Saving The World While Fallin...

By nickii_96

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Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chaper 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36

Chapter 37

31 1 0
By nickii_96

"Mom are you ok?" I asked temporarily putting the other conversation on hold.

"Yes I am fine just been awhile since I have done that" she said while holding a hand to her forehead.

"Do what exactly?" I asked curiously

"Its hard to explain but I can turn myself into ashes basically and travel great distances it just drains me physically" she tried to explain.

"Well I don't care I am just glad you are safe." I told my mom

"But you are not. So this whole thing was about a girl" my mom started.

For the next hour and a half my mom lectured me on the proper treatment of women. How they were not play things for me to just enjoy myself with as I please. How women were to be treated with a degree of respect. She may have even laid her hands on me a few times. With the bruising I already had it hurt a lot more than it should have. When the lecture finally came to an end I left the room feeling and looking like a wounded puppy.

"How'd it go?" Whitney asked as I made my way back into the kitchen.

"Not stupid I know yall heard the whole thing" I said then visibly winced as I took a seat to sit at the island.

"So what now. Alex is gone most likely in hiding." Lala said as she entered the room looking a lot better then the last time I had seen her.

"She has to come back. So we wait " I said feeling sure of it.

We resumed our normal lives. Went back to school where of course Alex did not show up for the rest of the year. Even on the day of our graduation she was nowhere to be seen. Which was probably in her best interest. Right after the graduation I went to the football to do one last walk around before I left. Walking on the field I felt a sense of peace. In the fall I would continue on to college where I had a full ride football scholarship. The field held so many memories for me. I looked over the stands where I always knew Lala would be sitting to watch me. Under the bleachers where I took countless girls. The locker room where we got chewed out by coach. Most importantly the field where the team had countless victories.

"Ryan what are doing out here?" Lala asked me interrupting my reminiscing.

"Just getting one more look at the field and saying bye." I told her.

"Well speed it up your mom is looking for you." she told me with a smile.

"There is something I need to tell you first"

"Which is?" Lala asked me with a look of clear confusion on her face

"I think I am ready to be your boyfriend if you will have me." I said hoping I made sense.

"No your not. We are on our way to our freshmen year of college. Where girls will always be readily available. The type of commitment I want your not ready to give to me....Yet" she told me

"What kind is that?" I asked not liking the clear rejection.

"The kind where I see I am the only girl for you. The kind where I don't have to wonder if your completely committed. The kind where your eyes don't constantly wander off." she told me

"In other words you don't trust that I can be a one woman's man" she said to me.

"No I don't believe that right now. Especially with us about to go to college"

"You are wrong" I told her with conviction

"Then prove it" she said then started to walk off.

Before she could get to far Layla decided she wanted to pop up.

"Mom wait" she called out to her.

"Yes" she answered with a new emotion in her voice and eyes I have never seen before.

"I would like to give the two of you a graduation gift." she said

"You know you don't have to" I said as I wrapped her in a bear hug.

"Dad stop" she half heartedly told me.

"Never" I told her against her mountaintop of curls

"I know" she muttered under her breath

"Whats this gift?" Lala asked as she just stared at us with a smile.

"Grab my hands and see" she told us.

Without hesitating I grabbed on as Lala took her time. As soon as she did everything with black. I blinked for half a second but when I opened my eyes we were in the backseat of a car.

"Where are we?" I asked Lala

"No idea but my guess is that our graduation present was not this car" she said with a chuckle

I looked over to what she was looking at and noticed that there was a car seat and toddler seat strapped into the seat of the car. Something was not right. Glancing at Lala she was already looking at me with a shocked expression her face.

"What?" I asked

Wordlessly she held up her hand where I saw the biggest diamond ring ever. What really pissed me off was the fact that it happened to be on her ring finger. Anger built inside of me. From the looks of Lala face she knew what I was thinking because she grabbed my hand and showed me my own ring finger. They were a match part of a set.

I was married to Lala.

Going in for hug I held her as new emotions surfaced in me. I felt the love I had for her. I wanted to give this woman the world. I felt like she was my other half. All these emotions were terrifying. The one that stuck out the most that I easily knew was lust. I knew exactly what had happened.

"Ryan when did you get this tattoo?" Lala asked me

"I haven't gotten it yet" I told her

"Meaning" she said

"Layla took us to the future as a gift"

"Well that explains a lot." she said indicating the rings.

"That explains why I feel so different with all these emotions" I said

"Ryan you definitely look different" Lala said while giving me the once over.

"La'Bria" I said in warning

"If the two of you are done having sex in the car your kids are calling for you" we heard from the window.

"Holy shit your as big as a house" I said to Whitney before I could stop my mouth.

"I know I did that" Shan said from the window scaring the mess out of me.

"But you look fucking amazing like damn girl." At this point I knew I should stop talking.

"Really or are you just saying that" she asked

"I mean that" I said getting out to get a better look.

"Ryan instead of fucking staring at my wife so hard how about you take care of yours" Shan said getting heated.

"Oh no I love watching my husband admire another woman" Lala said as she exited the car.

I turned around and immediately was in shock. My heart skipped a couple beats upon seeing her.

"Get back in the car or grab a towel" I said

"For what" she said

Finally glancing down she noticed she was in a bathing suit. Finally taking in my surroundings I noticed we were at the beach. Focusing my attention back on Lala she was bent over in the van looking for a towel. Of course this gave me the perfect view of her round plump ass.

"Damn Ryan you lucky."

"Really you checking her out" I said

"Let me have this moment. Whitney is not letting me touch her right now. She too close to the due date. You seen how she look. You know I am being tortured so give me this moment"

"Fine" I said

Finally finding a towel she wrapped it around herself.

"I heard the two of you by the way" Lala told us

"I don't give a fuck" Shan said as he winked at her and walked away.

"I did just do it to him its only fair" I said with a shrug now that I could think straight.

"Well Im all covered up now so I am going to see my kids" she said with an attitude.

"Thank goodness" I said then slid the door shut.

"Seriously Ryan Shan didn't think I looked that bad in my swim suit. I know I have had babies and all but my body is not that bad. I can feel deep within me that I feel insecure about my body after all the children." she told me in a huff.

"We been through this I love your body" I said not sure where this is coming from

"I know the time where we are from you love it." she said

"Even more now. That ring on your finger means I have unlimited access to your body and I am being a gentleman by asking you to cover up" I said as I tried to keep my emotions in check.

"And if I decide to leave the towel" she asked as she bit her bottom lip.

"Then I promise to make you feel like the sexiest woman on the planet and not keep my hands off you" I said meaning every word.

"Ryan your eyes" she said.

"I know I feel them. Just give them a second" I told her

Needing a moment to calm down I walked down toward the beach to where my children were.

"Daddy" I heard before A girl attached herself to my leg.

"Hi beautiful" I said as my heart melted with love for the little baby.

"Well I missed you and you were gone long" she said in a huff getting a cute attitude.

"Well I'm sorry baby girl forgive me" I said sincerely

"Always" she said then ran along to finish playing

"Hey daddy" Layla said with a wink

"Wait where am I?" I asked

"Right where you need to be and by the way you might want to go get that hot head son of yours" she said with a chuckle.

Looking around I noticed a kid about 15 with a faint glow on his skin. He was the spitting image of me. From the size of his head to the way his fist were balled up. Knowing he was struggling I walked over to him.

"Dad help me please I cant. Im struggling." he told me as a single tear escaped.

Knowing exactly what was about to happen next I dragged him into the cool water.

"Why are you so upset?" I asked

"Because I cant control it" he told me getting madder

"Control what" I asked

"This stupid curse you gave me."

"Why cant I just skip to the part where I have it all together like you" he said close to tears.

"Wasn't always like this. Your mom helped me a lot." I told him truthfully.

"Usually we just transfer my power into you. You promised we could try that again. It worked I was happy." he said finally breaking down.

Wrapping my son in my arms I felt his body reacting to my heat and trying to keep up. I didn't know what to do. I wanted to help him. Feeling a cool hand on my shoulder I turned and saw Lala smiling at me.

"I got this hold Theo" she said with a smile.

Grabbing Theo from Lala I watched as his cute face lit up. He had to be the youngest. He had to be no older than three years old. He climbed and zipped all around me as I tried to keep up.

Glancing back down I watched as Lala reached for him.

"Stop I don't want to hurt you" he told her

"You know you cant" she said with a reassuring smile.

Grabbing a hold of him she held him in her arms.

"Let go" she whispered to him

As if a weight had been lifted I watched as he released all his frustration and anger. Until he could once again control himself.

"Better" she asked

"Much" he said like the world had been lifted from his shoulders.

"Good now lets go" Lala said with a chuckle and deep breath as she tried to once again get herself under control

But I had other plans.

"You mind taking Theo I have to talk to your mom about something" I said

"Dad you better mean talk because if you put another baby in mom I am going to be pissed" he told me

I watched as he made the quick trek back to shore safely.

"Whats up?" she asked as she looked at me with a question in her eyes.

Instead of answering I backed her deeper into the water until it was waist height for me.

"Ryan what are we doing?" she asked

Completely ignoring her I let my body do the talking for me. As she looked in my eyes I know she was starting to see them change. If that wasn't enough I know she was feeling the rising in the water temperature. Just to make sure we were on the same page I lifted her up by the backs of her thighs where she wrapped her legs around me. In that moment I know she knew my exact intentions.

"Ryan really our kids are there" she told me.

"Then try to be quiet or come with me to the car real quick" I told her as I kissed down her neck.

Choosing the option to run to the car she grabbed my hand and lead me toward it. All the while it took everything in me to not grab her ass in front of all the other families enjoying their day on the beach. We were so close to the car now.

"Lala where you going?" Whitney asked as she wobbled over.

"To get something real quick" Lala tried to disguise it as a kid walked by.

"Get what?" Whitney asked not getting it.

"Same thing you need to be receiving" I said with a wink.

"I will watch your kids" Whitney said with a chuckle.

"I am serious you need to get you some" I said

"And go into early labor I don't think so" she said

"Well your husband is eye raping you so might want to give him something because he's on edge." I told her honestly

"He does not want me that bad. Like you said earlier I look like a house." she said.

"You know that is not how I meant it. Pregnant sex is the best sex. Yes you get bigger in the stomach area but so do other parts. Mix that with the pride of knowing we did that helped you create life. Its going to be amazing. Not very long but great for us. " I said trying to keep it PG.

"Not to mention I know for a fact those pregnancies hormones got you feeling horny. " Lala said

"Fine I will talk to him" she said then wobbled off.

We finally made it to the car and Lala struggled to open the door. She couldn't seen to put the key in the key hole. When she dropped the keys and bent over to pick them up my manhood instantly responded at the sight in front of me. She turned me on so easily. Not wanting to watch her try again I grabbed her by the hips and spun her around to face me. The look in her eyes told me everything I needed to know. She wanted me. Crashing my lips hers I kissed her with everything in me.

"Ryan" she mumbled against my lips.

"Yes" I said hoping she wasn't about to tell me to stop.

"Get in the car now" she said

"Sure" I said

Climbing in the back seat I sat and watched as she closed the door behind herself.

"We were getting a little heated out there and I felt you" she told me.

"Then why do you look slightly upset and jealous" I asked

"Lets just say I caught another woman's eye balls staring" she said

"Good thing this is all yours then" I said as I pulled her into the seat with me and onto my lap.

Upon feeling my erection pressing up against her core she started grinding against me. At this point I was not sure if her bathing suit was wetter then mine or she was getting wet.

"Ryan what could you possibly be thinking about right now" Lala asked me

"Not thinking" I tried to lie.

"You are because you stopped kissing me and you have your thinking face on" she told me

"I cant figure out if your turned on or not because we were in the water" I told her

I was hoping she would answer the question but instead she began laughing. I watched as she untied the knots on her bikini bottoms. I couldn't wait for them to show me what I desired most. Right as the second knot was undone and about to drop guess what happened. I was taken back to the present.

"Tell me that was real" Lala said not believing it.

"Definitely was" I said glancing down at mini Ryan who was definitely up.

"So we definitely have physical attraction" she said as she followed my eyes down to mini Ryan.

"When we get together the whole not touching you thing is going to go" I told completely serious.

"What you say I was distracted" she said looking embarrassed as she finally brought her eyes back up to my face.

"By what?" I asked already knowing the answer.

"Ryan I am sexually frustrated and you have a perfectly hard penis right now that's going to waste. Not to mention never have I ever made a guy that turned on before" she told me

"Technically my wife did this" I told her as I turned around and tried to calm down. Last thing I needed was to go see my mom like this.

"Then why don't you ask her to take care of that for you. If your still curious then yes I was wet and not just from the water." she whispered in my ear.

Before my brain could comprehend what she said she was already headed back. Of course it had to be a test though. Especially after we had had that conversation earlier. Not thinking to much on it I went back to my family. For the rest of the day I celebrated with family. Later that night I celebrated with my other family. Shan, Whitney, and Lala. Everything was going well. Now all we had to do was wait on Alex to resurface. And we would be ready when she do.



There is a Book 2 Ryan's story does not end here. But please remember to vote, comment, and share. Feel free to check out any of my other stories. Thanks for reading

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