The Plan

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(Unedited, some parts may seem weird)

Chapter 24

The dimly lit room casted a dark shadow across the floorboards of the Inn.

All five of them were positioned adjacent to one another as Arthur stared down at his hands in thought. The dream from last night still haunted his thoughts. He needed answers, ones that maybe Alistair would be willing to give.

"I didn't say it was going to be easy," Alistair frowned, rolling his eyes at the idiots before him.

"Well you didn't say we had to use magic to get in either," Gavin retorted back, narrowing in on the Hunter.

"A sorcerer's magic no less," Adrianna added, shoving her way into the conversation. In no way shape or form were they going to ask the help of an enchanter. Especially one that tricks the mind into believing an alternate reality and who knows what else. There was a reason that the Pendragon's banned any use of magic in this world and for good reason too.

"That's only a minor detail," he said, brushing a fly off of his ebony cloak. Did they really think they could defeat Caldwell and his mercenaries without the use of magic? It was laughable really.

"Minor detail? Minor?!" Gavin shouted, unable to control himself in front of the infuriating man any longer. "You tell me if it's minor when Adelaide turns up dead because of you!" He shouted again, trying to refrain his hands from latching onto Alistair's throat.

"Gavin, calm down," Arthur spoke up, staring into the eyes of his comrade as he slowly patted his back in reassurance.

"Sorry Arth," Gavin whispered under his breath, realizing he got a little too excited. "I'm just on edge....," he trailed off, letting out a reluctant breath of air.

"As we all are," Arthur nodded, standing in between the two men. He needed a way to ask Alistair the question that's been haunting his mind all day. However, this obviously wasn't the time for personal pleasantries. "This situation with Adelaide requires us to look at other possibilities...possibilities that may or may not be...acceptable." Arthur finished, eyeing Gavin as the words he uttered rolled off his tongue.

The entire room went silent. So silent that the only sound you could hear was the tapping of Alistair's boot and Gavin's erratic breathing. They needed to understand that we have to do everything we can to get Adelaide back, even if it requires magic

"I don't like this...," Gavin whispered, nervously picking the skin just below his finger nails. "But, If it's for Adelaide, I can't deny the possibility that it may just work," he sighed, connecting his dark brown eyes with Arthur's.

From across the table, Adrianna silently stood up from her seat. A scowl set firmly in place as she surveyed the men before her.

"If it's for Adelaide," Adrianna gritted out through clenched teeth. I don't like this...he doesn't seem trustworthy, she wondered internally, suspiciously eyeing Alistair.

"Great!" The Hunter clapped, rubbing his palms together in anticipation. Sooner or later they were going to come to the same conclusion I presented, it was just a matter of time really, Alistair smirked. "Now that we're all on the same page....," he paused, shifting his dark eyes over the small group, "shall we get down to business?" He smiled, knowing perfectly well how easy it was to manipulate mortals. In fact he's always thought that they were such weak beings.

"Let's," Arthur replied, nodding in agreement, eager to get Adelaide out of the hell he had a feeling she was already in. The sooner she was safe in his arms the better. Who knows what sick tricks Caldwell has up his sleeve.

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