Betrothed to the wrong gentle...

De Sinaidkincaid16

2.5M 59.4K 2.6K

SYNOPSIS Lady Madison Sanford dreams of a blissful life being married to a gentleman with a title, and settli... Mai multe



66.9K 1.6K 32
De Sinaidkincaid16

Taking the delectable Lady Madison was going to be easier than he anticipated, Chadwick grinned inwardly, if the lady was this willing, why he could have her by the full moon.  He will have her just once, Chadwick determined.  Once was pleasure, twice was courting trouble.  Chadwick rejected what his mind and body was in agreement about that the Lady Madison was like no other mistress he had ever lain with.  She excited him.  She made his blood become thick with lust.  He wanted to rip the gown off her body and ravish her.

The day started of warm.  It was hot now.  The sun was beating down their backs, but Madison was loving every second of it.  A thin trickle of sweat formed and slid down her spine.  Madison brushed her sleeve across her forehead.  She lifted the pitcher from side of the saddle and drank a mouthful of water.  Raising her face up into the air, she allowed the cool gentle breeze to sweep over her burning face.  Her bonnet dropped of her head and bobbed about on her back.

‘Is everything in order my lady?’ Rankin smiled.  Wisps of her gleaming hair had escaped from her braids and blew over her face.  She looked delightful.

‘Yes my lord.  I am having a time of it.  The weather is just so beautiful, is it not?’ she laughed.

‘I agree, it is a perfect day to be riding,’ he smiled.  ‘Would you care for some lemonade?’ he handed her a flask.  From the outside she could not tell whether the liquid would be cold or warm.

‘Thank you,’ she smiled, accepting the flask.  Madison tipped the neck of the bottle into her mouth and found the drink, cool and delicious.  Her water had become warm.  The lemonade was most welcome.

‘Thank you, that was refreshing,’ Madison handed it back to Rankin.

‘I would like you to keep it my lady.  I have another,’ he smiled.

‘Thank you.  May I share it with Lady Sarah?’

‘Off course,’ Rankin smiled.  ‘Let’s catch up with them.  Madison and Rankin had been trotting.  Anthony and Sarah had been going a little faster, together with Rankin’s sister Tamara and her companion, Mr. Edward Burton.

‘Sarah!’ Madison called out.

Sarah stopped her horse and looked over her shoulder.  She waited until Madison caught up with her.

‘Have some lemonade?’ Madison offered with a smile.

‘Oh thank you,’ Sarah reached out for it.  ‘Would you care for some my lord?’ Sarah offered Anthony.

‘After you,’ he smiled into Sarah’s eyes making her blush.  Madison watched with interest and grinned.

‘There you go,’ Sarah handed Anthony the flask.  Anthony kept his eyes on Sarah.   He tilted the flask to his mouth and handed it back to Sarah.

‘Thank you,’ he smiled.

‘Thank you Madison,’ Sarah’s cheeks were flushed, not from the hot weather as she handed the flask back.

‘Let’s race to that waterfall,’ Madison pointed, but she was speeding off before the others were ready.

‘Hey, that is not fair!’ Anthony shouted.  He smacked Sarah’s horse and kicked his own horse into a gallop.  Madison laughed over her shoulder and just sprinted even faster.  When she looked over her shoulder Rankin was close on her heels, so was Anthony.  Tamara and Edward were very close behind, and Sarah was the very last to reach the waterfall.

‘That was cheating,’ Sarah exclaimed when she caught up with Madison.

‘Was it?  How is that cheating? ‘ Madison led her horse to drink some water.  ‘We were all on our horses.  I got here first fair and square.’

‘I will show you fair and square,’ Sarah jumped off her horse and began to splash water continuously all over Madison.

‘Stop!’ Madison pleaded, but Anthony, Tamara and Edward joined Sarah until Madison’s riding habit and boots were drenched.  Rankin came to Madison’s aid.  Using his deep leather hat, he filled it and tossed the water at the four ganging up on Madison.  Eventually every single one of them was  drenched to the skin.   Laughing hysterically they jumped into the water, for they could not get any wetter.  After some time, they crawled onto the grass and lay on their backs under the sun, until they were a little dry.

Madison turned her head towards Rankin, ‘my parents must never know of this my lord,’ she directed a knowing glance at him.

‘Oh your secret is safe with me Lady Madison,’ he burst out laughing and Madison joined him.

‘Madison, whatever are we going to tell our mothers?  Our clothes look atrocious.’

‘We will tell them nothing Sarah,’ Madison smirked.  ‘Why, we had to ride on dusty roads, and over raging rivers, we were bound to get filthy and wet,’ Madison smiled.

‘Madison you are conniving,’ Sarah reproved.

‘Ladies and gentlemen,’ Rankin stood up.  ‘Just past that bridge is the Maple Inn.  I have arranged for luncheon to be served to us.’

‘Oh now you are talking a language I understand,’ Anthony laughed.  He helped Sarah onto her horse and hopped onto his own.  Edward and Tamara seemed to do the same.  Their rumbling tummies must have motivated them to ride like the wind.

‘My lady,’ Rankin smiled offering to help her onto her saddle.

‘Thank you my lord.  Oh dear---.’  Madison attempted to hop onto her horse but her foot slipped as she tried to mount again.  ‘I do apologise,’ she laughed as she caught Rankin’s shoulder to steady herself.

Rankin’s arms grabbed her, instinctively drawing her against his chest.   The smile froze on Madison’s lips.  She lifted her head, fear momentarily flashed in her eyes.

‘My lady please do not be afraid of me,’ Rankin pleaded.  ‘Though I would very much like to kiss you,’ his eyes dropped to her rosy red lips.

He is asking permission?  Chadwick never---.

‘You may, my lord,’ Madison whispered and closed her eyes.  She lifted her head invitingly and when Rankin’s lips brushed hers, her lips parted.  Her palms lay casually on his chest.  She felt Rankin’s breathing increase.  His arms tightened around her.  She wondered when she would feel the ground moving or the stars dancing for her.  Rankin’s tongue pushed into her mouth.  When she did not feel the electricity, or the instant arousal, or the desire to return the kiss, she pushed at Rankin’s chest and stepped back.

‘I am sorry my lady---.’  He thought she was regretting his advances.

‘No,’ Madison looked away, feeling embarrassed.  ‘Do not be,’ she murmured.

‘Let us join the others,’ Rankin cupped his hands, gesturing to Madison to mount her horse.  This time with no mishap, she kicked hard that the horse galloped fast enough to reduce the gap between them and the foursome in front with Rankin close on her tails.

‘I reckon I have worked up an appetite,’ Edward raised his hat in the air and smacked his horse to get it moving faster.

‘Nothing gets a man moving faster than the mention of food,’ Tamara laughed.

‘I have to confess Lady Tamara,’ I am starving myself,’ Anthony groaned.

‘That goes for me as well,’ Sarah laughed as they galloped along.  She looked over her shoulder to see how far were Madison and Rankin were.

When they arrived at the Maple Inn, Sarah waited for Madison, whilst Tamara and the two gentlemen fed the horses water.  Madison dismounted.   Rankin led her horse and his to the water trough. 

‘Madison you kissed the earl,’ Sarah whispered.  Madison turned scarlet.   She hoped nobody else had noticed.

‘Did anybody else see?’ she grinned mischievously.

‘No they were too busy galloping to get to luncheon.  So how was the kiss?  Did you like it?  Did the earl enjoy it?

‘It was just a kiss,’ Madison whispered.

‘But how was it?’ Sarah persisted, hooking her arm into Madison’s.

‘Well there was no lightening or thunder, Madison giggled.

‘Silly Madison, the sky is blue, the sun is blazing.  There is not a cloud up there.’

‘I thought when I closed my eyes, I would hear the stars serenading.’

‘It is broad day light.  There is not a star in sight.’

‘Oh whatever,’ Madison declared feeling annoyed.

‘I suppose I will have to wait until I experience my very own kiss,’ Sarah sulked, as the rest of the group joined them.  Madison kept her distance away from Rankin.

They were served with glasses of chilled lemonade as they entered the Inn.  The ladies requested some water to clean their faces and hands.

‘Oh this is disgusting,’ Sarah groaned.

‘Quit being such a lady,’ Madison giggled.

‘I am a lady and so are you, Lady Madison,’ Sarah emphasized.

‘Let us just get cleaned up and join the men folk,’ Tamara intervened with a smile.

‘Why is it that gentlemen do not worry about cleaning up before they eat?’ Sarah questioned.

‘Perhaps we pay too much attention on the unimportant,’ Madison answered.

The gentlemen stood up as the ladies joined them.  Rankin held a chair out for Madison.  She looked up to thank him.  He smiled.   His eyes appreciative of the intimacy they had earlier shared.  Rankin fussed over Madison ensuring she was comfortable before he took his seat.  A waiter served them freshly baked bread and rolls of butter.  Madison glared at Sarah when she saw the knowing smirk on her cousin’s face.  Madison helped herself to the bread spreading the butter thickly onto it.  Thankfully Anthony tapped Sarah’s arm to engage her about something.  Madison looked across at Tamara and Edward.  They were the only two who seemed to be enjoying a spontaneous conversation.

‘My lady,’ Rankin drew Madison’s attention.   ‘I took the liberty yesterday and sent a footman to place our luncheon order.  There will be pheasant soup.  Roasted swan and partridge; mutton pies, and Marzipan and spiced fruit cake for dessert.  We will be served claret and red ale to wash down our luncheon,’ Rankin smiled.

‘Thank you my lord that is a meal fit for a king,’ Madison murmured.

‘Nothing can ever be considered to extravagant for you my lady,’ Rankin poured Madison a glass of claret. 

‘Thank you my lord,’ She lifted the glass to her mouth feeling rather thirsty.

When their luncheon arrived the men ate with gusto.  Sarah and Tamara ate a fair share.  Madison just nibbled on a little that she served herself.  The food was delicious.  Her companions were all in happy spirits, but Madison was plagued.  She was confused that Rankin’s kiss had disappointed her.  She was enraged that a pair of brooding eyes kept invading her mind.  Her thoughts were consumed by memories she had safely stored in the recesses of her mind, thoughts of tantalizing lips that wreaked havoc with her own lips, fingers and arms that crushed her body to a muscular strong chest, holding her a willing prisoner.

‘Is the food not to your liking Lady Madison,’ Rankin enquired courteously.  Madison looked around the table.  Everybody was busy with their meal. 

‘The food is delicious my lord.  I am just not very hungry,’ she smiled apologetically.

‘I have requested the Innkeeper to pack a hamper for us, so if you get hungry later we shall stop and refresh ourselves.’

‘Oh I do not know if there will be anything leftover,’ Madison laughed, as she observed Anthony and Edward piling a second helping onto their plates.

‘I have requested a hamper be prepared for the rest of our journey my lady.  I know our companions will be starving again in about two hours,’ Rankin laughed.

       Chadwick sat in the card room at Whites and nursed his glass of scotch.  He had lost the first game, something that rarely occurred to him.  He was not an obsessive gambler, often winning more than he lost.  His face was a mask of concentration as he tried to read the cards in the hands of his opponents.  Perhaps today he could blame his lapse of concentration on the conversation he overheard from the table behind him.  There were robust bets that Rankin Swain, Earl of Craggvale, would be making an offer by the end of the week, for Lady Madison Sanford, only daughter of the Earl of Cricklewoods.

Chadwick slammed his hand of cards on the table, and downed the contents from his glass. One of the gentlemen with a winning hand had the better of him.  Grudgingly Chadwick paid his due to the winner.  He was challenged to one more game.  He was not a man who liked losing, especially when he was in the foul mood that gripped him now.  He had been a happy man when he had walked in, ready to take on the world.  After the conversation he had overheard, everything went pear shaped. 

‘So do you think the lady will accept Swain’s offer?’ Somebody asked.

‘Rumour has it, she comes with a very considerable dowry,’ another added.

‘Swain is a lucky devil if he gets her,’ another grumbled, ‘the lady is sure sweet on the eyes.’  There was a large chorus of laughter.  Chadwick wanted to knock the gentleman off his chair and call him out.

Chadwick was becoming annoyed.  It was affecting his concentration.  He swallowed his third glass of scotch and slammed his cards down.  Again lady luck seemed to have deserted him, for he held the losing hand.

‘That is it for me gentlemen,’ Chadwick stood up.

‘Aww com on,’ somebody pleaded.  ‘We want to take more money of you.’

‘Not tonight,’ Chadwick tipped his hat.  ‘Gentlemen it has been a pleasure.’

‘Oh the pleasure was all mine,’ the gentleman with the largest winnings announced.

Chadwick threw a guinea at the bar keeper and demanded a bottle of scotch.  The barman greedily eyed the gold and gave Chadwick a bottle of his most expensive scotch.

‘Keep the change,’ Chadwick slurred, storming out with his bottle.

‘Thank you ---thank you sir,’ the barman bowed profusely.

‘Home,’ Chadwick instructed the groom, ‘thankful that he had brought a carriage and not ridden his horse tonight.

‘Yes sir,’ the groom held the carriage door opened for his master.

So the chit is accepting the swine’s offer.  Does she not know he is a louse? 

Chadwick opened the bottle and swallowed huge mouthfuls of the alcohol.  The carriage travelled at a slow enough pace for him to admire the full moon and the galaxy of stars lighting up the evening sky, but he saw nothing, too consumed with his morbid thoughts.   

Does she not know she will never be happy with that rake?  Is she not aware of his wondering eye?  Perhaps I should go to her  home now and knock some sense into that pretty little head of hers, or kiss some sense into her.  She does have the most delightful, kissable lips.

 Chadwick groaned loudly.  Madison was a passionate woman.  She came alive in his arms.  She responded to his kisses like the way a duck takes to water.  She could not deny she was not attracted to him.  He could still feel the arousal and the way her hands entangled around his hair when she kissed him back so ardently.  He recalled her soft sighs as she lay beneath him, begging for more.   Chadwick opened the carriage door and flung the half full bottle out.  It hit against a rock and made a crashing noise.

The groom hearing the crash brought the horses to a halt.

‘Keep moving,’ Chadwick instructed in a heavy slur.

‘Yes sir,’ the cart began moving again.

Chadwick could feel his head spinning.  All he wanted was to lie down on his comfortable bed.   No that will not do, if he went to bed he would dream, and he did not want to dream.

When his carriage stopped outside his home, the groom hurried to assist his master.

‘Hands off me lad, I am not an invalid,’ Chadwick slurred.  His groom had reached out to him for he could barely place one foot in front of the other.  As Chadwick wobbled to his front door, an army of footmen scurried about to see to their master’s every need.

‘Nester!  Nester! Where the dickens are you?’ Chadwick yelled.

‘Right here sir,’ a portly butler came rushing to stand in front of Chadwick.

‘Where is my supper, for crying out aloud?’ Chadwick demanded.

‘I shall be serving you in the Blue Room sir.’

‘Blue?  We must change that colour Nester,’ Chadwick wagged his index finger disapprovingly.  ‘I disapprove of blue,’ he slumped into the seat at the head of the table.

‘Yes sir.’

‘Pour me a brandy Nester.’

‘Perhaps you may have your supper first sir.’

‘Do not begin to give me advice Nester,’ Chadwick slammed his palm on the table, scattering the cutlery.

‘Whilst we are talking about advice, let me give you some Nester.’

‘Yes sir,’ the butler clicked his fingers summoning the footmen to bring in the first course of supper.

‘Never gamble Nester,’ Chadwick instructed.  ‘It can make you lose your soul.’  For a drunken man he very deftly manoeuvred his spoon from his soup bowl to his mouth.  He must have been hungry too, for his bowl was empty in record time. 

‘And another thing Nester, stay away from women folk.   They are too much trouble.’  Chadwick enthusiastically started on his main course.  ‘If you want entertainment Nester, play chess, or cards or race horses.’

‘Yes sir.’  Nester signalled for the footmen to take up jars of hot water for the master’s bath.

‘I shall have my brandy in the drawing room Nester.’

‘Sir we have drawn your bath.’

‘I am not ready for bed man, hurry up with that brandy,’ Chadwick strode to the drawing room and slammed the door noisily.

       -end chapter eight-

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