Loving His Demons

By brianderson1999

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Wyatt is 25 and struggling to keep up with his bills. After just being fired he's desperate to find a job. Ev... More

Chapter 1- New Job✅
Chapter 2- Plea Bargaining✅
Chapter 3- Parker✅
Chapter 4- Family dinner ✅
Chapter 5- Dirty, Filthy, Whore ✅
Chapter 6- I Just want your time✅
Chapter 7- I feel safe with you
Chapter 8- I'll save you... I'll always save you
Chapter 9- Breakdown after Breakdown
Chapter 11- Getting your man
Chapter 12- Date night and throwing up
Chapter 13- Passing out
Chapter 14- Wyatt's secrets
Chapter 15- Two Deaths
Chapter 16- Relapsing
Chapter 17- David's Secrets
Chapter 18-Fights and Forgiveness
Chapter 19- Birthday
Chapter 20- Hurtful Words
Chapter 21- Stupid Hormones!
Chapter 22- I Did it to protect you!
Chapter 23- Thanksgiving Peace
Chapter 24- I need help
Chapter 25- Lunch date
Chapter 26- Emotional day, Family night.
Chapter 27- First Therapy.
Chapter 28- Santa Claus
Chapter 29- Church or sleep?
Chapter 30-Last Family Dinner

Chapter 10- Don't think just do

250 15 4
By brianderson1999

Chapter 10
Loving His Demons
David's POV
May 30th

(Davids bedroom)

I woke up to my alarm clock signaling its time for work. I turn it off and sit up in my bed and stretch my body out.

I grab my phone from the night stand and check my notifications. I go through emails and reply to them and I check my text messages.

I see that Wyatt texted me so I open his message

Wyatt: Hey um what time should I be at work?

David: I can pick you up.

Wyatt: You don't have to. I have a car I am able to drive

David: Okay then 10 I guess

After replying to my messages I finally get up amd decide to get dressed.

(Davids outfit)

When I get downstairs I smell coffee and I gag in my mouth. I glare at my brother who has coffee in his hand. "What?" He asks innocently

"What is that thing in you're hand and why is it in my house?" I ask. "It's coffee and its in your house because I like it" he says.

I glare at him again "Why did you have to get Dad's coffee obsession?" I ask rhetorically

"The same way you got Papa's hatred for Coffee" he says and I freeze.

I try to calm myself down "David it was 15 years ago he's gone mentioning his name should not make you react like that anymore. You're fine he can't hurt you" he says.

"Fuck you I'll get over it when you get over your time in war" I hiss and leave the house.

Brayden meets me in the car. He hands me my pills and some water and we drive to my work glancing at my black watch I see that it's 9:30. Once I get into my office I sit down and lean my head on the back of my chair.

Sophia comes in and tells me about my schedule for today. Most of today is me working on my cases. Especially the one that's coming up.

I hear a knock on the door "Come in!" I yell.

Wyatt walks in and I see him wearing a red dress shirt with white dress pants and black dress shoes. He looks so fucking hot. I shake those thoughts from my head.

"Good Morning Mr. Edley you can have a seat and I'll inform you of our work today." I tell him and he nods his head and takes a seat.

"I have a meeting at 2. Most of the time we're gonna be in the office. If you didn't know I am a Criminal prosecutor for the state of New York I deal with murders, rapists, burglars etc. all type of criminals if you think you can handle that you can continue to work with me if not I can find you a job that is less gruesome but you will NOT going back to stripping is that understood?" I say and he scoffs

"Stop trying to control my life if I want to strip I will" he says

"All right fine. You go ahead and go back to stripping but the next time someone tries to rape you because they think you're easy I won't be there to save you. And if something worse happens like you actually being raped I don't want you to come crying to me because I tried giving you a job but you wanted to resort back to stripping for perverted people. Does that make you happy? Someone groping you? Molesting you? Thats what it is you know someone touching you like that is molestation and you just let it happen do you like it Wyatt? Is that why you want to go back!? Because you like being touched like that" I growl out

"What! No! God why are you being such an asshole! I don't like being touched like that why would even think that! I cry every fucking night because I can still feel their hands on me! Seriously! I can't believe you just said that!" He yells tears in his eyes. He gets up and leaves the room.

I roll my eyes "Really David? Why do you have to act like that?" Brayden groans

I shrug "I'm not good with the whole touchy feely thing" I tell him.

"That's no excuse and you know it you just told him he enjoys being touched inappropriately." He says

I groan "fuck I am such a dick"

"No shit." Brayden scoffs.

I stand up and leave the room "Sop where'd the blonde guy go?"

I ask her. She slaps my shoulder "are you the reason the cute boy rushed out of their crying!?" She exlaims

"Hey!" Kanton shouts from the office

"Shut up Babe you know I love you!" She yells back

I rub the back of my neck sheepishly "I might be the reason he ran out of the room" she glares at me and hits me again "He's in the bathroom and you better fix it or else I will beat you up" she glares and I rush to the bathroom

I see Wyatt splashing water on his face. Wyatt looks up and I see his eyes are red and puffy

"I'm so sorry Wyatt. I'm a dick a really fucking big dick and I'm so sorry. I'm insensitive and just please forgive me I'll make it up to you somehow" I say.

He continues to stare at me in the mirror. "I didn't like it nor did I remotely enjoy it I became a stripper because it was the only option I had left. You may not know what that feels like but it's really fucking shitty. I cry every night David! Every night! You know I cry every night because I call you to make me feel better and now you're telling me I fucking like it!? Would you of saved me if you thought I liked it? What makes you even think I'd want to go back to stripping? Is it because I don't want to work here? I don't want to work here because I don't want to burden you with my problems! If you see me everyday you're going to get tired of me and then you're going to leave just like everyone else! I can't lose you David I can't" he cries.

I wrap him up in arms and clutches my shirt in his hands. I whisper sweet nothings in his ear coaxing him to calm down. "It's okay Wyatt shh. I'm not leaving I'm right here"

After awhile Wyatt calmed down. He groaned as he pulled away. "Fuck I swear I need to see someone for crying so goddamn much" he grumbles. I cup his face and rub the remaining tears off his face with the pads of my thumbs.

His breath hitches but I ignore it. "You don't need to see someone for that. I think you're the most strongest person for being able to cry" I tell him and he blushes.

"I'm really sorry Wyatt. I'm probably the shitiest person you'll ever meet. I'm insensitive, I have anger issues, I'm insecure, and I have a hard time with emotions I am probably the worst person to be friends with because of it." I tell him.

"It's okay. I can deal with it" he tells me

I raise a brow "you sure because I'm pretty sure you were just crying because of me" he glares.

"I am a sensitive person especially when I care about people but I've been through worse so just because I cry over your dumbass doesn't mean I can't handle it" he says fiercely and I nod my head "if you're sure then fine" he smiles in triumph making me chuckle

"Why don't you get cleaned up and meet me in the office okay?" I ask he nods his head and I walk away.

I walk back to my office and see Sophia standing outside "Is he alright?" She asked. I nod my head "Yeah he's fine. I'm an asshole but I got him to calm down. I told him to wash his face and then he can come back to the office" I tell her.

She tsks "You really need to learn how to be nicer or else you really will lose everyone David" she says and I groan. "I know I know alright please save me the lecture your husband gives me one at least once a day"

"Well maybe one of these days he'll get it through your thick skull. David you know I love you like a brother which is why I am telling you that you have to work on how you treat people. You're going to lose eveyone if you don't" she says.

"Look Soph I appreciate the concern but who do I really have that's gonna leave? You? Brayden? I don't have friends Soph there's a reason for that" I say and walk into my office.

Brayden stands there and nods at me as I walk to my desk. I grab the folder with the case I'm working on. I have trial in a few short weeks and I still have to finish up the direct and cross examinations

Wyatt enters the room a few minutes later. "What would you like me to do?" He asks. I point at my filing cabinet without looking up from the file I am looking at.

"Go through those files please and pull out the ones I am currently working on. If they have stamp on the folder that says Case closed then obviously that means I'm not working on it. Go through all the files and put them into a 'closed' and 'active' file. If you can finish before my meeting we'll go get lunch if not we'll get it after do you understand? And are you okay with this task?" I tell him

"Yeah that's fine" he says so I continue with my work as he does his.

An hour and a half later Wyatt is done. "Jesus Christ David do you even realize how many cases you're working on?" Wyatt says.

I look up from my desk "hmm what? I'm sure it's not that many" I say

"Not that many David! 50 there is 50 files here that you're working on! Do you ever catch a break babe?" He asks

My breath hitches at his words "babe?" I say

His eyes widens and he blushes he clears his throat "uhm anyways I'm finished is there anything else you'd like me to do?" He asks.

"Yeah I need you to seperate the cases. The ones that involve me going to trial put in one pile and the ones where I need to have a meeting with a lawyer for plea bargaining put in another" I say. He nods his head and continues working.

I rub my head as I feel a headache coming on. "Boss? Did you take your pills?" Kanton asks and I nod my head. "I did you watched me take my pills. But my head still hurts" I reply.

Kanton bites his lip and leaves the room. "David?" Wyatt says.

I hum in acknowledgment. "Do you need some water or something?" He asks.

"Yeah actually water sounds good thank you Wyatt" I say and he smiles softly and leaves the room

I rub my head some more and Kanton walks in. "The doctor said you'll be fine as long as it doesn't turn into a migraine." I nod my head get back to work. Wyatt brought me my water and now he's finishing up sorting the files.

"Okay Wyatt you can take a break I have a meeting that I want you to accompany me with" I say. He gets up and nods we leave my office and head towards the meeting room.

"Just watch. Take notes for me like the things the defendant says" I explain he nods his head and I hand him a notebook and pen.

Opening the door I walk in and see my brother sitting there.

"Ah Good Afternoon David" my brother says. "Hello Mr. Picozzi" I states and Wyatt snaps his head up. Questioning in his eyes. I nod my head at his silent question.

"And who is this hot thing? Your new fuck buddy?" He says and I see Wyatt tense.

"He's my assistant and he does not concern you. What you should be concerned about is your client. Mrs. Szoik isn't it?" I say as I open her case file.

"Alright here's the deal I am willing to make Confess to attempting to murder your husband and pay his medical bills and I'll give you 5-10 years with a chance of parole" I state. She scoffs and says in a thick Russian accent "I didn't try to kill him." She states. And I nod head. "Right that's why we found your finger prints and DNA all over the murder weapon right?" I ask and she looks up with wide eyes.

"That's impossible! I wore gloves" she says. I smirk knowing I won. My brother throws his arms up in the air "I tell them to shut up and they never fucking do fucking idiots" he grumbles.

"Well Mrs. Szoik you sort of just proved you tried to kill your husband so either take the deal or take the risk of going to trial where you will face 10-15 with no eligibility of parole" I state.

"Fine I'll take the damn deal." She says. I give her a pen and paper and she starts writing out her confession.

My brother stands up and walks over to my side of the table he bends down slightly and whispers "does he know about you being Papa's whore? Does he know you seduced him and you're the reason he's in jail. How pathetic you are. Such a whore"

I stand up quickly and leave the room

I walk quickly to my office so know one sees me. Kantons down in the CCTV room so I'll have the office to myself.

I walk into my office and collapse onto my chair. I put hand on my face and take deep breaths.

"David?" I hear a voice whisper. My head snaps up and I see Wyatt looking at me worriedly.

"Everything alright?" He asks. I nod my head. Then shake my head. He comes over to my desk and sits on my lap shocking me.

"W-What are you doing?" I ask. He bite his lips and kisses me. I pull back shocked

"W-what are you doing?" I ask again.

"I'm kissing you" He says and kisses me again.

I pull back again "Why?" I say. He groans.

"Because I like you a lot. Now will you please shut up and kiss me. Don't think just do" he says and kisses me again.

I put my hands on his hips and kiss him back. He bites my lip sucking on it and I groan. He circles his hips and moans into my mouth.

He takes off my suit jacket and and starts to unbutton my shirt. I moan when his cold hands touch my warm skin. I take his shirt off and I start kissing his neck and sucking on his collarbone he moans and continues to grind on me.

He gets off of my lap and unbuckles my pants. My member is hard as a rock and my heart is pounding from fear.

"W-wyatt S-stop" I say. He pauses and looks at me. "I'm not going to hurt you David." He says.

"I've never had sex before" I tell him. "Babe stop thinking just do" he says. I nod my head and decide to force all the thoughts out of my head. He successfully gets my pants off and he starts rubbing me through my briefs. I hiss and moan as he does this. He takes my briefs off and I groan as my member is released from its restraints

He grabs onto my memeber and starts stroking me slowly. I kiss him again and he starts teasing my slit. Pulling back he takes my member into his mouth and I moan loudly. "Fuck fuck" I say.

He moans around my mouth sending vibrations straight to my dick. I growl when I feel like I'm about to cum. I stand up quickly and pick up Wyatt placing him on my desk his legs are spread and I continue kissing his lips while I start taking his pants and underwear off.

I flip him over so his stomach is laying on the desk his legs are spread open I look at his quivering hole and give it a lick. He moans and arches his back I thrust my tongue into his hot channel. After I finish that I slide my finger in prepping him as if I've had sex a million times.

He continues moaning getting louder and louder with each finger I insert. I eventually find his prostrate making him scream.

I pull him back and insert the tip of my raging member into his hole. He moans and tenses "relax baby" I say and relaxes slightly I continue to slowly thrust forward until I am fully seated inside me and holy fuck it's the best feeling in the world. He starts to move his hips signaling he's read for me to move so. I start to thrust deeper into him making a steady pace

I wrap my hand around his throbbing member and tug it in time with his thrusts his body tenses as he releases into my hand and I release into him a few minutes later.

I pull out and my eyes open. I see him trying to catch his breath. His eyes widen "d-did you uses a condom?" He asks.

I shake my head "fuck. Shit shit shit fuck" he says and I raise a brow. He shakes his head "nothing its nothing" he says. And I shrug.

"David are you okay?" He asks

I shake my head "you need to leave" I say in a broken voice.

"What why?" He says.

"Please Wyatt just leave this was a mistake a god awful mistake. I never meant for this to happen. Please just leave. You can come back to work tomorrow" I say.

"A mistake?" He questions with tears in his eyes. I nod my head.

He gets up and quickly and hurriedly puts his clothes on and rushes out of the room.

"Fuck" I curse. And put my head on my desk closing my eyes.

A/N: longer chapter for you. I know it may seem like them having sex was way too quick but I promise there is a reason for that. Let me know what you think! Thanks (:

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