldn't get t sleep. Leo and Maria were sleeping peacefully and Max was snoring quietly.

I got out of bed and paced up and down the hall.

So bored! I feel like in still fifteen, not twenty! Wonder why...

I just wandered around the H.Q. compound aimlessly.

Why am I so bored? And what the heck is wrong with me?!? I have two kids to mind yet I'm bored out of my mind!!

I just walked around. Nearly everyone was asleep except for the night time guards.

I was doing some laps to try and clear my mind when I accidentally tripped over a tree log.

"Ow! That wasn't there before!" I exclaimed, examining my cut ankle.

God. Just what I need.

I cursed under my breath then I exploded the log.

What am I going to do now? I can't run properly because I'm bleeding like hell.

I wasn't lying. There was a puddle of rich, red blood surrounding my runner. I cleaned it up and bandaged my ankle.

After I did that, there was already blood stains on it.

I sighed. I got up and headed for my room.

On my way, someone, or rather something, burst through the wall. I ducked to not get hit by the debris.

"What the?" I was knocked to the ground. "Hey! Watch it!" the 'thing' ran past me.

Nu uh! You're not getting away from me!

I sent an thick vibe at the creature. I got it and pulled it back. Up close, it looked more human than beast.

"Hey! Let me go!" a male's voice shouted. It sounded like a boy.

I loosened the grip and the figure changed from a beast to a small boy.

"Dara?!?!" I asked, well more like shouted.

He started to cry.

Oh god.

"Dara? Calm down." I picked the boy up. His crying slowed down until it stopped.

"I want mama and dada!" he shouted.

"Ok ok. Let's go get mama and dada." I carried him to Dylan and Yuki's room.

*Knock knock*

Yuki opened the door.

"Dara!" she exclaimed.

"Here." I passed the little boy to Yuki.

"Where did you find him?" Dylan appeared behind his wife.

"Well, it's more like he found me." I explained what happened. "So I think he has a shapeshifter like power."

"Thank you so much. When Dara first found out, he freaked out and ran away from us." Yuki told me.

"Oh. Well, I think you'd better start bringing those two to the daycare. There, they'll learn how to control their magic in fun and easy ways." I suggested.


"I'd better be going. Nice seeing you again. Bye!" I turned around and went to my room.

"Alecxis!" Max ran up to me. "Where the hell were you?"

"Sorry. Had to deal with something." I replied.

Max looked at me.

"What happened?" he pointed to my ankle.

"Just a cut. Nothing serious."

"What about that?"

I looked at where he was pointing. Max was pointing to my arm. My sleeve was ripped and there was a deep cut.

"I didn't notice that." I actually didn't. In fact, it wasn't bleeding at all.

"Come on." Max took my hand and brought me inside.

As he sat me down, both Maria and Leo began to cry.

"Oh god. Come here you two." I carefully picked up Leo as Max took Maria. I had to feed Leo. Max fed Maria because she was now on a milk formula.

After they were fed, the two of them went to sleep. It was late so that was good.

"Alecxis, what happened?"

I explained what happened, including the me being bored part.

"Why didn't you say that you were bored?"

"Well, you were fast asleep and I could hardly wake up the kids, could I?"

We argued a bit then settled on something.

Myself and Max would try and make James change his mind.

I wanted to do a mission. I haven't done one in YEARS!!

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