The Date

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We arrive at a huge, very fancy restaurant. Kakashi approaches the podium where the hostess is standing.
"I have a registration under Hatake."
He tells her.
The hostess looks through the list briefly. "Yes let me take you to your table."
She seats us and gives us menus.
"Order anything you like." Kakashi smiles.
My stomach was rumbling and I grabbed it.
Kakashi laughed. "Hungry?"
"Yeah." I confessed. "I haven't eaten much since... you know."
Kakashi gives me a sad smile and takes my hand from across the table, caressing my hand softly.
The waitress brings us some water and takes our food order.
Kakashi orders steak and potatoes and I order a smothered grilled chicken.
"I'm ready to have you back in bed with me. I've been so lonely." I confess to Kakashi.
He winks at me. "I bet you have."
I blush and he laughs. "That's not what I meant, do I have to start calling you pervy like Naruto calls Jiraya?"
Kakashi laughs harder. "Are you telling me you didn't miss it?"
"I'm not saying that at all." I laugh and he just smiles.
"You look so beautiful tonight." He tells me with a sparkle in his eyes.
"You really think so?" Pink isn't really a color I wear a lot. I felt weird.
"I know so. You're the most beautiful girl ever."
We get our food and eat within about fifteen minutes.
Kakashi pays and leaves the tip. It's late now, the stars are out in the village as we walk home.
"It's so pretty out tonight." I confess.
"Yes it is." Kakashi puts an arm around me. "Why don't we sit and enjoy it?" He asks.
"Sure." I smile. We go to a grassy area and I lay on his chest and look at the stars with him.
"I could lay like this with you forever, Kakashi."
He wraps both arms around me. "I could too."
I close my eyes, nuzzling up to Kakashi as much as possible.
"Amara?" Kakashi tries to get my attention.
"Yes?" I ask.
"I'm glad I found you." He tells me.
I sit up, looking at him. "I'm glad I found you too."
Kakashi sits up and sits across from me. "Ever since you've come into my life, you've made me a better person. You've helped me open up more. You keep me motivated to do my best at everything and I just love everything about you."
I wipe away tear away. "That means so much to me that you feel that way Kakashi. I feel the same about you."
Kakashi pulls me into him and I lay my head on his shoulder, and he rests his head on top of mine. "I want this, I want us forever, don't you?" He asks.
"Of course." I tell him.
Kakashi stands up, putting out a hand to help me up. I stand up facing him.
"Amara, I've known you for a short while. In that short while you've made me fall completely and madly in love with you. You're beautiful inside and out. You're eyes are the most beautiful I've ever seen and your smile lights up my world. I want to spend the rest of my days making you happy." At this point, Kakashi kneels down on one knee, and I gasp covering my mouth with one hand, aware of what's about to happen.
"Amara, will you marry me and make me the happiest man alive?"
I try to hold back my happy tears but the fall out anyway. "Of course I will."
He places the beautiful diamond on my finger and lifts me up in the air spinning me around in a tight hug. He kisses me passionately.
"Let's go home and get some rest, love." He carries me home bridal style.
When we arrive home I change into my pajamas and lay in bed.
Kakashi lays down beside me and kisses me passionately for about five minutes.
"You need to get some rest darling. We've got a wedding to start planning." I smile and so does he. He leans down and kisses my forehead.
"I love you Amara."
"I love you too Kakashi."
We fall asleep entertwined in each others arms. The warmth of his body sending butterflies flying in my stomach.
I've finally found what I'm meant to be in life, and that is Kakashi's wife.

Lights Will Guide You Home, AmaraNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ