In The Name of The King (#Wat...

By natlaxy2424

33.4K 1.2K 393

Adelaide was never quite a charmer or even a lady for that matter. A sister to six brother's is every bit as... More

The Wicked Gentlemen
The Feline
In The Words of Caldwell
The Escape
The Knight In The Shining Armor
To Forget and Remember
To Trust or Not To Trust
The Decision
The Seamstress
An Unexpected Visit
On The Road Again
In Your Dreams
What am I to you?
Her Highness
The Dream and The Nightmare
The Knight and Her Highness
Her Highness's Obsession
Where am I?
The Hunter
His Captive
You're the Earth, I'm Your Moon
The Plan
Life is But a Mere Game of Manipulation
Jealousy Turns Even the Brightest of Souls Black
My Sinister Captor
The Knight and The Sorcerer
Damsel in Distress
The Rescue
To Love and to Be Loved
An Act of Betrayal

The Painful Truth

835 40 11
By natlaxy2424

Chapter 11

I stared at the spot Caldwell stood, unblinking.

So many confused questions racked my brain. I couldn't even begin to understand how he disappeared like he did. Even more questions popped up when I thought of his ulterior motives. Just upon our first meeting, I knew he wouldn't give up so easily.  

"Adelaide," Arthur cooed, trying to cox me out of my stunned expression. What in the world was Caldwell Merrick? Let alone, who is he really? Those two measly, but not so measly, questions bored into my thought process. It scared me even more that there was something familiar about his green eyes and the way he walked. Something I couldn't put my finger on just yet...

"ADELAIDE," Arthur's exasperated shout echoed throughout the houses surrounding us. Flinching, I met his worried gaze. "I thought you were a goner for a second there," he chuckled uncomfortably, scratching the back of his neck. I let out a large needed sigh.

"I might as well be," I said more to myself than to anyone else. Getting kidnapped was never part of the Pierce family plan. Ever since I was a child, I was brought up to be the elite of the elite. I vaguely remembered hundreds upon hundreds of Earls and Dukes vying for my attention, let alone, my company. Of course it was always pleasing when a man paid more attention to my disposition than just my dowry.

It became more of a ritual. Every evening a new Duke or Earl would enter in and out of the drawing room. Never did they stay more than an hour, It was sad really. During that time the person who I was seemed meaningless. The only thing everyone seemed to care about, was either my status or how beneficial my estate was to them financially.

I admit, I was far better off than most of the citizens of Mont Saint Michel. I didn't mean to seem ungrateful, In fact, I was very grateful for the way my brothers and I were brought up. It was just....having everything planned out for you felt suffocating.

"Adelaide? Adelaidee? aandd I lost you again," Arthur sighed, giving up. Finally, I pulled myself out of the past.

"Gosh, I'm sorry!" I exclaimed, eyeing Gavin through the window. A small smile stretched across my face. Why so nosy? I internally giggled.

"Don't be," He winked, grasping her hand. Jumping slightly, I felt as if an electric current passed through our joined hands. "It's been a pretty eventful day...we should head inside," Arthur murmured, getting a far off look in his eyes. Nodding in agreement, we headed into the house, getting ready for a stampede of questions from Adriana and Gavin.


After what felt like hours, Gavin and Adriana finally grasped the situation. It was a lot to take in. I was more than tired and exhausted, all I wanted to do was curl up in between my soft bed sheets. As if reading my mind, Arthur nudged my shoulder, flicking his head towards the stairs.

"I apologize for interrupting this discussion. But, I should escort Ms. Adelaide to her chambers," he said with ease. Slightly blushing, I nodded my head in agreement.

"I'm sorry to leave so abruptly, but I've been feeling run down lately,"  I added, smiling tiredly. Adriana agreed with enthusiasm, enveloping me in a hug. While Gavin, smiled down at me and nodded his head in understanding.

Arthur and I ascended the stairs, finally standing outside my private chambers. 

"I apologize sincerely for the way I acted the other night...," Arthur spoke up, breaking the comfortable silence that fell upon us. My eyes widened, surprised that he brought up the situation so eagerly. "I didn't mean to be so forceful, or demanding," he continued, looking deeply remorseful.

I couldn't help but have the urge to stroke his bright blonde strands. I wanted to comfort him, to tell him his feelings were reciprocated. Yet, that little voice at the back of my mind held me back from doing so.

"It's alright Arthur. I understand and I accept your apology," I uttered, smiling up at him. He mimicked my smile, stroking my brown strands that hung loosely against my shoulders. A shiver ran up my spine, enticing me to invite him inside.

"I can't help but feel drawn to you Adelaide. Even when I found out your true name, it didn't anger me like I thought it would." He spoke with such eloquence that you'd think he was of noble upbringing. "I feel drawn to your timeless beauty and want nothing but to ravish you in whatever you desire. I need you Adelaide, more than I've needed anyone else." I couldn't help but stare into his hazel eyes, stunned. Those beautiful words that passed his full lips were full of thought and care. I wanted to embrace him and kiss him fervently.

Still, the threat of my past and even my future loomed over us like an unwanted visitor. I couldn't help but picture Caldwell's sneer as he admitted to killing my father. 

"You don't deserve someone like me," I shook my head, trying to push him away. This was for the best, this was for him. "You deserve someone who can give you their whole being," I continued, trying to explain to him why I was unfit as a lover. "I can't give you what you want and need Artorious," his full name felt foreign on my tongue. For the short amount of time we've been in each other's company, I couldn't help but feel incredibly drawn to him. The last time I felt this similar feeling was with...Oliver. Sweet, confident Oliver.

Arthur's eyes held a hint of hurt. Yet, as quickly as it came, it disappeared. "Please. Let us be friends instead," my heart lashed out as those words passed my lips. I didn't want to be friends. I wanted to be so much more than that. Except, my head was overpowering my heart.

"I need...time," Arthur responded, looking emotionless and hard-hearted. He scratched the back of his neck, leaving me to my own thoughts.

To say it hurt would've been an understatement of the century. To say I didn't feel my heart ripping out of my chest would've been a lie. This man that was ready to give his everything to me was unexpectedly shot down by my own stupid ideas. I stormed into my room, shutting the door behind me as I sunk to the floor in a crying heap. Tears silently streaked down my face, wetting the neckline of the nightgown I had on.

I knew the pain wouldn't subside, and I knew that I made the right decision. Right?


Yoohoo! Chapter updateeee XD I actually felt pretty good about this chapter haha. Hopefully you like it more than I did ;P How did you feel about the decision Adelaide made? Did you agree or disagree with her? Tell me in the comments! Also, don't forget to vote or comment if you're enjoying the story so far. I love seeing your feedback.

Happy reading!

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