By brookekulpit

86.4K 2K 98

I write character and actors of Teen Wolf imagines. Stiles, Scott, Derek, Isaac, Peter, Jackson, and Aidan. A... More

Dylan O'brien imagine
Jackson imagine
Stiles imagine
Jackson imagine
Aidan Imagine
Derek imagine
Dylan imagine
Author's Note
Derek imagine (requested)
Daniel Sharman imagine
Dylan Sprayberry imagine (requested)
Young peter imagine
Isaac Imagine (requested)
Aidan imagine
Scott imagine
Daniel Sharman imagine
Young Peter imagine (requested)
Scott imagine (requested)
hey readers
Scott imagine (requested)
Isaac ft Scott Imagine (requested)
Derek Imagine (Requested)
Derek Imagine (requested)
Authors note!!

Stiles Imagine (requested)

1.5K 55 1
By brookekulpit


I walked over into the living room carrying a bowl of popcorn. I sat on the floor next to my best friend. I've been friends with Stiles since babies.

Our moms were friends and we grew up with each other- doing everything with each other. Its just how it went.

"What movie are we watching?"I asked, sitting down next to him. Without hesitation he took a handful of popcorn and shoved it in his mouth.

"I dunno yet." He looked through the movies displayed on the TV screen. "How bout the conjuring?" He asked and I right away shook my head.

"You know how I feel about scary movies." I shook my head trying to get him to say no.

"Common, I'll protect you."

"No. How bout Scooby doo or something?"

"(Y/N).." He trailed off and gave me puppy dog eyes.

"Fine." I gave into him. I scooted closer to him. I hate scary movies even if they're made up story lines.

I read the titles as the movie started. "Stiles...." I cried as I saw the based on a true story.

"Its fine. Its just to scare you more." He shrugged his shoulders and that made me more scared. If he wasn't my best friend- I think I might have killed him.

The movie ended after what seemed forever .. And the idiot had the nerve to fall asleep. I didn't realize he fell asleep half way through the movie.

"Stiles!" I hit his arm after the movie ended.

"What do you want woman." He sat up quickly.

"The movies over."

"Oh." He looked over to the screen. "Another one?" He smirked over to me.

"Are you kidding me?"

"No?" He said in more of a question.

"Go home Stiles- we have school tomorrow." I sighed walking to the kitchen to throw the popcorn away that was left in the bowl.

Stiles started to walk out of the house. "Oh by the way- that movie was really based on a true story."

"Go Stiles." I pointed to the door.

"Love you too (Y/N)" He chuckled and he left my house. I probably shouldn't have kicked him out because now I'm going to be paranoid all night.


Its been a week later and I haven't really talked to Stiles. I mean there's been times were we've gone through periods of time of not talking.

It just worried me. I sat down in my desk getting ready for whatever the teacher had planned for us.

Stiles walked in a few minutes later, talking to another girl. He looked over my way and smiled to me. I forced a smile and stared at him for a little bit. My smile faded and I just observed him.

"You okay?" He mouthed the words and I shook my head yes, forcing another smile, which made him turn back to the girl that occupied him.

What was that I was feeling ?? Was it jealously. I mean it couldn't be right? I've know Stiles my whole life, he's gotten more friends over the year and nothing ever changed between us.

"That's what you think." The little annoying voice in my head spoke up. I just ignored whatever I was feeling and continued on with class.

I shrugged and began writing in my notebook. I couldn't focus. I shook my head and closed the notebook and looked blankly at the front of the classroom.

I heard Stiles and the girl talking. Giggling at something, I don't know. I tapped my pen on the desk- something I do to try to control my anger.

I was having a hard time today. Why was I angry ? I was getting ahead of myself. I was getting angry for no reason. I shook my head and gently put my pen down on the desk.

School was finally over and I couldn't wait to get home. I threw my bag on my wood floor.

"Mom?! Dad?!" I yelled. No answer. I walked to my kitchen to get something to eat.

"I'm home if anyone cares!" I yelled and still got no answer. Where are they?

"They left to go on a dinner date together." I heard a fimilar voice and I jumped and screamed as soon as I heard it.

"Woah, take it easy (y/n)." Stiles leaned against the door frame, smirking at me.

"Oh leave me alone." I sighed and walked out of the kitchen with stiles following behind me.

"What is this?" He chuckled. "What did I do now?" I felt his presence behind me and didn't dare turn around.

"Nothing." I said quietly. "You did nothing wrong." I spoke louder.

"Then why are you pissy with me?" I quickly turned around to him.

"I'm not pissy with you." I eyed him.

"Yeah you kind of are."

"No I'm not."

"Yes you are."




"See I knew it!" He cheered as if he won the argument.

"You're an idiot."I shook my head and tried to walk away from him. He walked in front of me so he blocked me.

"Common, talk to me."

"It's not a big deal." I don't think I was ready to admit anything.

"It is if you're being Like this, just let it out." He gave Me a smile and I took In a deep breath.

"We're aren't best friends like we use to be. I mean we're not as close as we use to be and I know that's how life goes. People move on and people change. But I didn't think we would change. And I'm just rambling but I have these feelings. And I don't know. Like I can't explain these feelings. They're weird and new. And I don't want to a admit anything. But I think I have feelings for you and you with that girl and I don't know she was annoying me and making me jealous and I just wanted to be the one that made you laugh and-" stiles didn't let me finish.

He rushed forward to me and crashed his lips onto mine. His soft lips moved on mine. I was in shock at first- but my body took control and moved with stiles.

We broke from the kiss. "I thought you would never have feelings for me."

"You and me both." His forehead rested on mine and he held me in his arms.


Hey readers, sorry this took forever. I'm sorry for making you guys wait. I am slowly getting to all of the requests people made.

I'm still taking requests so don't be afraid to request one :)))

I hope you guys and kkhayhay liked this one.I know its not exactly what you asked for but this kinda just went somewhere lol.

Xoxo Brooke :))

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