Lights Will Guide You Home, A...

By lilmonster34

3.6K 72 9

A reoccurring dream causes a girl to wonder about certain aspects of her life. This girl is unlike the other... More

The Village Hidden In the Leaves
Too Much To Handle
Who Are You?
A New Home
The Man In The Mask
So Much Pain
Please, Hug Me Tighter
A New House Guest
New Challenge
Inner Demons
Sadness and Guilt
A New Friend
Smiles and Comfort
Who Is This Girl In the Mirror?
What Is Going On With Me?
It's Nice to Have Fun
Concealed Emotions
Now They Know
Please Don't Go
A Mission For Love
A Creepy Shack
Safe and Sound
Lila: A New Comrade
Take Me Home
An Accident
What Have I Done?
Please, Understand
Danger Ahead
The Truth of the Sound Village
Back At It
Things Heat Up
I Want You
Eyes Full of Fear
I See Danger
Defending My Home
It Feels Like the First Time
Onward to the Village of the Sound
Amara, what did you see?
Going Back Home
Beginning The Mission
I Will Save You, Amara
Amara's Past
Please Come Back To Me
Two Days Later
I Missed You So Much
A Shocking Ressurection
The Date
Happily Ever After


35 0 0
By lilmonster34

**Amara POV**

I find a stump to sit on deep in the woods, I've traveled a long way since I left Sakura's earlier.

My cuts were hurting badly, I cut so deep. I've hobbled on my crutches for way too long. I finally decide to toss them aside and just leave them behind.

I was about to curl up on the stump and rest when I heard a rustling in the leaves.

I stand quickly, in fighting stance. "Show yourself."

An eerie laugh rings in my ears. "Well, if you insist." A familiar, raspy voice says.

"Oh," I start to shake.

"Oh, God yes." The voice mocked me.

Out from the trees, Sakon approaches me. Running a finger down my cheek. "Long time no see," he leans in and his tongue caresses my ear, "Amara." he whispers seductively.

I shake with fear, at the village, Sakon was always so cruel. All of the young girls were terrified of him.

Another familiar voice rings from the trees. "Come now, Sakon." Kidomaru jumps down from the trees. "We're just here to take her back, not scar her for life." He walks towards me and grabs my arms, laughing. "Although, it looks like she's already done that herself."

I use great force to pull my hand from his grasp. "Well, where are the other two idiots?"

Kidomaru laughs. "Come on out guys."

Tayuya and Jirobo walk from behind the trees, Tayuya running toward me. "Who are you calling an idiot you disgusting little emo bi--" Kidomaru slaps her.

" least I can read." Tayuya jabs.

"Enough." He says.

I look down at my feet. "Well, let's go guys."

They all look puzzled. Jirobo chimes in, "you aren't even going to put up a fight?"

"Nope. I don't have the want nor the energy, so let's go."

Tayuya gives me a confused look. "You know you're going to die when you get back, right?"

I shrug. "What of it?"

She laughs. "Woah.. who hurt you?" She asks mockingly.

"Well um.." Kidomaru clears his throat, "come with us then."

I nod and follow them through the creepy woods. It didn't seem as if I were choosing to die at the time, all I want is to be far far away from the leaf village. On the contrary, since I have found I have no true reason to live, why not die?

My necklace from Kakashi started glowing very bright, meaning he was nearby. Oh no... not this again.

"Looks like we aren't alone.." Tayuya notices.

Sakon laughs. "Show yourself, leaf village losers." really is them.

Sure enough, Kakashi and his team appear out of the trees.

"Let her go, now." Kakashi demands.

I roll my eyes. "Save it. I don't want to go back."

He looks stunned, he just stands there speechless staring at me.

Sakura approaches me. "Amara, you know where they plan to take you, right?"

I nod. "Yes, Sakura."

"Why would you do that to yourself?!" She yells at me.

I give a glare to Kakashi. "Why not?"

He looks down in sadness.

Tayuya laughs. "All of this over some jonin?"

I give her a glare and she backs off.

Kakashi stands his ground. "Well, I'm sorry Amara. I don't care how much you hate me, you aren't going anywhere with these freaks."

"It isn't your choice." I jab at him.

He ignores me, grabbing me by the hand so quickly and pulls me away from the group, how did he do that. My eyes are wide with fear.

Sasuke and Kakashi stand their ground in front of me, "you aren't going anywhere with her." Sasuke chimes in.

They begin to fight, Naruto using his shadow clone jutsu to distract. Surprisingly it worked.

Tayuya was defeated by him, she's too stupid to recognize the fake Narutos, so she was defeated quickly.

Sasuke defeats Jirobo easily, using his sharingan eyes.

Sakura takes out Sakon. It was a close fight but, somehow he ended up defeated, on the ground.

The last two left were Kakashi and Kidomaru.

**Kakashi POV**

"Why don't you just let her go? It appears to me she doesn't want to be around you." Kidomaru jabs at me.

"It doesn't matter, I'm going to protect her no matter what." I shift to glance at Amara, she just rolls her eyes, still not believing a word I say.

Kidomaru laughs mockingly. "It's too bad that you're going to die saving her."

After several jabs, I use my chidori on him,causing him to fall to the ground in pain.

This frightens the others, making them run away, Jirobo carrying Kidomaru on his back.

Breathless, I fall to the ground.

"Kakashi sensei!" Naruto yells, he and Sasuke lift me up by my arms and try to walk me out of the woods.

"Why isn't she coming?" I yell, noticing that Amara is sitting on the ground.

Sakura sits beside her. "Amara, come with us so you can be safe."

"No!" Amara yells, making my heart shatter. "I want to be alone."

Sakura becomes angry. "Well, you can't be alone, I'm not going to let you. I know Kakashi did a jerky thing but I'm not leaving without you." She picks Amara up and throws her over her shoulder.

"Put me down, Sakura!" She yells jabbing her in the back with her fists, repeatedly.

Sakura doesn't let go though. She carries Amara on her back, she kicks and screams for another half hour, but soon falls asleep in Sakura's arms.

We all walk home in silence, no one saying a word to each other.

Amara may hate me, but she's safe now.

At least I saved her.

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