Story of another us // Calum...

Por proseccoproblems

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'An epilogue before we're done, A sequel to what we've begun' *** "Don't marry him" Calum said taking Emily's... Mais

Four years.


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Por proseccoproblems

Two months later.

"Baby" Calum said walking into the kitchen as Emily loaded the dishwasher.
"Hmm" Emily replied looking up at him as he stood against the kitchen island.
"We're going to the beach" Calum announced making Emily raise an eyebrow at him. "With everyone else"
"The beach?" Emily repeated "but I have stuff to do"
"Like what?" Calum asked making Emily huff and wipe her hands on her shorts. "You work five days a week you need to have a break at some point Em"
"You don't understand Cal-"
"I've already told people we're going so you don't have a choice" Calum interrupted.
"I'm not in the mood to socialise with all your friends" Emily groaned making Calum shrug at her.
"Your friends will be there too" Calum said "So go and get ready"
"Don't order me around" Emily Said making Calum roll his eyes at her.
"I'm the man of the house I do what I want" Calum said as Emily began to walk out of the kitchen.
Emily walked up the stairs and into their bedroom. She sighed and looked for something acceptable to wear. She was on her period and going to the beach wasn't something she wanted to do. So she settled for a black play suit and gold sandals and threw her hair up into a pony tail and grabbed her sunglasses.
Emily returned downstairs where Calum was waiting for her with Buzz.
"You're bringing Buzz?" Emily asked making Calum nod.
"Yeah dogs are allowed on this beach" Calum answered as he grabbed his car keys and front door keys. Emily simply nodded before she headed towards the front door. Honestly, why did she have to go with him? They didn't always have to go as a pair everywhere. She didn't want to go to the beach. She didn't want to socialise with Calum's friends.
They weren't her friends, besides Paige and Holly.


Emily sat in the beach with everyone's bags as she watched people play volley ball or swim in the sea. She sighed and let the light breeze blow against her skin. There was something relaxing about the beach. The sound of the waves and the warm sand. Buzz laid down next to Emily who had poured a bowl of water out for him. Emily watched as Calum and Nia played with Parker. Running away from the waves and sitting in the sand. She watched as Calum and Nia had fun together and laughed together. She didn't feel jealousy but she didn't like it.
Luke sat down beside Emily and saw her intense eye line on the two people.
"Are you okay?" Luke asked making Emily look at him. She didn't even know that he had sat down next to her.
"Yeah fine" Emily said turning away and looked at Buzz for a few seconds before Luke spoke again.
"What are you thinking about?" Luke asked making Emily stare at him a little blankly.
"Not much" Emily answered making Luke roll his eyes at her.
"Well I can see you looking at Calum and Nia so why don't we start there" Luke said making Emily sigh a little and look over at Calum and Nia. "They are just friends" Luke reminded her.
"Are they?" Emily questioned making Luke raise an eyebrow at her.
"Yes Emily" Luke said running his hand through his hair. "Just because she's his ex doesn't mean that-"
"What wait" Emily said cutting in Luke's sentence.
"What?" Luke frowned as Emily narrowed are eyes at him.
"You just said Ex" Emily said "I didn't think they dated"
Luke's eyes widened a little and his his hung a little hung open before he closed it. "No you know what I mean like they you know"
"Luke" Emily warned making Luke screw up his face. "What the am I not being told here?"
"Why don't you take this up with Calum?" Luke asked making Emily raise her eyebrows at him. "It's not my business"
"Luke" Emily whined
"I'm serious. Just talk to him for once" Luke said making Emily furrow her eyebrows.
"What is that supposed to mean?" Emily asked quietly making Luke scoff a little.
"Em you don't know shit about what Calum has been doing in the four years you spent apart. Sure he toured the world and sold records. Had a rough patch, got someone pregnant. Why did he stop the drugs? Why did he have more than one rough patch? Em you don't talk to each other about the important things. I don't understand because you guys have a great relationship but you just think you can pick off where you left off from high school. It doesn't work like that. You've been through shit and so has he. But do either of you two know the details of each other's shitty time? No because you don't talk to each other about it" Luke said making Emily nod in agreement. She knew he was right. "So just fucking ask him"
"Okay" Emily agreed quietly before they sat in silence. Luke stood up and walked away from Emily within a few minuets of Silence. It wasn't long before Paige came and sat next to Emily.
"You haven't moved all day" Paige stated as she drunk some water out of a water bottle. "Why do you look like you've just been slapped?"
"Huh?" Emily said looking up at Paige who sat across from her.
"What's up?" Paige asked making Emily huff.
"I'm just not in the mood" Emily said making Paige nod in fairness.
"So it has nothing to do with Calum and Nia then?" Paige asked
"Don't group them like that" Emily mumbled.
"So it does" Paige chuckled a little before she glanced over her shoulder at Nia and Calum. "She's not even that pretty"
"Yes she is" Emily answered "She's very pretty"
"Yeah but you're better" Paige shrugged "so is it just jealousy or what?"
"No I'm not jealous" Emily said shaking her head. Paige didn't believe her. Emily knew this by the look she gave her but she ignored it. "Well you know how Calum and Nia almost had a child together it-"
"Excuse me?!" Paige chocked on her water making Emily look at her confused. "When the fuck was that a thing?"
"When they were 20?" Emily said but Paige probably didn't know that because no one really knew.
"I didn't know that. What the heck" Paige mumbled in disgust. "So what did they do?"
"Aborted it" Emily answered "anyway that was like four years ago and Parker is four and I don't know watching them it's like they could've been a family. Like that it's weird to me that he almost had a child a with someone else" Emily rambled making Paige nod.
"I get that" Paige replied "but why are you letting this get the better if you? They didn't have a child together"
"It's not getting the better of me" Emily said "I just don't know what happened between them"
"Should you know?" Paige asked making Emily shrug.
"It seems like it was an important part of Calum's life" Emily answered.
"Then ask him I guess" Paige shrugged making Emily chuckle because Paige and Luke had exactly the same mind set it was no wonder they had a good relationship.
"What are you laughing at?" Paige asked making Emily smile and shake her head at Paige.
"You're insane" Paige chuckled along with Emily who managed to grin at her.

Emily stepped out of the shower and quickly put in a tampon and pulled underwear up her legs. That was always a risky business. She wrapped the towel tightly around her body before stepping out of the bathroom and into her bedroom. She pulled on a pair of fabric shorts and a lose a white t shirt. She could hear talking in the house. She could hear Calum's voice, another male and a female voice. She frowned a little because she didn't know that Calum had invited people back.
Emily walked down stairs into the kitchen where Nia was looking in the cupboards.
"Oh hi" Nia said as Emily walked in.
"Hi" Emily said watching her as she opened the cupboards.
"Where is your popcorn?" Nia asked making Emily look baffled at her before she walked over to the large cupboard and pulled it out. She scanned the shelves before handing Nia a bag of sweet popcorn. "Thanks" Nia smiled before walking out of the kitchen.
"Welcome" Emily mumbled under her breath as she began to make a green tea.

Emily sat in hers and Calum's bedroom as she scrolled through clothing sites and sipped on her tea. Oreo laid beside her on the bed, meow here and there for attention.
Calum walked in and began to take off his shirt.
"I'm going out" Calum announced making Emily look up at him.
"Where?" Emily asked making Calum roll his eyes at her.
"Does it matter?" He snapped a little making Emily glance up at him.
"I was just asking" Emily mumbled before she sipped on her tea.
"What's wrong with you today?" Calum asked a little on the snappy side. Emily placed her tea on the bedside table.
"Nothing?" Emily said before she began scrolling through her laptop.
"You've barely made an effort at the beach, you've hardly talked to me all day and you were rude to Nia"
"I'm sorry when was I rude to Nia?" Emily asked looking up at Calum who was starring at her with hard eyes.
"In the kitchen" Calum stated
"I got her the popcorn she asked for" Emily stated "was I supposed to put it in a bowl for her or something as well?"
"You could've made conversation with her"
"Why would I want to make conversation with her?" Emily asked. Making Calum scoff at her.
"Whatever I'm leaving"
"Okay bye" Emily said unenthusiastically. Calum just rolled his eyes before he walked out of the door. Emily just sighed before she went back to online shopping and getting comfortable in her bed for the night of doing it.

Emily was checking social media as she laid in bed ready to just go to sleep. She noticed photos posted in Instagram of Calum out in a bar with Roy and Nia. She assumed that they were the people who were in the house early.
Emily's phone dinged with a text from Holly. She clicked on the notification at the top of her phone which lead her to photos of Nia and Calum in the bar sharing a drink, another of them whispering to one another and another of them cuddling? Emily assumed that's what they were doing.
Holly captioned it with:
What the fuck is this?

Emily chuckled a little before replying with the rolling eyes emoji three times.

Emily: Friendship goals?????

Holly: sweetie you gotta put a bitch in her place.

Emily: Harder than you think

Holly: I'll do it

Emily: What are you thinking?

Holly: Potentially beating

Emily: Holly..

Holly: sometimes the only way is to beat it into them

Emily: We never used violence in high school

Holly: you wanna bitch her out???

Emily: I'll think about it

Holly: YASS

Emily chuckled before she heard the front door open. It was 12:30am. Emily placed her phone on her bedside table and petted Oreo who was still laying beside Emily. Calum came into the room and went straight into the bathroom. Emily snuggled under the covers of the bed and began to drift into a sleep. Soon enough Calum slipped into bed beside her. Emily didn't move like she normally would. Calum waited for it to happen but she didn't move. She didn't roll into his side. Calum looked at Oreo who was laying in the large space Inbetween them.
"Are you mad at me?" Calum asked making Emily open her eyes. She was facing the side of the bed.
"Why would I be mad?" Emily asked, maybe a little sarcastic.
"What have a done for you to be mad?" Calum asked making Emily sit up in bed and look at him.
"Where did you go?" Emily asked making Calum groan.
"Why is this such a big deal?" Calum asked
"You're making it a big deal by not saying?" Emily answered
"Just a club" Calum answered
"with?" Emily questioned
"Roy" Calum answered making emily raise her eyebrows at him.
"Don't forget Nia" Emily said making Calum sigh.
"So that's what this is about?!" He asked annoyance showing in his voice. "Because I went to a club with another girl"
"I don't care that you're friends with her" Emily said "I don't give a shit. I care that you haven't told me everything they went on between you and her"
"We fucked around" Calum shrugged
"Yeah okay" Emily said rolling her eyes "just tell me the truth"
Calum stayed silent for a very long time, or what felt like a very long time. Emily sighed before she got back under the covers.
"Fine" Calum said "We were together" Emily stayed silent "We broke up over the baby issue"
"Why didn't you tell me that?"
"Because you already think it's more than it is" Calum stated making Emily roll over to look at him.
"That's because it is more" Emily groaned "you don't get it do you?! "
"Get what?" Calum asked
"She's in love with you" Emily shouted and move a little as she did so making Oreo jump off the bed and walk out of the room.
"No she isn't" Calum said "you don't know her"
"Did you love her?" Emily asked making Calum look away from Emily. "Calum!"
"I do love her. She means a lot to me" Calum said quietly making Emily suck in a small breath.
"Then why didn't you try and make it work with her?" Emily asked making Calum scoff at her.
"Why didn't you try and make it work with Rob?" Calum asked
"Maybe I would have done if" Emily stopped talking and looking away making Calum narrow his eyes.
"If what?" Calum asked
"If you didn't come back. I guess I would've tried to make it work with him" Emily shrugged swallowing hard because she's never admitted that to anyone. Sure Rob cheated on her but he did have a place in her heart a little. Just because she wasn't in love with him doesn't mean she didn't love him.
"Why does it matter if she's in love with me?" Calum asked after a few seconds of silence. "I'm not in love with her"
Emily closed her eyes and sighed.
"I know you're not" Emily mumbled "But you have to understand this from my point of view. You'd hate it if it was the other way round. I guess I get scared about another girl loving you. Especially if you're like best friends with her"
"Why?" Calum asked making Emily go quiet. She laid in silence avoiding Calum's gaze.
"Think about it" Emily mumbled making Calum instantly know what she was talking about. Calum moved towards her and placed his hands in her waist as he laid as close to her as possible.
"I'm not leaving you" Calum whispered "That would be stupid. So so stupid"
Emily just snuggled into him and laid still. Inhale his scent.
"You really need to give up smoking" Emily said her voice a little muffled.
"Yeah I know" Calum agreed before he reached and switched off the light switch. "Also I hope you didn't use my credit card online"
"I make my own money you fuck" Emily answered making Calum chuckle a little. "Night"
"Goodnight" Calum replied as he felt Emily breath get heavier on his skin.

This was done on my phone because Wattpad hates me in my laptop!!
This is boring I'm sorry. I've got some exciting chapters planned and I think I will do a third book but maybe straight away.
Let me know what you think!
Thanks for reading! I love u

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