Falling For The Enemy

By PoJayneBartaby

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Cover Credit - @sammiehobson ------------------------------- Miniminter Fanfiction/Sidemen Fanfiction ... More

Chapter 1 - The Letter
Chapter 2 - Additions To The Team
Chapter 4 - Arrival
Chapter 5 - Meeting The Team
Chapter 6 - Crush?
Chapter 7 - More Crushes
Chapter 8- Boyfriend?
Chapter 9- Fight
Chapter 10- Comfort + Confront
Chapter 11 - Collab
Chapter 12 - The Dare
Chapter 13 - Awkward
Chapter 14 - Missing
Chapter 15 - "Hobson?"
Chapter 16 - Ready?
Chapter 17 - Question
Chapter 18 - Match Time
Chapter 19 - Fuck You!
Chapter 20 - Happiness

Chapter 3 - Journey Ride + Vlogs

261 11 3
By PoJayneBartaby

"What is up guys, Vikkstar123 here. As you can see I am in the car with some of the Sidemen and 2 others. In the car is myself, miniminter, Zerkaa, Behzinga, Calfreezy and Callux. We are on a little journey to a place we have been before, but I'm not to say now. The rest of the Sidemen are in Harry's car if you should know. How long do you think this trip will take?" Vik asked. I showed myself to the camera, "Well we've just gotten in the car so roughly 2 hours."

"I'll keep you updated." Vik said directly to his camera, then put it away in his duffle bag. "Let's listen to music." Josh suggested, turning it on. Josh's radio let's people sync their phones to it. So when Josh turn his radio on [Keep Up/Lamborghini] (your choice) started playing loudly. Josh quickly turned it down and looked at us through the rear view mirror.

"Right who did that?" He asked. "Wasn't me." We all said in unison. I looked through the window behind us and saw Harry's car. JJ was laughing his head as well as Harry and Ethan. "JJ did it. He's right behind us, he probably synced up with your radio and wanted to prank us." I told them. "I'm gonna call him." Ethan said, grabbing his phone out of his pocket. He placed it on speaker and let it ring.

He answered the phone call and all we heard was laughter. "You guys are pricks!" Ethan laughed. "You scared the shit out of me, I nearly swerved on the road. You're a dickhead!" Josh told them, making them laugh more. "Sorry daddy Zerk." Tobi said over the phone, making myself, Ethan and Vik laugh. 

Ethan ended the call and placed his phone back in his pocket. I grabbed my phone out of my pocket and synced it to the radio. I put the song 'Playing FIFA' by Monstah on and we all started singing along. Once the song finished 'Test Me' by JME started playing. I felt my eyelids become heavy, bearing in mind I didn't get enough sleep, I needed this. I'm just hoping that when I have a rest, they don't prank me.


I felt the car stop, so I opened my eyes and saw we were parked at Nando's. "Right guys, we are now taking a little stop for a bite to eat. We are at Nando's, what a surprise." Vik announced. "And look who has woken up."  Vik continued, directly pointing the camera at me. "Hey guys." I said groggily. I unbuckled my seatbelt and left the car. 

Once I got out, I got tackled to the ground. I saw that JJ, Harry and Tobi tackled me to the ground. "Simon!" JJ shouted, hurting my ear as he was close to it. "Fuck JJ, I think you burst my ear drum." I said and he laughed. They got off and Josh gave me a hand up. "Thanks." I said to him and he nodded. 

"I am so happy I vlogged that part." Vik announced, making JJ laugh once again. We walked into Nando's and got escorted to a table of 11. Once settled, we order what we wanted and had a little conversation.

"I actually want to know who else was choosen for this." Manny said and we hmm in agreement. "I'm curious of who they are too." Callux agreed. "Same." I retorted. "The only thing I want to know is, are they good like us or not." Joe said and we agreed. I grabbed my phone out of my pocket and tweeted some things, like main channel and gaming channel videos will be up later due to what I am doing with the sidemen today.

I scrolled through my twitter feed and I stumbled across a tweet that I didn't write. It states; '@Behzinga @KSIOlajidebt @wroetoshaw Foursome....'. "Uhm guys?" I asked, looking up from my phone to see them looking at me. "Who wrote this tweet on my account?" I questioned, showing the guys. Everyone laughed except myself, Harry and JJ. Ethan did but not a lot. "Josh told me what to write." Vik admitted. I looked at Josh and gave him a death glare, but that failed as I started laughing.


We left Nando's and got back into the cars we were previously in. Vik started vlogging, telling the viewers we have finished our lunch break and we are now on the way to our 'mystery' place. He put his vlogging camera away and we were on our way. However, as we left Nando's, the petrol light started flashing. "Shit." Josh muttered. "What is is?" Calfreezy asked. "We need to find a petrol station and fast." Josh told us. 

He started driving down the main road. After a couple minutes I saw a petrol station. "Over there." I said, pointing at where it is. I'm actually surprised that we go there, the petrol light kept on flickering. Josh got out and I told Vik to get his vlogging camera. 

"Let's lock Josh out of his car." I said to the guys as well as the camera. Ethan pressed the locked button from the inside. Vik videoed Josh at the petrol pump, then him walking to the shop to pay. "He's left his keys in the ignition." Callux said. "Shall I drive away?" Ethan asked. "Ethan we don't trust you with a car, you asked me when you get your car we would do skids." Calfreezy told him. Yeah, bad idea." Ethan admits.

"Guys, Josh is coming back." Vik announced. I looked out the front window and saw that Josh was walking towards the car with a bag of what looks like a 6 pack of Red Bull. Josh came to the door and tried opening the door. Once he realised it was locked, he looked in and saw us a 'are you serious' look. 

We all started laughing. "You realise were going to be late right." Josh said smugly. "Oh shit." We all exclaimed, making Josh laugh. Ethan unlocked the car and let Josh in. He handed Ethan the bag, "I was feeling nice, so I bought Red Bull, but since you pulled that prank, I think I'm going to keep them for the others." Josh announced. "Nah m9, remember they nearly bursted our eardrums." Vik told Josh. "True." Josh said, starting the car up.

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