Sherlock: The Lost Girl

Oleh Issyf89

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When Addilyn Arterbury was just a baby her parents decided to send her away for her safety. She was too clev... Lebih Banyak

Chapter 1: My Holmes Boys
Chapter 2: 221b
Chapter 3: Bored
Chapter 4: The game is on
Chapter 5: Where it all began.
Chapter 6: The dancing girl
Chapter 7: Replacement Sherlock
Chapter 8: I'm Yours
Chapter 10: Known Surprises
Chapter 11: Mycroft
Chapter 12: Christmas
Chapter 13: The great escape
Chapter 14: The great escape part 2
Chapter 15: Morons
Chapter 16: The End, Is only the beginning
Chapter 17: An Unwanted Present

Chapter 9: Buckingham Palace

109 18 14
Oleh Issyf89

I haven't slept in my own bed for weeks. I'm too addicted to the feeling of Sherlock's arms around me. By now John knows we're together...kind of. I'm not sure what you would call Sherlock and my relationship. We're not dating as we've never even been on a date and were not boy friend and girlfriend. We're almost more than that if that's possible.

Every case Sherlock has been on is either boring, or even more boring. He got exceptionally angry when the one case Sherlock found even the slightest bit interesting got cut short by paparazzi. He'd thrown John a hat, put a deer stalker on and thrown me a cloak. His instruction being. "Hide your face." He found one of the articles published about the incident, labelled Hat man, mystery girl and robin. He really wasn't too happy about being called hat man, John especially wasn't pleased with being called robin. However i rather liked being called mysterious.

He spent most of his time with me so you can imagine my surprise when I wake up, cold. No Sherlock and no blanket. I get up shivering and wrap my arms around myself trying to get any heat other than the small amount coming from my thin nightgown.

"SHERLOCK." Two heads turn my way one is Sherlock and the other is someone I do not recognise.

"Your not John." I say pointing at the stranger. Sherlock grins and I realise he has the covers draped over his shoulders. I walk towards him and he wraps the blanket over both of us. I then look at the people moving on the other side of his computer screen. I point at one of them.

"Your John." The John on the screen nods at me and smiles, then he goes back to talking to Sherlock.

The door bell starts ringing angrily causing Sherlock to nearly push me off the chair we are sharing. "SHUT UP." It's then that the door bursts open revealing two men in pristine suits.

The man who I suspect is the leader indicates for his friend to go into our bedroom. "His rooms that way, get some clothes."

"Who the hell are you?" I start to get angry with these men that think they can just barge into my home... They probably can, but it still feels wrong.

"Sorry, Mr Holmes, Miss Arterbury. Your coming with us." The mans friend walks out of our room with our clothes. He hands mine to me and tries to hand Sherlock his.

"Trust me Mr Holmes you will want to wear clothes where your going."

Sherlock and I both simultaneously look at the man, really look at him. When I notice the scratches on his trousers that can only be made by small dogs, I know exactly where I'm going.

We wait patiently for anyone to arrive. When we spot John we instantly relax. He sits next to Sherlock, and I make a huge mistake and look at them, at Sherlock. We all burst out laughing. Despite all of my attempts the pile of clothes neatly placed on the table have not been touched by Sherlock. So here he is sitting in Buckingham palace wearing a sheet...

John is the one to speak again. "Do you two know what we are doing here?"

I look around at the lavish decoration. "Here to see the Queen?"

When Mycroft walks in I find it very hard to control my laughter. "Oh,apparently,yes". Sherlock says looking  at his brother agreeing. My control falters...

Too late.

We all burst into laughter for what seems like the 5th time. An exasperated Mycroft just stands and stares until the embarrassment becomes too much for him.

"Just once, can you three behave like grown-ups?" I shake my head, Sherlock giggle and John try's to be sensible.

"We solve crimes, I blog about it, he forgets his pants and she is meant to keep him under control, so I wouldn't hold out too much hope."

I look at John confused pointing at me, Sherlock, him and back again. "I thought that was your job?"

He shakes his head. "No it's yours."

Mycroft stops our squabbling, getting bored with the conversation. Who can blame him, spending too long in good company can bore anyone, though Mycroft doesn't exactly have a social life. He hates people, grumpy old man.

"Well neither of you are doing a very good job so SHUT UP and Sherlock for god sake you are in the heart of the British nation PUT YOUR TROUSERS ON."

Told you...

"What for?" Ohh god.

Mycroft starts to get angry. Well angrier than usual. "Your client."

"And my client is?" A man walks in through a pair of grand double doors, everything about him oozes sophistication and money. It's sickening.

"Illustrious..." We all turn to look at the man. " the extreme. And remaining, I have to inform you, entirely anonymous."

He greets Mycroft, ignoring Sherlock. He then greets John and I.

"My client is a tremendous fan of your blog." He says looking at John.

"And Mr Holmes the youngest. You look taller in your photographs."

Sherlock nods in respect. "I take the precaution of a long coat, a short friend and a beautiful girl."

It's only then that our 'friend' notices me. "Of course, Miss Addilyn you are far more beautiful than I have been told. A hidden gem they call you. How long was it you were locked away?"

To save me from answering Mycroft quickly goes back to shouting at Sherlock who has risen from his seat and is trying to walk out the door. Mycroft steps on his sheet causing him to nearly fall over. "Get off my sheet."


"I want to know who my client is."

"Take a look at where you're standing and make a deduction. You are to be engaged by the highest in the land. Now for God's sake ...put your clothes on."

Once Sherlock is dressed we all sit down and listen to what Mycroft has to say.

"I'll be mother." He pours tea causing Sherlock and I to share a look.

"And there is our whole childhood in a nutshell." Mycroft glares at his younger brother.

"It's true Mycky don't deny it." He nods his head and brings out a pile of files. He takes out a picture and hands it to us.

"What do you know of this woman?" When I notice who it is I grimace.


"You should be paying more attention." I can't help but agree whatever she has been up to is never anything good.

"You know I don't concern myself with trivia. Who is she?"

"Irene Adler. There are many names for what she does, she prefers 'Dominatrix'."

I think you will find she was named that, get your facts right Mycroft.

"Don't be alarmed it's to do with sex." Mycroft smirks.

"Sex doesn't alarm me."

Oh god he wouldn't.

"How would you know?" Sherlock looks at me clearly giving away our situation.

"Trust me I would." Mycroft face falls when he understands what his brother is saying.

"You two?"



I glare at them. " Does it matter? Carry on Mycroft."

"These are from her website. She provides, shall we say, recreational scolding for those who enjoy that sort of thing and are prepared to pay for it."

"I assume she has some comprising photos." Mycroft nods.

"An imaginative range we are assured." Both Sherlock and I start to get annoyed knowing clearly what he should do.

"Just pay her the full money. As Miss Adler remarks 'know when you are beaten.' "

"She got in touch, she informed us that the photographs existed, she indicated that she had no intention to use them to extort either money or favour."

As Sherlock and Mycroft converse I prepare a text.


What are you up to now?

M x

Within seconds she replies.


When am I not up to something?


D xx

I groan and realise John and Sherlock are leaving the room. I follow them out only to feel a sudden wave of nausea.

"Sherlock go without me, I don't feel well."

He turns to say something to me but I'm already running down the hall trying to remember where the bathroom is from my last trip to the palace.

As I empty my food into the toilet I think through all the reason for my illness. When I come to a disturbing conclusion I wash my hands and make a call.

"I need you to go the pharmacy. Don't be seen."


Thank you for all your support. Sorry it took so long to update please leave me a comment telling me what you think xxx

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