Beyond Imagination [ UNDER RE...

By Beyond_Imagination

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Ever thought of the darkness that surrounds you? Of what lay beyond those swirling black shadows? Of the crea... More

Chapter 1: Meet Xanthe
Chapter 2: What's bothering you?
Chapter 4: Let The Games Begin
Chapter 5: Dead Hunger
Chapter 6: Only Ordinary
Chapter 7: Oops?!
Chapter 8: New Thirst
Chapter 9: Secrets
Chapter 10: Astra, Calista, Ellectra,Gregorianna and Idalia
Chapter 11: A Shocking Surprise
Chapter 12: Confrontation
Chapter 13: Knock, Knock

Chapter 3: An Unexpected Encounter

204 13 6
By Beyond_Imagination

“Zane!” A shout echoed across a deserted graveyard; spiders were hidden in the shadows, cobwebs, which had been stuck to gravestones for possibly generations, flew and floated with the wind as sound waves struck.

 A boy, who was crouching before a light slate gray tombstone, who looked to be in his latter teenage years, snapped his head around to search for the source of the voice. What he saw was a dark silhouette of what seemed to be a tall, masked, spiky-haired, un-hooded robed figure rushing towards him.

When the figure reached the boy, it kneeled down in front of him, and removed its mask. Underneath was the face of a youngling, innocent and bright, but its body suggested the human to be male and at least the age of fifteen.

 “Zane, what are you doing in an abandoned graveyard at the middle of the night?” The spiky-haired boy asked his voice stern in a relatively undemanding manner.

Zane could not decipher how the other boy was able to identify him with ease in such obscure surroundings when Zane himself could barely make out the shape of robed figure’s hair.  “I could ask you the same, Rhys.” Zane retorted with a tone cold enough falling icicles at an increasing velocity while he rolled his eyes before he settled and directed at the one he referred to as Rhys a sharp intense glare through which his crystal blue iris glistened with vibrancy in the gleaming moonlight.

Not expecting to have received such a comeback, Rhys was surprised that Zane had showed such character that had somehow been hidden over ten years they have known each other. Finding the energy and phrases to say, he spoke, “Why I’m here today really doesn’t have anything to do with you.”

At those words, Zane stood up, strolled a few steps north and rested his weight on a nearby oak tree.  Zane’s expressions softened yet still a threatening aura surrounded the general vicinity. “Perhaps I can say the same.” He remarked, adding a calming sensation with a nonchalant voice.

Keeping his temper even, Rhys offered, “Never speak of this again?” resonating out a light-hearted placid vibration from his throat.

The crystal blue eyed boy considered the proposal from his classmate, and wrapped his mind around the suggestion of his close, perchance closest, friend had brought into play. Exposing a slight smile, Zane stated, “I couldn’t agree more.” with a quick nod and a slight smile as his medium-length hair, which fell marginally over his glinting eyes, flowed and fluttered in perfect synchronization with whisks of air currents blowing about.

 “Now that that’s settled, I really should get going, see you at school tomorrow?” The boy in the robe spoke with speed, before he ran off as if he were ashamed to have been there, stumbled, almost tripped, on a tree root, found his balance again, and disappeared into the distance.

After looking out and affirming that Rhys was indeed gone, Zane pushed his back off the ancient oak tree and retraces his steps back south to the slate gray tombstone. He stared at the rock with a brief yet apprising glance and walked away in silence, muttering under his breath, “If you’re gone, then rest in peace. I sincerely hope that the afterlife is treating you well.”  Giving it a second thought and glancing behind him, he added with an utter, “If this is fake and just a game to you, which I currently consider it to be, then please, do us all a favor, grab your stuff and take a one way road to pandemonium.” and shoved his hands into the pockets of his jacket.

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