The Truth of the Sound Village

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"May I please see her?" I plead with the nurse at the front desk.

"Not right now, visiting hours don't start until six, sir." She informs me.

I sigh. "Okay, thank you."

I really want to check on her, to make sure she's okay, to make sure she isn't scared.

Hearing her say she didn't want to come back here, really hurt. I really want the chance to tell her the truth about what happened that day at the Hokage's office.

I walk there now, I have to tell the Hokage everything about the sound village. I just hope Amara understands.

"Kakashi, are you alright?" The Hokage asks.

"Yes, just very very tired." I tell him, it wasn't a lie either, I'm hoping now that I know Amara is safe I will get caught up on some rest.

He nods. "I won't keep you long, I promise. Just go ahead and explain to me why Amara fled from her village."

I gulp. "I'll tell you, but I warn you, it's terribly unsettling."

He nods.

I take a deep breath and let it out. "Amara is originally from the sound village, Orochimaru's village."

The Hokage nods. "Was he hurting her?"

I look down. "That isn't even the half of it. He.. well... He takes the individuals in his village with disabilities and sentences them to death in order to create what he believes is a perfect village."

The Hokage's eyes are wide. "My goodness, and Amara was sentenced to be executed?"

"Yes, they had found out about her disability and were coming after her. She came here for safety."

The Hokage looks down, deeply worried. I fall to my knees in front of him.

"Sir, I know you want to put an end to this evilness. Just, please, I beg you, find some way to keep Amara safe."

He smiles. "Yes Kakashi, we'll have two Jonin guard her house twenty four hours until this gets settled, don't you worry."

I breathe a sigh of relief, knowing that Amara would be better protected.

"Kakashi, wasn't Lila in the shack with Amara when you rescued her?"

I nod.

"Would you mind telling her to come here? I would like to hear her testimony of what she's witnessed living in the sound village."

"Yes, sir." I politely tell him and exit to the streets.

I get to Sakura's house where Lila stays and knock on the door.

"Kakashi sensei, what's up?" Sakura answers the door, a look of worry on her face.

"Everything is fine." I assure her. "I just need to see Lila."

Lila comes to the door, her arms crossed and her eyes narrowed. "Hey, jerk."

I sigh. I guess she knows. "Look, I know you're mad at me, but you really have no reason to be, and I'll explain it on the way, but the Hokage needs to see you."

"Fine." She walks ahead of me. "So, fill me in. Why did you break my best friend's heart?"

I look down at my feet. "Lila, I didn't purposefully hurt her. I didn't even kiss Shizune, Shizune caught me off guard and kissed me."

Lila's eyes are wide. "Why?"

I shrug. "She was sad and I was talking with her, and I guess she mistook my kindness for flirting. I told her politely I loved someone else."

Lila has a sad look on her face. "Kakashi, I'm so sorry. I didn't know..."

"I know." I say, I wasn't mad, I know it had to look bad. "I just wish Amara knew."

"I'll talk to her, Kakashi. In fact, I'll have Shizune talk to her."

I smile. "Thank you, Lila."

We approach the Hokage's office. "Well we're here, it's about five til six..I think I'll go see her."

Lila smiles. "Don't worry, even though she is hurting right now, I can tell that girl loves you. Don't ever forget that, she loves you deeply, and from what I can tell, she doesn't love easily."

I nod. "She's been through a lot. I just want her happy."

I say goodbye to Lila and walk back to the hospital, excited to see Amara, even though I'm certain she doesn't want to see me.

I walk in her room, her leg has a boot on it. She's wearing a hospital gown and cute cat socks that Sakura gave her. Her hair is in braided pig tails, which looks so good on her. She has new arm covers on, black and white. She's drawing a picture of the sun and flowers until she sees me, and then her eyes grow cold.

"What are YOU doing here?" She asks, with disgust.

"I came to see you, I want to see how you're doing. How are you, sweetie?"

She shakes her head. "Well, I'm not your damn sweetie, that's one thing. Other than my leg hurting and my heart being shattered into pieces, I guess I'm fine. Thanks for asking." She says in a sarcastic tone.

I pull up a chair next to her bed. "Amara, I need to talk to you about the night you saw Shizune kissing me."

She just looks at me, arms crossed and raises an eyebrow.

"She kissed me. I didn't kiss her. She took me off guard. When I pulled back, I told her that I was in love with you."

She laughs. "I may not have grown up on a farm, but I know bull sh** when I smell it."

"Amara, I promise I'm telling the truth."

"Whatever, Kakashi." She looks straight ahead.

I sigh and change the subject, knowing that until Shizune talks to her, she wouldn't believe me. "Amara, I had to tell the Hokage about Orochimaru and what he has been doing in your village."

She looks absolutely mortified. "So not only are you going to break my heart, but now you're going to put the people in this village in danger?"

"Amara! Something has to be done, our village will stop at nothing to protect the innocent, to protect good people like you."

She rolls her eyes, I get up ready to leave.

"You'll be protected twenty four hours with two jonin in front of your house."

She doesn't look at me. It seems as if it pains her to do so.

"Amara, I love you. Whether you believe it or not, I love you." I tell her before leaving.

I walk out the door quickly, not seeing her reaction, holding back tears.

I really hope she'll be mine again one day.

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