adorned flames || the houseke...

By diamondprince

82.5K 3.3K 1.4K

It's been four years. Four years since Mindless Behavior met fame. Four years since Jayden starting going to... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five (PLEASE READ A/N AT THE END)
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine

Chapter Eleven

2.6K 110 80
By diamondprince

jayden in mm

song in mm : thirsty x partynextdoor

~Aliyah's POV

"Alright, thanks anyway." I speak into the phone, rolling my eyes before pressing the end call button. The people from Sony had finally called to let me know about the job offer, which I was turned down from. I had really depended on getting that job, and now I'm stuck working at the grocery store longer than I had anticipated.

I throw my phone on the table and slouch down in my seat, upset that I got rejected.

"They turned you down?" Jayden asks as soon as he comes back from the kitchen and notices my mood.

"Yes," I pout. Jayden hands me the bowl of freshly popped popcorn and sits on the couch next to me, wrapping his arm around my shoulder. He grabs the remote and resumes the movie we were watching.

"Shake it off, Ali. There's still plenty of labels in L.A." He assures, hoping to cheer me up but it just makes me feel worse.

"I wanted to go theeeere." I whine, kicking my legs like a little kid.

"Well, throwing a temper tantrum isn't gonna help for one."

"Let me sulk, Jayden. If I'm not working at Capitol or Sony, I don't wanna work at all." By the look on Jayden's face, he wasn't exactly thrilled to listen to me complain. He scrunches his eyebrows as if he was in deep thought before speaking again.

"You know what? We should go out." He announces. "How about we get some drinks, huh? Take your mind off of it for a while?"

I gave him a confused look. "It's 11 AM."

"Not now, dummy. Tonight. And then we can start worrying about getting your career back on track tomorrow, alright?" He kissed my forehead.

Going out seemed like a good idea. I hadn't let loose in a while, and I did want to get this off of my mind, even if it was just for one night. I just wanted to have some fun. Plus, I technically still had VIP privileges through Don Deveux at Red.

"What time?"

~Roc's POV

I found out Kaylan was pregnant two weeks ago. I'm excited as hell to start a family with her. She's the love of my life and even though we haven't even passed the first trimester, I'm ready to raise and support this child. I told the boys. Prod and Ray Ray were happy to be soon-uncles, but of course Prince had to be a little bitch about it, like he is with everything. I don't want to end MB, it's been such a blessing to make music with these guys but fuck, we've really gone downhill lately. I'm not sure if I would want to come back...

I shut my journal, looking out of the plane window, Bryson Tiller's TRAPSOUL playing in my headphones. It was gonna be great seeing my family and all, but I really didn't wanna deal with Princeton and talk about Mindless Behavior for the four days that I'm in L.A.

Around an hour later, the plane landed. I grabbed my things at the terminal when my phone buzzed in my pocket. I grabbed it and read the screen.

From: Ray Ray

You in LA yet?

I sent a response and slid my phone back in my pocket.

Just touched down a couple minutes ago.

I was walking to the SuperShuttle when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around to face a white teenage girl, no older than 15.

"Oh my God, it is you! I'm a big fan of Mindless Behehavior, can I get a picture?! Please?!" I gave her a warm smile, setting my things down to take a quick picture with her.

"Yeah, of course." she handed her phone to an older woman who I assumed was her mother, and she snapped a couple of pictures of us.

"Thank you so much!" she cheesed.

"No problem." I turned to walk away when she yelled something after me that made my heart skip a beat.

"Please don't quit making music! For the fans!" This one phrase kept replaying in my mind all the way to my parents' house and throughout the entire day. I didn't want to upset the fans, but I have a kid on the way that my focus needs to be on.

Later on, I caught up with Ray Ray, Jacob, and Prodigy at Prodigy's house. Despite it only being three weeks since we left Atlantic, it felt like forever since I've seen them.

"Y'all know we gotta hit the strip club tonight, right?" Ray Ray announced as we all sat around in Prodigy's basement. Ray Ray and Jacob were playing 2k, Prodigy was on his phone, and I was just sitting, watching the game.

"I don't know, y'all." I sighed before taking a sip from the Sprite in my hand.

"Yeah guys, Roc can't go clubbing. He's gonna be a dad," And here's Jacob with his asshole comment of the day.

"Shut up, Princeton." I groan. "I just got back, and I'm tired. Y'all have been here. You should've gone at least 3 times by now."

"We were waiting for you to get down here! But nah, you just had to go see your precious girlfriend, huh? Does she know about what went down in Canada, Roc?" My heart jumped at the mention of a certain night in Canada during our All Around The World tour that I'd very much like to forget. All the boys started laughing as they recalled the events, while I buried my face in my hands in embarrassment.

"Shut the fuck uuuup, and don't be pressed cuz' you're still single, Princess."

Princeton scoffed. "I'd rather be single than stuck shacking up with a chick from high school."

"At least I still got my chick from high school." I shrugged, not feeling an ounce of regret for the harsh words I've said. He started it.

"Speaking of, did I tell y'all I saw her at Safeway?" Jacob changes the subject.

"What the hell was yo' simple ass doing at Safeway?" Ray Ray laughs, not taking his eyes off of the screen.

"Nigga, that's not the point. She was working there, like as an employee." He stressed. "Wasn't she some big music producer-in-training or something?"

"She got fired from Capitol." Prodigy spoke. We all looked at him, confused as to how he knew that.

"Word travels fast." He added once noticing our curiosity. "I didn't know she was working at the grocery store though, damn."

Jacob, being the asshole that he is, and Ray Ray being the idiot he is, both began laughing hysterically.

"She got fired?! I'm fucking dead!" Jacob cackled. "Aw, that's so precious! I kinda wanna go down there tomorrow and spill something in aisle 3." I let out a small laugh at Jacob, despite how petty the statement was.

"You have fun with that." I reply.

"I sure as hell will, thank you very much Mr. Chresant- AND ONE BITCH!" Princeton exclaimed at Ray Ray, his focus back to the game.

"You sure y'all don't wanna come? with us tonight?" Ray Ray asks again. To be honest, I had to think for a second. I did wanna have a good time while I was up here, but clubbing just didn't interest me. It might be because Kaylan was pregnant, like Jacob said, or it might be because I've been around that shit so much for the past four years it just became dull.

"Yeah, I'm just gonna kick it at home tonight." I conclude, taking another sip from my Sprite.

"Suit yourself." Ray Ray shrugged.

Soon enough, Ray Ray and Princeton left to get ready for their night out. I looked over at Prodigy, who hasn't talked at all since he revealed the information about Aliyah.

" good bro?" I asked.

"Yeah man, just thinking..." Don't get me wrong, Prodigy's like my brother and I'll always be there for him. But I didn't feel like hearing him whine, most likely about Mindless Behavior. That being said, I told him we could chill tomorrow, gave him dap, and eventually went back home.

~Aliyah's POV

My throat burned as I took a big gulp of the Martini I ordered. Jayden vowed to not drink so he could take me home, which I was thankful for considering I wanted to drink away all of my problems for the night. I was dressed in a creme colored dress, and white heels that I had been dying to break out.

We went to Red, the only club I've really ever been to. But that was fine, they knew me there so I usually got in for free, along with people I bring. All thanks to Donald Deveux. Hopefully he'll forget to take my name off the list, or I'll get my job back.

"I mean, come on! I was the best employee in that bitch!" I complain to Jayden over the loud music, sipping on my drink. "I messed up one time, and I'm fired?! What happened to three strikes?!"

"I know, babe. You're right." I look up at him, appreciative of how much of a good listener he was. Not only that, but he always knew what I needed before I did, hence the decision to go to the club. Plus he was looking so good. The sleeves of his white button down were rolled up, exposing the watch on his left arm.

PARTYNEXTDOOR's Thirsty began to play, and I swallowed my third shot before getting up from my seat. "Dance with me," I held my hand out. Jayden grabbed hold of my hand and we made our way to the dark dance floor. I was in front of him, his arms wrapped around me as we danced to the rhythm of the music.

I wanna kiss you, girl, I wanna kiss you,

Girl, I wanna love you...

Oh, am I moving too fast...

I turned to face him, wrapping my arms around his neck as we moved closer. I could feel his breath on my neck as his hands traveled farther down my spine to my hips. I had to constantly remind myself that Jayden and I were just friends while we danced, but the alcohol was really setting in now and it was distorting my conscience.

Promise to love you, and obey,

And hit it more than once a day...

We were just a few inches apart, our foreheads nearly touching. I initiated the first move by intertwining our fingers. We had stopped dancing, and were completely still, taking each other in. It was dark, but the red lights gave enough light to see the desire in his light brown eyes. My lips lightly grazed over his, and-

"AYE, WE GOT THE MINDLESS BEHAVIOR BOYS IN THE HOUSE TONIGHT!" The DJ abruptly announced over the music, scaring the shit out of me. Everyone began cheering. I whipped my head towards the entrance, interrupting the kiss that was just milliseconds from happening. Walking in are Ray Ray and Jacob, soaking up all the praise.


(a/n) WE LIIIT.
this is off topic af but im super excited for Power to come back w/ a new season tmrw yall dont understand 😩🔥

but anyways i have couple of questions for y'all *clears throat*

some of you have been asking for longer chapters & i have zero problem making the chapters longer, but with longer chapters comes less frequent updates... so let me know in the comments if you'd rather i keep the chapters at the same length & (1,250-1,500 words) & update regularly (mondays & thursdays excluding this update lmao) or make them longer and update whenever i find time to finish. lemme know 💓

and also if i wrote a stephen curry fanfiction would you guys read it? idk just a thought.

comment, vote, share!
xo, diamond❤️

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