Forgotten Bliss [BoyxBoy]

By SuckedInByBooks

98.9K 3.5K 655

[COMPLETED] SEQUEL TO WHERE MY HEART IS... Heartbroken nearly seven years ago, Kevin Turner makes it his duty... More

Forgotten Bliss ~Chapter 1
Forgotten Bliss ~Chapter 2
Forgotten Bliss ~Chapter 3
Forgotten Bliss ~Chapter 4
Forgotten Bliss ~Chapter 5
Forgotten Bliss ~Chapter 6
Forgotten Bliss ~Chapter 7
Forgotten Bliss ~Chapter 8
Forgotten Bliss ~ Chapter 9
Forgotten Bliss ~ Chapter 10
Forgotten Bliss ~ Chapter 12
Forgotten Bliss ~ Chapter 13
Forgotten Bliss ~ Chapter 14
Forgotten Bliss ~ Chapter 15
Forgotten Bliss ~ Chapter 16
Forgotten Bliss ~ Chapter 17
Forgotten Bliss ~ Chapter 18
Forgotten Bliss ~ Epilogue

Forgotten Bliss ~ Chapter 11

3.9K 157 12
By SuckedInByBooks


"I can't do this. Or maybe I can. I don't know anymore man. I feel like I'm going to screw this up." Chad said as he picked at the label of his beer. We were sitting in a bar after another one of Ashley's crazy moments. Ashley had always been a bit of a perfectionist so we understood her need to have everything a certain way. We just preferred to stay out of her way in those cases.

"Chad, you've been with her for ten years. I'm sure you've screwed up plenty of times over the years. She stayed with you anyway. She loves you and you love her. You transferred to a different university for her, or did you forget that?" I nudged him and smiled.

"Oh yea. It was so long ago I nearly forgot." He looked up from his beer at me. "Do you really think she wants to be with me for the rest of her life?"

"She already agreed to marry you. It's kind of too late to back out now." I joked, then added seriously, "Ashley's never been one to do something just because everyone else was doing it. It was her choice to say yes, and soon you'll be married. She would've left you ages ago if this wasn't what she wanted."

"That is true." He agreed. "Thanks for this. I needed it."

"What are friends for. We're basically family."

"Speaking of are you and Tom?" I looked off to the side for a moment before I answered.

"We're okay, I think." I let out a deep sigh. "I feel like we can finally be together but there are so many extras involved. I'm getting a bit insecure to be honest."

"Insecure about what?" The bartender walked by us and Chad ordered two more beers.

"His mom obviously hates that we're talking again. She doesn't know that we're...whatever we are but it still gets to me. After Tom told me why he broke up with me, I felt guilty. He got kicked out because of me, basically chose me over his family and I did that." My voice broke.

"Kevin, that wasn't on you. She made that decision and it was kind of your mom to take him in. He's now successful and has a beautiful boy. He has you too." I nodded.

"I can't help but have this feeling that something's going to happen." I said. "It's worse that I don't even know if it's a good thing or bad. I've been feeling uneasy for a while now."

"I'm sure it's nothing." Chad said.

"Yea, maybe you're right." I shook that little voice at the back of my mind out. The one that kept telling me something was different. "How's the bachelor party plans coming along?"

"I don't want something big. A sports bar with a couple of friends is perfectly okay."

"Throw in a barbecue and we're sorted." Chad laughed and finished his beer.

"I'm serious though. I already told Tom that if he wants to add a strip club to the agenda, that's fine, but I won't be going."

I narrowed my eyes at him. "Really?"

"Yea. I don't know what it is, but I'd rather not. It sounds like fun and I don't care if Ash has her strippers or whatever, but I want my meat and beer. I'll be the happiest man till my wedding day."

"Chad Jacobs, commitment has changed you." He laughed and grinned at me.

"I don't think so. I can still spot an attractive person now and then but I know where I belong."

"That's good." I gave him a small smile.

"You'll have that too." I nodded. I wanted to believe him, but trust was difficult when a person's heart was broken so many times.

Chad and I said our goodbyes and parted ways. I had some sleep to catch up on since I was working the night shift the next day. The conversation with Chad gave me a lot to think about. He and Ashley were two pieces that fit perfectly together. Sure they had their moments but they always worked things out in the end. I was still thinking about this when I got into bed a little while later. I forced the thoughts out of my head and willed myself to sleep.

"That seems about right." The tailor said as he pulled on the pant leg. I turned around and looked in the mirror.

The suit fit perfectly. I was glad that it was a slim fit. I didn't think what Ashley and Chad had in mind would've worked otherwise. The suit was black, exactly like all the groomsmen even though I was officially part of the bridal party. We all wore grey waistcoats with blue ties that had a slight shimmer. I laughed when a few of the men grumbled about the sparkly ties. Ashley stopped that immediately though, saying that they all needed a 'bit of shine' in their lives.

Ashley had her final fitting yesterday. I wasn't able to go since I was working all day. She sent me enough pictures to max out the storage space on my phone. She finally stopped when I told her she looked like a dream come to life. I wasn't lying, she looked stunning.

With only a week left till the wedding everybody was running around sorting out last minute arrangements. Ashley nearly freaked when the flowers she wanted at the reception didn't bloom. She yelled at the florists about how she'd prepared them for months and a plan was made that they clearly didn't stick to. We calmed her down and told her that it wasn't their fault. Shit happens. She resorted to picking her second option and those florists swore that they'd give her a discount if the flowers weren't to her liking come next Saturday.

"You look gorgeous." Tommy's voice whispered in my ear. I smiled and bit my lips. I turned around to face him and my jaw dropped.

"Speak for yourself." I looked him up and down.

He stepped closer to me and pulled me in by my waist. "I know what I'm talking about. I've never seen anyone more gorgeous than you. And the suit isn't helping. I think I want to rip it off you."

"Ruin that suit and I'll carve that pretty face off and hang it in my window." The tailor piped up from the side.

I laughed at the look on Tommy's face. "Calm down, old man. I was just...making conversation." Tommy winked at me.

"Do that after you've taken the suit off. Ms. Henderson will kill me if there is so much as a wrinkle in the fabric."

We made sure that the sizes were okay before changing into our regular clothes. Tommy pulled me into his dressing room as I was walking by. I yelped as I was dragged off my feet.

"Shh." He covered my mouth with his hands. "It'll be bad if we're caught now."

"Tom, what are you-" I was cut off by his mouth covering mine. I groaned and deepened the kiss.

He pushed me back until I felt the wall behind me. His hands were everywhere, my back, my chest, sliding down my side to grab my backside. I pressed myself to Tom and felt him press back. We were acting like a bunch of teenagers but I didn't care. I needed this. We continued rubbing against each other and I was afraid that I'd actually finish off in my pants like some uncontrollable boy.

Reluctantly, I pulled away from Tommy. "Tom, we have to stop."

"Why?" He kissed me again and I allowed it for a moment or two before pushing him away.

"We're in a dressing room of a tailor's. We can't do this here." I reasoned. He looked like he wanted to argue but nodded and stepped back.

"I don't know what came over me." He covered his face with his hand. "I've missed this. I've missed you."

"Believe me, you're not alone in that regard." I drawled. "We'll do this in a better setting. Soon, I promise."

That seemed to perk Tom up because he grinned and walked out of the dressing room looking like someone who got two handfuls of candy. I shook my head at Chad when he looked at me questioningly.

The rest of the day finished quickly. The group went out to lunch and some went back to work. Tommy left to go pick Ashton up from school and I left to go meet with my mother.

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