Fighter (Editing)

By LoveDarknessPeace

735K 12.5K 760

Savannah was used to life she had, being the black sheep of the family, until Daniel De Luna, next in line to... More

Chapt 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9 ( part 1 )
Chapter 9 (part 2 )
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12 ( part 1 )
Chapter 12 ( part 2 )
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32: The last chapter.

Chapter 8

23K 474 20
By LoveDarknessPeace

 Here is chapter 8, I hope you like it! :)

 I have to say thank you to JustCeline because she help me correct some thing in the last chapter! And thanks to everyone who is following this story!  :)


Chapter 8

When we park the car outside the mall, Claire was literally jumping up and down. I asked why she was acting like that in she said that she was only excited. We enter the mall and went to every store in the mall.  We spent hours looking for clothes and trying things on. At the end, Claire had more bags than me. While we were driving back to the house, Claire started to cry. I notice and praked the car at the side of the road.

“Claire honey, what’s wrong?”

“Thank you for buying me all of this Savy, I really appreciated.” She wailed.

I got out of the car and went to sit next to her in the back seat.

“It’s okay hon, I did this with a lot of love.”

“Savy, I still don’t understand why you would do this for me.” She whispered. I sighed and with my hands I lifted her face so I could look at her in the eyes.

“Claire, listen to me and listen to me good. You are like the sister I never had and I want to be your friend, is that so bad?”


“Why is that bad Claire?”

“Because is my fault my parents are dead.” She said and the fireworks started again. I hugged her tight and she started the story.

“When I was six my mommy and daddy took me to the forest. They were in wolf form while I was in human from and we were all playing. We were playing hide and seek, but I had run to far and I found myself in a clearing were there was three men. At that moment my mommy and daddy came out of the bushes and the three men had guns so they shoot my mommy and daddy. Mommy and daddy tried to fight but they had been shot so many times that they dropped to the ground and died. The three men stopped shooting and one of them grabbed me by the arm and started to drag me away from the clearing, but at that moment uncle Ryan came with five other wolves. The three men tried to shoot but their guns didn’t work anymore and Aunty Lily came running, put me in her waist and started running back to the mansion, in to my room. I couldn’t sleep from all the scare thoughts coming in to my mind. After a while, Uncle Ryan came to my room and told me mommy and daddy went to heaven.” She wailed, took a deep breath and kept talking,

“I felt so bad for that because I knew if I hadn’t run that far they wouldn’t have been killed and could have been here, with me.” She sobbed.

I couldn’t help but to cry with her, the hurt and sadness fulfilled my whole being. I was horror stricken, how a child could endure all this feelings. I admitted that her case was worse; she knew what had happened to her parents and had a memory to remember it and she had lost both of her parents. How many times had I wish that I would be the only to feel like this, like you didn’t belong, like you were a burden in people lives. They didn’t have to show it, just their actions could speak.

We spent a lot of time hugging each other and crying, I was letting my feeling take over for a little while and she was doing the same. I knew I couldn’t leave her here; I was doing the only person she could talk to, that could understand her and the one that could help her get through this, I wasn’t not going to take the privilege away from because when I was her age I didn’t have that.

After a while, I stopped crying and she was already a sleep. With my hands I dried my face from the tears that cover it. I got out of the backseat and return to the front seat and started to drive back to the house.

It felt good to have a little time to have your feelings free, but that time was over, for now.

 Has that old saying: Ready to face the music.

With that thought in my head, I accelerated that car.

When we got to the house it was ten pm. Wow, twelve hours away from this place, time flies fast. I parked the car and got out of the car. I opened the trunk of the car and then woke Claire up. We carried all the bags to the front door and knocked. Mrs. De Luna opened the door and the look of amusement covered her features.

“Oh my! Do you need help with those girls?” She asked.

“Yes Aunty Lily, these things are heavy!” Claire replied.

“Okay. Give me half of your bags Claire.” Lily said, stretching her hand out to Claire.

“Do you need help Savannah?” Lily asks.

“Oh no, I’m fine Lily” I replied, smiling.

“No honey, you need help. You looked like you’re going too collapsed. Ryan, come help here please! She shouted. The Alpha came through a hallway and stopped.

“Wow Savannah, you credit card must have a hole in it.” He said.

“Ha ha ha, very funny Alpha.” I replied.

 “Well thank you Savannah, I now I’m very charming.” He said while taking all of my bags in to his hands.

“No you’re not, Uncle Ryan.” Claire said giggling.

“Of course I am, right Lily?” Alpha Ryan said.

“A little honey.” She confessed, shrugging her shoulders.

“Why are you all against me?” He asked.

“Because you are not funny Uncle Ryan, end of story.” Claire said.

“Fine.” He sulked.

“Okay, you two stop bickering; now Ryan, take Savannah’s bags in to her room and Claire, come on.” Lily ordered, walking up the stairs.

The Alpha and I started walking towards my room. Between us there was silent atmosphere that was turning a bit awkward, but I said nothing. When we at the door of my room, I opened it and let the Alpha walk through it first and then me. He left the bags at the foot of my bed and turned around to lest the room but stop.

“Savannah, just so you know, I didn’t know that my son was cheating on you.” He admitted.

“I know that Alpha.” I gave him a little smile.

“So why didn’t you return?”

“I did return Alpha; six months earlier to be exact and caught Daniel cheating on me, so I left and went to do different kinds of missions all round the world.”

“But why did you not come back to your family?” He asked.

“Because there the reason I caught him cheating. I return to my house and saw my family, Daniel and Natasha having a get together.” I replied.


“I had the same reaction Alpha, but so you know the truth. My family and I never got along and they didn’t care for my well being so that was natural for them to do.”

“Savannah I didn’t know any of this.” He said, looking stunned.

“Well we intend or they intend to keep it a secret.” I replied, shrugging my shoulders.

“You know Savannah I have always looked at you like you’re my own daughter and Lily too, so if you need any help in something, you can count on us.” He admitted.

“I know Alpha and thank you for that.” I replied with a wide smile. I have always looked at them like parent figures to me.

The Alpha hugged and at that moment I knew I had another person to count on. The Alpha took a step back and smile. Something was up.

“Savannah I have a surprise for you.”

“What is it?” I said cautiously. I didn’t know if it was good or bad for me, I hated the feeling of not knowing something that had had me involve.

“You will know what it is tomorrow honey.”

“Alpha, you know I don’t like surprises.” I whined and he laughed.

“Well Savannah, you have to be patient.” He replied, walking out of the door. I groaned out loud, tomorrow was too long. But an Alpha’s order has to be respected, so I will try to contain the curiosity somehow.

I walked to the closet and pulled out my sleeping clothes that consisted of black fluffy short shorts and a white tank top. I put them in the bed, grabbed my towel that was in a hanger and walked to the shower. I open the keys of the hot water and while I waited for the hot water to come out, I got out of my day clothes that were sweaty and filled with tears that hadn’t dried completely and grab my hair and putted in to a bun.

I enter the shower and sighed in delight. This was what I needed, a pure hot shower. I washed myself with strawberry body wash and rinse it off. I closed the hot shower key and dried myself with the white, fluffy towel and return to the bedroom and got ready to go to sleep.

I jumped in to my bed and brought the blanket up to my neck and close my eyes.

My last though before I went to bed was: what was the surprise that waited for me tomorrow?

So there it is. :)

What do you thinkl is the surprise?

Hint: Is something or someone new, still not mention in the story and related to some of people in the story.

Please comment and vote. :)


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