Where am I?

635 31 40

(Unedited, I'll be editing soon :( )

Chapter 19

Leaves and twigs cracked beneath my feet as I wandered through the dark forest.

I quickened my pace in an effort to erase the worry that was consuming my every thought. Even though Guinevere and I were never on great terms, I couldn't help but worry that she was alone, or worse, dead.

The chill of the night air did little to calm my nerves. In fact, I seemed to jump and shake even at the slightest movement. From a twig snapping to a leaf falling, it was safe to say that I was a little more than shaken up. The voices I heard from earlier can't just be my imagination...

Suddenly, a crack of a twig resonated throughout the quiet forest. I froze, unsure of whether I should run back to camp or face this unknown presence head on.

"Adelaide...," a voice whispered, seeming to be only a breath away. I quickly spun around, searching for the owner of the voice. Yet, all I could detect was the empty air surrounding me. That's when I quickened my pace, frantically glancing back every few seconds.

"It's just your imagination, it's just your imagination," I chanted under my breath, trying to erase the feeling of being watched.

"Don't lie to yourself Adelaide...," the voice breathed into my ear, causing a shock of shivers to run down my spine. Almost immediately, my mouth went dry as warning bells went off inside my head. Warning bells that screamed for me to get out of there as fast as possible.

"Who are you?!" I croaked out, too frightened to turn in the direction of the disturbing voice. As if to set the mood, the cool night air kicked up, tousling my dark strands off my neck.

"I'm very disappointed in you Adelaide," the voice breathed out, clicking it's tongue. "You already forgot the man who eliminated your father?" It asked, laughing a deep resonating laugh. My eyes bulged in a mixture of shock and fear. It can't be him, please don't let it be him.

Just then, masculine hands wrapped themselves around my waist, violently twisting me around. His bright red hair was sticking up in every direction as his lips were curved into a pleased smile. I'd give anything to smack that smile right off of his smug face.

"Miss me Kitten?" Caldwell deeply chuckled, a disturbing smirk playing on his thin lips.

"Never," I retorted, refusing to let fear overcloud my judgement.

"Aw, really?" He frowned, feigning hurt. "And here I thought we were growing so close to one another," Caldwell sneered, towering over my small frame. What I'd give to be a foot taller.

His grip tightened a significant amount around my waist, causing me to wince in pain.

"You're sick Caldwell," I spat, glaring into his emerald orbs. He was more than sick, he was obviously mentally unstable, or worse.

"I take that as a compliment," Caldwell winked, suddenly slinging me over his broad shoulders without warning.

"No! Please!" I shrieked, different scenarios flashing inside my mind, all ending with me lying on my deathbed.

"Don't worry Kitten, I'm sure your little friends won't even notice you're gone," He cackled wickedly, snapping his fingers together just as a puff of smoke started slowly surrounding the both of us.

"ARTHUR!" Was the last thing I remembered screaming, before the darkness engulfed my subconscious.


Water droplets slowly trickled down my cheek as my hand immediately flew to my face. Peeling my eyelids open, I gazed up at the maid that was towering over me with a bucket of water in hand.

Everything seemed foggy, even the woman above looked kind of funny.

"It's time for your morning wash Miss," the maid said in a soft sweet tone, looking down at me with wide innocent eyes as if she didn't just pour a bucket of water on top me.

"Have we met before?" I genuinely wondered, shaking my head vigorously, trying to recognize the features of the woman.

"Of course we have Miss," the woman replied, taking my hand in hers. "I'm Silvia, I've been serving you for two months now," she kindly smiled, carefully leading me to what appeared to be the garderobe.

"No, no, I don't want a bath," I frowned, retracting my hand, trying to remember where or even who I really was.

"It's ok Miss, Lord Merrick specifically ordered me to clean you up for tonight's festivities," Silvia beamed in glee, ushering me into the full bath with a spring in her step.

"Guests...," I mumbled to myself, trying to remember the last time I received company.

"I'm sure you'll be fine Miss," Silvia stated, scrubbing the back of my back in a hypnotizing rhythm. She seemed to be so sure of herself...

"Where am I again?" I inquired, my brow creasing in confusion. It felt as if my thoughts were a jumbled chaotic mess. I couldn't seem to think clearly, even if my life depended on it.

"It's the same answer I gave you last week Miss, Merrick Manor," She answered, frowning in worry at the sight before her. It'd only been two months since Adelaide arrived and yet she seemed to worsen everyday.

"Oh. I apologize S-silvia," I muttered, quietly closing my eyes as she lathered a mixture into my scalp. I felt weak and lost. The only thing I could clearly make out in the fog that was my mind, were a pair of bright hazel eyes and deep blonde hair. Almost every night, I wished for a name to link to the stranger that appears inside my dreams. However, I'm left without an answer every time I open my eyes.

"Miss it's time to get out," Silvia whispered, making sure she wasn't making any sudden movements.

"Thank you," I nodded, trying to stand up by myself, only to wobble and fall back into the water. "I'm so sorry! I can't seem to feel my legs," I mumbled, just as an intense feeling of pain shot up my legs. Reaching my hand out, I latched onto the edge of the tub, gritting my teeth in agony.

"No, it's ok Miss, let me get your medication," Silvia breathed out, hysterically searching the cupboards in the bedchamber.

"Make it stop!" I cried, shoving my fingers into my long dark mane. Tears streaked down my cheeks as sobs shook my shoulders. I can't take this anymore... "PLEASE!" I wailed just as Silvia ran in with a glass of unidentifiable liquid.

"Miss! Here!" She shouted, shaking in a frenzy as she slipped the glass into the palm of my hand.

In one quick motion, I snatched the glass, frantically gulping down the cold liquid. After a few moments of erratic breathing, the pain started to slowly ebb away.

"Thank you," I sighed in relief, still trying to regain control of my trembling body. "Who are you again?" I whispered one final time before the glass suddenly smashed to the floor and a familiar feeling came over me. Stumbling backwards, I smacked my head against the hard floor as darkness enveloped me.


Hey lovely readers! :) So, I'm trying to get back into my writing kick and I apologize if this chapter isn't so great with editing and all but I hope you like it! (It's bad I know) It's kind of a jumbled mess at the moment but you'll understand what happened in the next chapter...maybe ;) I like to keep you guys on your toes :P If you enjoyed this chapter don't forget to vote and comment! <3


In The Name of The King (#Wattys2016)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora