Captain Canary: Saved by the...

By Fan_girl_02_xo

14.1K 465 160

Captain Canary Fan Fiction: ( may contain spoilers, read at your own risk!) Sara Lance and Leonard Snart (ak... More

How it began
The truth
It's official
Back to normal
The Aftermath
The Wedding 2
The honeymoon
The honeymoon part 2
The news
The party
The rescue
The birthday
Trying to find Kendra
The matchmaker
Getting over you
The birthday 2
Thank you for reading

The Wedding

614 25 6
By Fan_girl_02_xo

~The day of the wedding~

Leonard was talking to Mick and Ray about what they think would've happened if they all didn't go on Rip's mission

"Well, I never would've had my heart broken by Kendra" Ray said "But also I never would've been part of the team who saved the world from Vandal Savage"

"True, but would you do it again?" Mick asked

"I don't know, it depends on if we had the same team and everybody and also..." Ray started

"Just answer my question smart ass" Mick interrupted

"Ok fine, I probably would if it made me a hero"

"What about you Snart?" Mick asked turning his back to Ray

"Yes I would do it in a heartbeat if Sara was there!" Snart said, he could see all the other guests arriving such as Oliver Queen aka The Green Arrow and Barry Allen aka The Flash

He excused himself and then walked over to his little sister, Lisa Snart

"Hey Train wreck!" He said as he snuck up on his sister

"Hey idiot" she replied, their friendship was a lot different from everyone else's "To be honest, I'm really happy for you Snart, I can't wait to meet your fiancé!" She said

"I think you'll love her!" He said, he looked over and saw Sara's dad, Quentin Lance and he told Lisa to follow him

"Hello Mr Lance,  I'm your daughters fiancé, Leonard Snart and this is my sister Lisa" Snart said

"Nice to finally meet you Leonard and please call me Quentin, Sara's been telling me all about you and how nice you are and it's nice to you Lisa" Quentin said "I'm so proud of my baby girl and I know you are going to look after her Leonard"

"Thank you Quentin I'm really looking forward to spending the rest of my life with your daughter!"

~Music starts playing signalling Snart to get up to the alter~

Snart turns to his sister and says "Here we go"

Snart walks up the alter where a large white arch stands with flowers over it as he gets to the arch he turns to Mick "Thank you Mick for everything"

"No thank you Leonard, you gave me the opportunity to work with you and now we are legends!" Mick said

*Wedding Music Plays*

Sara in her dress starts walking up the aisle with Quentin by her side, as she reached the arch she kissed her dad on the cheek and walked up to the arch, side by side with Snart, he took her hand in his and looked at her as the vicar started

"These two are made for each other and I know I speak on behalf on everybody here to say that I wish you both luck in your future together, Ok so if anybody here can see a reason why these two should not get married please speak now or forever hold your peace..." The vicar started

A woman in a red hood stands at the bottom of the aisle "The problem is not with these two it's with their love" she said as she pulled the string of her bow back ready to shoot an arrow at them

"Cupid..." Oliver said "Everybody get down now!" He shouted

Snart grabbed Sara's hand and they started running away. Cupid shot an arrow towards Snart, Sara saw it and dragged him behind a tree, the arrow shot onto the floor just behind Snart's foot "Sara get out of here!" He yelled

"Not without you!" She yelled back

"Fine come on" they started running towards their car "Get in quick!" They started to drive off and within a few minutes they had arrived home, they ran out of the car and got inside the house and he locked and bolted the door behind them

"Is she gone?" Sara asked

"Yes, she's not here, but to be safe why don't we get into the bedroom?" He asked after checking outside the window that she wasn't there

"Ok" she replied

They got up to the bedroom and Sara locked the bedroom door and Snart pulled the blinds, she snuck up behind him and wrapped her hands around his waist and they then started moving up his body and undid the buttons on his jacket her hands they then felt their way down to his trousers and slowly undid them and pulled them down, meanwhile Snart started pulling down Sara's dress, they started to kiss, Snart pushed Sara into a wall, his hands moved around Sara's body undoing her bra as he started to push her against the wall he thought just how lucky he was to have met Sara, but as he was thinking this Sara started to push Snart towards the bed, they got under the covers and removed the rest of the clothes they were wearing, they started to kiss, they loved every minute that they were together, Snart climbed on top of Sara and she started to moan he kissed down her body and she knew that Snart was the man for her

~Back at the wedding everyone left was fighting Cupid or running away~

"Kendra, where's Snart and Sara?" Ray yelled as he hit Cupid

"I don't know but can we focus on getting rid of this woman!" Kendra yelled back at him

"Grey, you know what to do!" Jax said, they put their hands together and Martin merged bodies with Jax creating firestorm, they flew over to where Kendra and Ray were fighting Cupid, they shot flames at her, she fell to the ground in passing out from the pain, Oliver picked up Cupid and he dragged her into the van that Diggle had waiting for them, they sped away into the distance.

Authors note:
*Thanks guys for reading the chapters I've written so far it's been really fun, I might not be able to update for a while so just hold on for the next chapter! Once again thanks for reading xox!*

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