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Chapter 32

Adelaide's POV:

I couldn't breathe, let alone utter a single syllable until the bright white light faded and the fog inside my mind cleared.

Beneath my feet, stood Caldwell's slacked jaw and battered body. Letting out a sigh of relief, I collapsed to the ground, my limbs unwilling to move on their own. I frantically looked between Arthur and Caldwell, begging for any sort of answer that could quell the restlessness I was feeling inside. I couldn't quite explain what had happened, since in theory my consciousness wasn't really all there. What did I do? I sobbed, unable to stop the rapid beating of my heart. Did I kill him?! I stared down in horror as Arthur's warmth embraced me.

"Thank god you're okay," he breathed out, only to pull me tighter against his chest.

"I can't do this," I gasped out, escaping his hold as my feeble legs carried me out of the manor. Gasping and clawing at the air, I finally got to the carriage we arrived in earlier. What did you do Adelaide?! I internally screamed, feeling as if everything was caving in on me all at once.

"ADELAIDE!" Arthur shouted in alarm as the bright white light engulfed my senses yet again, only this time, it was different. It felt oddly familiar as the light seemed to have a mind of its own. Before I could make a single sound, a beam shot out at Arthur's feet, burning the dirt under his boots.

My eyes widened in shock, as I realized the danger I could put Arthur in. What was this new ability that I suddenly possessed? And why was it taking control of my senses?

"Arthur....I' sorry," I frowned, trying to hold back the tears as I dashed into the nearest woodland. Twigs and leaves snapped beneath each footfall as Arthur's shouts echoed behind me. My breathing became ragged as I rounded another tree. It was too dangerous, too dangerous to get close to anyone, let alone Arthur. Who knows what I would do...

Every cell in my body seemed to pull me towards the nearest opening until all I could see was a field full of red and violet flowers. My chest rose and fell with each gasp of air I took in. The power that was surging through my veins felt strange and unknown. I just couldn't wrap my head around the situation. Who am I? Better yet, what am I? Because I'm obviously not human if I could kill Caldwell so easily.

"Oh god, I killed someone," I gasped again, clutching my stomach, replaying the traumatic events through my head over and over again. Until a wave of nausea took hold and my stomach involuntarily spilled all of its contents out onto the forest floor. Coughing and sputtering, I finally got the strength to steady myself against the base of a large tree.

Everything that I used to call home seemed nothing but a distant memory now, because of him. Yet, instead of feeling relief, I felt nothing but guilt. Guilt for taking a life with my own hands, guilt for remembering the feeling of enjoyment that seemed to posses me in that moment, and guilt for putting Arthur in danger.

I didn't deserve forgiveness for the sins that I've committed, the magic that coarses through my veins is proof of what a disgrace I am. Magic isn't something you take lightly, it's an unnatural way of living, or so I've been told.

My thoughts became a jumbled mess as I tried to make sense of what this could mean. Was father lying to me this entire time? and if so, what else had he been hiding? For the first time in years, I started to doubt the man that I called father.

A loud snap of a twig caught my attention, as I whirled around only to come face to face with piercing hazel eyes.

"Arthur," I breathed out, unable to will my body to move. The expression on his face appeared to be a mixture of worry and rage as he tightly clenched his jaw.

"What is wrong with you?!" Arthur finally boomed, pressing my cheek against his firm chest. "You don't just take off when things get tough Adelaide, you face them head on!" He shouted again, his chest rising and falling rapidly with each word he spewed out.

"You don't understand...," I sighed, unwilling to hear his accusations.

"I don't understand?! Then help me understand Adelaide! Help me see why you insist on shutting everyone out that cares about you!" His grip on her shoulders became more powerful as his temper rose.

"Because I can't stand the thought of losing the last person that I care about!" I rounded back, breathing heavily from the emotions that I'm desperately trying to suppress. "I can't lose you'd kill me."

"Addie...," he sighed, brushing back a strand of loose hair. "You're not going to lose me,"

"No, you don't know that. You could easily end up like Caldwell if I loose control of this thing inside me one more time." One thing that I knew deep down in the depths of my heart was that I'd do anything to keep Arthur from having the same fate.

"We don't know what could happen, but what we do know is that Caldwell deserved what came to him. He's hurt you in unimaginable ways Adelaide, and took the ones you loved. You had every right to do what you did. Don't ever feel bad for trying to avenge the ones that were forcefully taken away from you." His piercing gaze met mine, setting my heart ablaze once more. This is the man that's gone to hell and back, just to love and protect me. Tears started blurring my vision as I clung to Arthur with all my might.

"I hate you...," I sobbed, knowing perfectly well it wasn't hate that I was feeling.

"I know," Arthur smiled, burying his face into the crook of my neck.

In this small fleeting moment of just the two of us, I knew for a fact that I'd do anything to harness this power even if it meant putting my life at risk.


Long time no see readers!! I've officially started this story back up again :) but wow I'm a terrible author, I really need to get back on schedule and finish up this story. But for all of you who've showed it support throughout the months that I was gone, I just want to give you a big huuuggg ^_^ because you guys really made me want to come back and update again. I hope you enjoyed this chapter though! ;) if you did, don't forget to like and comment <3


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