Destroying Love

By kpiza944

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Love sucks Love hurts Love destroys Love is not all heart and flowers, there is no man to sweep me off my fee... More

Chapter 1: Welcome to my World
Chapter 2: The Simple Words Hurt the Most
Chapter 4: Secret Desires
A/N: Important (Please Read)
Chapter 5: I will always need him
Chapter 6: Broken
Chapter 7: My Worst nightmare
Chapter 8: Sometimes Words Aren't Enough
Chapter 9: Confusion
Chapter 10: We can't fix what is already broken
Chapter 11: Strangers
Chapter 12: Strangers II
Chapter 13: Too good at goodbyes
Chapter 14: I won't let go
Chapter 15: I won't let go (Part II)
Chapter 16: Letting Go
Authors note!
Authors Note!
Chapter 17:Band Meeting
Chapter 18:

Chapter 3: Bailey's, Ice Cream, and Maisy

5.1K 216 18
By kpiza944

What do I do when my love is away?

(Does it worry you to be alone?)How do I feel by the end of the day?(Are you sad because you're on your own?)No I get by with a little help from my friendsMm I get high with a little help from my friendsMm gonna try with a little help from my friends - The Beatles

"Ahhhhh that feels so good" I moan out

"Yes, right there" I continue, I don't care who hears me I feel like I'm on cloud 9 and no one can take me out of it

"Wow, you really know how to use your hands," I say with a sigh

"You really need to get laid," Maisy says next to me chuckling, I open my eyes and narrow them at her

"I get laid plenty, thank you," I say while I close my eyes and embrace how Rich's hand works on my back.

"Your vibrator doesn't count," she says and I know shes rolls her eyes along with it without even needing to open my eyes

I sigh out before I come out with a witty remark she beats me to it

"Rich," she says and I know already that what is going to come out of her mouth is going to be awkward for me and in turn I'm going to turn into a tomato and this wonderful massage will also be awkward as hell.

"Yes, Maisy" he chuckles, you see even the masuse knows what about to come out of Macy's mouth is going nonsense and awkward

"Do you think my girl Isabelle is hot"

"Maisy," I say while trying not to turn red as a tomato

"Of course she is," he says, while he continues to run his hands down my body

"Then why don't you give her one of those special massages we only see in porn," she says with an eye wink

I groan ohhhh god I can't believe she just said that to him, I am so embarrassed you see this is the thing with Macy she has absolutely no filter what so ever she speaks her mind is what I love about her, its what attracted me to her, to begin with


Isabella 13 Macy 13

"Hey cat girl" I hear someone say in front of me, I'm sitting here on the bench on the football field waiting for Aiden to finish talking to Stacy the head cheerleader, they just won a game and of course Aiden being the quarterback has to talk to the cheerleader I don't even know why he plays he hates playing football he would rather be at home on his band writing music and playing the guitar

I look up and see this girl with strawberry blonde hair and the bluest eyes she was really pretty she had freckles running across her nose also, she's looking at me but she can be talking to me? no one talks to me I usually have my nose stuck in a book and my only friend is Aiden which now I'm kind of regretting.

so I look at her again and squint before I say "Me?"

"well you are the only person, aren't you" I look around again just to make sure and yup it does look like I'm the only one here

"yea?" I say trying to make it sound like a strong statement but it comes out more like a question

the next thing I know she is sitting next to me, and looking towards where I'm looking while chewing her gum and popping it

I just stare at her wondering what is going on. Why is she here?

"soooooo," she says

I still don't say anything

"Ok I'm just gotta ask, why are you letting that tramp all over your boyfriend," she says while giving me a serious face, all I can open do is open and close my mouth like a fish, what is she talking about Aiden is not boyfriend

Before I can come up with response, she interrupts me "ohhhhhhhh" she says

and I look at her even more confused

"She stands up, and looks at me " let me guess you guys are best friends but you want more and he has no idea you want more because he only sees you as a friend.... or in your case sister since I see you guys are practically attached at the hip.... am I right" she finishes by cocking her hip and putting her hand on it.

I gulp because that's I can do since she nailed it!

"I'm guessing I'm right"

I just nod my head because that's all I can do and croak up a "yes" I hold back the tears because if this girl can see it I wonder how many people can see it, I wonder if Aiden can see it and he just doesn't care.

"Hey," she says sternly, I look at her trying to hold the tears back

Her face softens and she sits next to me

"He's a dickface," she says and I just chuckle because I have no idea where this is coming from, but for once I feel a little better, maybe it's because she figured it out and maybe I'm just hoping that she can be a friend too

"My name is Macy, and I have decided you need a new best friend, well at least one that has your back and gives you ice cream when you need it"

I laugh again and I say "Isabella"

"Nice I like it"

and since then Macy has been my rock when Aiden would crumble me, she became my best friend"

Flashback ended

I get out of my head and I hear Macy talking to me

"Hello, earth to Isabella"

Sorry I mutter out and look at Macy

She grins at me before she continues saying "Sorry Rich my girl just sometimes get into her own little worlds, so about that special massage" she says

"Macy" I groan out again and slam my head onto the massage table

Rich laughs a hearty laugh

"I would love to"

Me and Macy both gasp and snap our heads up to look at him, I don't think Macy though he would actually agree

"uhhhhhhh" is all that comes out of her mouth then she looks at me with wide eyes and her mouth gaped open if this wasn't utterly embarrassing for me I would be laughing my ass off at how Macy looks like a fish out of the water right now.

Before we can come up with something Rich laughs out loud again

"I would love too....... if it wasn't for my husband that would probably skin me alive" he chuckles

I breathe out a breath of relief and lay my head back down

"wait your gay!!?" Macy says

I just groan again and mutter out Macy Macy Macy, and chuckle to myself


"Your disgusting" Macy spats out

" you know you love it," Luke says

Macy rolls her eyes and looks to the girls that are sitting on Lukes lap looking confused

"Did you know he has crabs, its a serious problem I keep telling him that he needs to take care of it but he doesn't listen?" she says sighing while giving Luke a wink and an evil smile

"Macy" Luke growls

Ahhhh I'm guessing you guys are confused onto whats happening, in actuality I'm confused too, but I'm always confused when it comes to Macy and Luke they are like oil and vinegar they don't mix what so ever. They hate each other, I don't know why but it has always been that way since the beginning. If there in the same room there is bound to be some fighting. That is what is happening right now, I would love to tell you how this all started but this just them all of the time, but thinking about recently it has gotten worst.

"What I am just helping a friend out, I mean she needs to know the truth, you know amiga to amiga" then she winks at the girls

The girls shot off of Lukes lap and run away before Luke can say anything

Luke looks after them and then looks at Macy before he stands up goes towards Macy, I look at Macy and I see her eyes widen and some emotion passes her eyes but before I could read into it Luke grabs a hold of her arm and drags her out from her chair and through the club.

I just stare off looking confused "What the hell is going on" I mutter still looking towards where Luke and Macy went off too.

I must still have my confused face and dazed off when I hear someone

"Whats wrong"

I snap out of it and see Aiden in front of me with a look of worry on his face

"Huh?" I say trying to snap out of my thoughts of Macy, but its stored somewhere in my brain for later

"Are you ok Izzy?" he says

"Um yeah, sorry about that," I say shaking my head "what's up"

And then it tries to kill me with his perfect smile and grabs me by the hand and says "come dance with me"

I just nod memorized, wow today has been me just being in space apparently

He grabs a hold of my hand and takes me onto the dance floor, he grabs a hold of my hips and turns my body around so that my back is against his chest. I'm shaking on how to lose I am to him, I mean we dance all the time but the way his hands are tightening on my hips and moving me closer to him that I can feel everything and I close my eyes and get lost in the feeling of Aiden. We move to the music and my body moves with Aidens and we move perfectly to the music. We fit right just like two people who are meant to be together. Can't he feel this how perfect we are each other? Is just me? My body heats up like an inferno the more we continue to leave and then his hands roam my body he moves up from hips towards my rib cage and skims past my boobs and drag on a breath he continues to my neck and he moves my hair to the side and he brings he face to my neck and I feel his breath on my neck and the next thing I know I feel a tongue and lips and I moan

"Fuck" I hear Aiden moan

"You taste fucking delicious Isabelle, I always knew you would" he continues his assault on my neck

I smell the alcohol on his breath but I can't find my self to care this is the first time Aiden has touched me like he has and I'm going to enjoy it, I'm desperate for him.

His hands grab my hips again and he grinds myself into his hips and I feel his erection and it makes me moan out his hand while I reach up and grab onto his hair and he makes a throaty noise in this throat

" I need to hear it again" he groans out

My mind is groggy that I can't respond back, I'm afraid to open my eyes because I'm afraid it will be a dream a dream I never want to wake up from so I keep my eyes closed and relish Aidens all over me and his lips on my neck.

In the next moment though I feel one hand leave my waist and then his lips leave my neck it's like the puzzle and the dream have been broken I snap my eyes open and look back and the dance floor opens up and swallows me.

Aiden is gripping a girl hair while ravaging her mouth while his grip with his other hand is still around my waist

I gasp and try to pull myself away from him, but he doesn't let go

"Aiden let go of me please"


"Please Aiden" I yell out

He breaks away from the kiss and looks at me with a smile

"Izzy we were having fun why do to go," he says wobbly

I look into his eyes and there a bloodshot red and I curse under my breath he's high. I want to curl up in a ball right here on the dance floor. How can I be so stupid of course he wouldn't be touching me the way he was while he was sober, but it was worst that he was high and drunk to touch me that way. My heart shutters stupid, stupid Isabella you should know better by now.

I'm so lost in my thoughts that I don't notice that Aiden let me go and turned around to the girl and was practically having sex with her on the dance floor. I continue to look at them groping and kissing and my mind replaces her with me. I just look at them like a weirdo while my arms cross around my stomach I finally shake my head and wave the dance floor with my head down.

When I look up I see Macy at the bar waiting for me looking at me with sad eyes. Did she see everything? When I come close to her she wraps her arms around me and whispers in my ear

"Let's go home, Izzy"

I let her drag me out of the club, but if I was in the right state of mind I would have noticed Lacy swollen lips and swollen eyes and tear-stained checks

We get into the cab and we are quiet the whole way to my place

When getting to the apartment I sit on the couch and just let the tears fall I need to stop this I can't keep crying over him I need to let him go but why is it every time I think of letting him go my heart breaks into little pieces and it's telling me I would be making a mistake.

I'm lost in my thought that I don't notice Macy come and sit next to me with ice cream and a bottle of Baileys

" after this night I think we need our best friends," she says

I look up at her

"I believe you're right" I croak out

"I'm always right," she says and a small smile breaks out god what would I do without Macy

We cuddle with each other on the couch eating ice cream without baileys quietly.

What would I do without my ice cream baileys and Macy?
Here is chapter 3!
Told you I would have it by today!
I hope you guys like it was just a little filler so you guys can see what to expect in the future and a little inside Macy and Isabelle relationship because you are going to see of a lot of Macy if you can't already tell! 😉

I would love to hear your thoughts about this chapter

I hope you guys like it!

Vote Comment & Share, please

Love Ya! 😘

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