Heck, We Are Young

By ShumShumWanga

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- THIS IS NOT AN 'R' RATED NOVEL WATTPAD HAS MADE A MISTAKE - The moment Jack and Juliet met each other, it w... More

Heck, We Are Young
A Movie Date
Computers Have Natural Instincts
My Obsession With Jacks Ass
Two Games At Once
Who Goes To Mc Donalds And Orders Healthy?
Coloured Kisses Baby; Coloured Freaking Kisses
Face Smashing Is The New Way Of Talking
A 'Sick' Shower
Shirtless Gods In The Kitchen Cooking
Competition! * Important Authors Note!
Twenty Kisses and One Promise
Cheetah Suits Jack Nicely
The Halloween EDITION -laughs manically-
My Favorite Shell Is A Bomb Shell
Juliet's Tattooed Romance
Sailor Moon? No, Sailor Jupiter.
Be My Watson
He Was Breathless, I Was Brainless
My Canadian Doctor
Being A Girl Sucks
Our New Year
Counting The Moons
Melancholy Happy
Just Fine
Then The Storm Clouds Came

Restoring Faith In Humanity; Jack Style

755 21 3
By ShumShumWanga

"Toby. You know I love you I do, but if you call Adventure Time stupid once more, god help me, I'll kill ya." I say and he snorts, looking at the T.V screen with an amused expression, "It's a little kids show."

"It has hidden subliminal messages. These messages you can't ever dream of knowing." I elbow him in the side as he laughs, "Fine, enjoy your weird show, I'm on Facebook anyway."

He gestured to his phone and it was my turn to snort, "Peasant."

I watched for another ten minutes before Nan appeared, with a concerned frown on her face.

"Juliet. I need to speak with you. It's important. Toby, would you excuse us please?" She said in a very serious tone that had shivers of fear running up my spine, it reminded me of Mom's pissed tone and although I couldn't care less if Mom was angry at me, but Nan was a totally different story.

I tried to think of anything I could have done wrong as Toby shot me a puzzled expression but left quickly, she walked over and sat down.

We stared at each other in silence, I paused the T.V slowly. I gulped at her frown as she stated, "Juliet. I just got off the phone with your mother."

I stiffened completely and sighed, "Crap. You want me to pack my bags right? Get lost and all that... Just give me some time to-"

"No! Sweetheart, I'm not kicking you out!" She grabbed my hands tightly, looking at me with those big eyes. I blinked a few times before asking, "Your not?"

"Of course not! Juliet, I've come to think of you as a daughter and I'd like to think you know me well enough to know that I am not the type of woman that kicks there daughters out." Her tone went cold as I gulped once more, whispering, "Like my Mom."

"Yes. Like Shirley."

We both went silent again before she stated, "Juliet. I know your failing half your classes." I looked at her with a shocked expression as she nodded calmly, "Your mother believes you are cutting class, doing the worst things but I don't. So I'm going to give you one opportunity, to tell me the absolute truth."

I want to lie, I want to say nothings wrong or I am cutting class. I don't want her to know what's really going on but I trust Nan and it's about time I told someone.

"I'm not cutting class Nan. I go to every class and leave at the correct time." I said truthfully as she smiled softly at me, not saying anything.

I brace myself and flinch before finally releasing the secret I've hold onto for weeks, "I don't know if I want to finish school." The silence that takes us again is full of tension and I wait for the explosion, it never comes though, she just gazed at me and her mind processes.

"You don't know?"

I nodded once, and try to explain with a quick breaking voice, "I know there's only ten months to go and I should want too. But I just feel like there's this weight collapsing on me every time somebody mentions graduation, passing the exams and all that."

"This sounds like nerves dear, if you are scared that you won't pass, we can get you a tutor-"

"Nan. It's not nerves. I know I could pass it but I don't think I want too. It's just everyone... Knows what they want to do after school, they have a reason to finish. I don't."

"You could be anything you want to be dear, your very talented." She telled me and tears sting my eyes, "But I don't what I want to do. All I know is... I don't see the point in finishing school if I'm just going to be stuck." I murmured.

"Why didn't you tell anyone? Why fail the classes?" She asked hurt etched over her face as I apologize, "I'm sorry, I was going to wait until I turn eighteen then sign myself out of school, it's only a month away and then I don't have to ask Mom. I don't why I failed the classes, I feel like I'm just sitting there, learning things I won't need or want in real life."

"Oh Juliet, if you would have told me earlier, I could have helped you."

"I'm not broken Nan. I'm confused." I stated angrily, my heart aches at her statement and she squeezes my hand, "I didn't mean it like that. We could have talked about options, there are a lot things you can do without a high school certificate.  And if you want to leave, then I will support you all the way. I'll even help you tackle the wicked witch of the West."

A small weak smile made my lips and I pulled her into a tight hug,  I fought to keep away the tears as she returned the hug, wrapping her arms around me in a motherly way.

"Thanks Nan. I'm sorry I didn't tell you."

"It's fine darling, as long as you know, that you can talk to me about anything." She rubbed my back soothingly and I managed out, "I know. I'm going to go into my room."

"Okay dear. We'll talk more about it later." When I pulled back, I put on a fake thankful smile and pretend not to notice her worried face.

I stood up and went to my room, falling down on the bed. I was thankful for Nan, everything she's done for me and now, even when I kept secrets from her... She's still willing to help me. And I think that's what hurts me the most, I wanted her to be angry but in the end she was understanding.

And disappointed.

At ten thirty, I called Sam after a long inwards battle with myself. I had kept secrets from her too and that's not what best friends do.

She doesn't answer the first time, so with shaky fingers I call her again. I have to suck it up and tell her, she'll probably be angry but in the end, I'd apologize and she'd help me.

She answers on the very last ring, her voice annoyed, hard, distracted, "Hello?"

I still for a moment before replying in a beat; "Hey it's me."

"Oh Juliet, what's up?" The tone in her voice never wades and I gulp down my fear, speaking shakily, "I need to talk to you."

"Yeah listen, this isn't the best time right now." She breathed out and I hear Luda's heavy voice in the background. And just like that, my heart begins to tear.

"Oh r-really?" The hurt in my voice seeps through and I hope she hears it, she hears how utterly desperate I am to talk.

She doesn't.

"Yeah. Luda and I are about to do it. And I don't have time for your stupid Doctor Who rants at the moment,  so I will call you tomorrow." She snapped, and my grip on the phone tightens, my heart constructs and I realize, there's no point in prolonging the suffering.

"Okay." I whispered back, and she hangs up. No bye, no nothing.

And I blame her, oh hell hath no fury, I blame her and Luda. A part of me knows this was going to happen, she's got a boyfriend now and there isn't nothing I can do about it. But right now, I'm hurt.

I'm hurt because I tried to lean on my best friend, to come clean and she blew me off, to have sex.

This cuts me quick and deep, before I know it, the tears I've tried so hard to keep are pouring out.

And I cry.

I was never one for crying, I always kept my feelings bottled and lord knows they all fade away at some point.

I might have been through some hard times but I've always had Sam to lean on, to count on.

And now she's not here, because she's got a boyfriend.

I'm that annoying third wheel.

So I bawl my eyes out, it hurts my chest and my the tears stroll down my face. I cry and cry, for a lot of reasons and then no reasons at all.

I can hear Toby and Nan muttering outside, unsure what to do and I ignore them.

I embark on the biggest pity party known to man, and no matter how many times I'm telling myself this is stupid.

I can't stop crying.


The next day, I stay in bed to twelve. Toby comes in and we chat briefly but I can tell he's worried. Nan comes in every thirty minutes with a bargaining chip to get me out of bed.

It's food, then gifts, then food, then a concert ticket.

But every time I just remark with a soft, quiet, "I don't feel well."

And it's true. I feel sick, my stomach is in knots and I have a headache, but I know it's just my hurt talking.

If I could erase it all away, I could skip out of here and sky dive but I'm enjoying the silence, it swallows me whole and I feel peaceful.

After Lunch, Toby entered and stated, "You have a visitor."

"Is it a handsome prince coming to whisk me away?" I replied back in boredom, endlessly scrolling through Tumblr.

"A prince isn't what you call me but sure, I'm handsome and I'd love to whisk you away." Although Jack's voice and words made my inner child scream in happiness, he reminds me of Sam and the feeling isn't welcomed.

"Why do they let you into my house?" I said back sourly as Tony sighs but Jack laughed adorably, "They see a man of grace and charm. That's why."

"Jack. I've seen you run into two poles, one after the other. You must hide your grace well."

"So you admit I have charm?" I open my mouth to object but he sung, like a cute child, a weird cute child, "Juliet thinks I'm charming. Damn I must be Prince Charming. Toby do my eyes sparkle?"

A tiny grin finds my face as Toby laughed, "As much as I would love to answer that question, I've got chores. Call me if you need me."

"Why? Are you Kim Possible?" Jack asked with suspicion in his voice and I choked down a giggle. Toby leaves with a chuckle as Jack walks over to my side of the bed. He crouches down and his beautiful face is inches away from me, clear slightly tanned skin, gorgeous brown locks standing up in a fluffy mess and finally those beautiful aqua eyes that look like the water from the beaches in Hawaii.

"You've been crying." He stated, gazing at my tear stained face. I just shrugged my shoulders, holding the blanket tighter and a piece of my hair fell over my eyesight.

He reached out and pulled the hair behind my ear tenderly, "I assume you don't want to talk about it." My cheeks stained pink at the move, pinker then ever before.

I shook my head in reply as he nodded understandingly, "That's fine. I won't rush you. Let's watch some Adventure Time."

"Jack, you don't have to do this." I started but he was already walking over to the small square TV in the corner of my room.


Forty minutes, three cans of coke and a whole bag of snakes later, and Jack had successfully restored my faith in humanity. I never really noticed how funny Jack was, and how smart he was.

When I said this, I got the most adorable blush in the world and he snorted shyly.

Now, I was pulling on a pair of skinny jeans and a big jersey jumper, as he followed me around, cheering like an idiot.

"Whoo! Go Juliet for getting out of bed! Yeah Juliet!"

"Shut up." I laughed, pushing him away with a hand on his hard stomach and he smirked, "I would be a great cheerleader."

"You've got the fake boobs for it." I walked into the bathroom and he followed, placing his hands against his chest in mock horror, "These are all natural bitch." I laughed once more and put on some foundation, after washing my face to get rid of the tear marks.

"Can I do your make-up?"

I glanced at him and shrugged, "You can put on my lip gloss on." I handed him a my pink lip gloss which was named 'Pout Mania'. After I powdered down my face and lined my eyes with a brown eyeliner, I turned to him and puckered my lips.

His gaze dropped down to my lips and I shivered at his beautiful bluey aqua eyes staring at them heatedly. He leant in and applied it all over my lips as I groaned, "It's too much!" I rubbed my lips together and the lipgloss caked even more onto my lips disgustingly.

"I can help with that." He leant in and pecked me on the lips, I gaped at him and blushed red before remembering.

"Hey! You can't do that! We are still on that bet buddy!" I reminded him as he smirked evilly, "Yeah about that... I took them off the second day." I gaped at him in horror before realizing, it was the fifth day I had been wearing them. 

Of course I washed them, and waited commando for them to be clean but still, I had to endure the pain, thinking Jack was going to win.

I then began hitting him, and he shrieked, "Hey!" 

"I can't believe you didn't tell me!"

"And miss your face? Yeah right." He began snickering before I slammed my foot on his and he began jumping around in pain. I couldn't help but burst out laughing at his tall body leaping around my bathroom. 

I brushed my hair straight and let the copper locks fall everywhere, straight and a bit frizzy but it didn't bother me that much. We walked out and I grinned, "I won. You owe me three favours."

"That I do. As long as they don't cause me bodily harm, I'll be cool."

"But those are the best ones!" I argue as he winks, "Actually, the sexual ones are the best and I have no problem with those ones." With his words, I pushed him into the wall and jogged away, giggling before arriving in the Kitchen. Toby and Nan were cooking before looking up, shocked that I was up.

He arrived and slung his arm over my shoulder, "See, I told you. I'm a doctor." 

"I got up with the hopes you'd leave and stop pestering me." I told him but he just hushed me, making me roll my eyes with a smile.

Nan giggled, "Where are you kids off to?"

"I have to go pick up my costume for tomorrow. And Jack has invited himself to tag along." 

Toby then snorted, "Costume? Aren't you a bit old for Halloween?"

"No." Jack and I answered at the same time, and we shared a grin, before Toby scoffed, "Two seventeen, about to be eighteen year old's, excited for Halloween. This is worse than Adventure Time."

Oh how dare he! I was too angry to reply, luckily Jack came to the rescue.

"Hey! Adventure Time is awesome mate. If you want to take this outside, I'll do it." Jack gave him a narrowed glare and I couldn't help the silly smile reach my face, and I gazed at him in amusement. That had been my exact reaction.

Maybe Jack and I aren't as different as I believe.

Jack caught me staring and gave me a curious look, "What's up?"

"Just thinking." I tilted my head at him and he raised his eyebrow, "About?"

I bit my lip and replied truthfully, "You."

His cheeks tinged with pink and he rolled his eyes, "Probably planning my funeral."

"I could be planning your revival. From my black list." I winked at him playfully and his mouth popped open in astonishment. I slipped out of his arm and Nan asked with a happy grin, her eyes flickering between a shocked Jack and a nervously happy me.

"Do you need any more money?" She asked as I shook my head, "No, I got enough for the costume and some lunch."

"Okay, what time will you be back?"

"Around three probably." 

"Have a good time then." She kissed my cheek quickly before Jack and I left, jumping in his silver Nissan, the typical teenager car nothing to fancy.


When we got the costume place, after bickering about old people the whole ride, I could barely contain my excitement. It wouldn't be a lie that Jack had taken my mind off the whole best friend situation and school situation.

I yawned and walked up to the desk where Veronica, the girl who had took my order was standing. She had long black ruffled hair and more piercing to count, and her pale make-up was perfectly applied.

She smiled at my arrival and her gaze flickered to Jack before back to me, "Hey Juliet. This your boyfriend?"

"No this is my nuisance. Jack, Veronica." I introduced them and she grinned widely, "I like it. My nuisance. Can I use that?" He returned her grin and stated, "Nice to meet you."

"I'll have to charge you." I winked as she laughed loudly, her throaty voice booming through the huge costume shop as she checked the time on her laptop, "You're costume is arriving in twenty minutes, I've just got the truck confirmation five minutes ago. Mind hanging around?"

"Yeah. Jack needs a costume anyway." 

"Awesome! Be sure to get me if you need any help." 

I nodded and we began searching the store, I threw outfits at Jack left and right, which he caught and once we had enough, I sat outside the black dressing room with mirrors surrounding them. It was very creepy, seeing yourself in every direction but on the bright side, I could check out my ass and make sure it looked good.

"Okay. Where the hell did you find this?" He exited and I burst out laughing, at Jack's tall body in a very tight police man outfit, my stomach began hurting as I forced out, between laughs, "In the stripping section." 

He shook his head with a grin before pulling the fake gun out of the belt, "Want a picture so you can relive this moment?"

"I want a picture so I can post it on every social network I have." I pulled my phone out and he posed with a silly grin and I took a few before he turned around, I began laughing again at the sight of his tan line on his ass since the shorts squeezed in.

"Nice tan line!"

"I think you mean nice ass, so thank you." He chuckled as I giggled again, shaking my head, leaning back in my chair slowly, reblogging countless random pictures on Tumblr before he left the change room again, now in a nerdy outfit, complete with bright green suspenders.

"Oh my gosh!" I couldn't stop myself, I began wheezing over in laughter making him shake his head at me again. The next twenty minutes, was spent with Jack in every available boy costume from cowboy to toga and I got pictures of both of us, him and his tan line. 

I had enough pictures that I could make a folder filed, 'Jack' in my phone and move the millions of pictures in there. 

Veronica showed up with a big black dress bag whilst Jack was sporting a 'back street' boy outfit and posing like a girl. Whilst I was on the floor, crying in laughter, she giggled at the both of us and I stood up, wiping the tears from my eyes.

"I got the outfit, the wig and accessories are in there. It's just sixty dollars." She stated as I nodded, "Okay, Jack, make yourself presentable and meet me at the cashier."

"Yes Darling." He sang, going back into the dressing room and I rolled my eyes, giggling before following Veronica. I paid her the money and he appeared with a costume that I hadn't seen, "Could I get this one?"

"Sure. Jack Skellington. Nice!" She complimented as I smiled, "Smart idea."

"I'm full of them sometimes. Then other times-" I cut him off and agreed, "All the smarts goes over your head and your wondering who would in a fight, Ninja's or Pirates."

"Exactly. But seriously, who would?"

"Pirates." I replied and he frowned, "How so?"

"Guns, stylish, scurvy, vessel of the sea, wenches, peg legs. Ninja's big black uniform, monks." I gave him a 'think-about-it' look and he gazed at me as if I had just answered the riddle of the universe, I took my outfit and Veronica chirped, "Juliet is also a Tim Burton character."

"Great minds think alike." I nodded happily and he paid her, taking his costume that was hanging by a coat hanger, nodding in agreement, "Yes they do." After parting ways with Veronica,we put the costumes in the back seat and we walked over to Subway for lunch.

After we got our food, we sat down inside and my phone began ringing. We both looked at it and I frowned at Sam's picture, it was her and I, laughing and she had her arms wrapped around my neck with a huge grin. 

I then looked away, my heart clenching with hurt as he watched it go to voice mail, but surprisingly, he didn't ask why, or what happened. He just ate and talked with me about his Grandmother who he was staying with, apparently his Mom and little sister live in Canada and he's here to look after his Gran.

I found his story very strong, and amazing.

I mean, he just dropped his life in Canada to come over here, and look after his Gran.

Not many guys or girls  would do that. 

We fell into a comfortable silence and I found myself wanting to tell him about what happened, I felt like I could just tell him and he wouldn't judge. I bit my lip and took a huge leap of faith, he had been nice all today. 

I doubt he'd change suddenly now.

Sam's face popped up again and she rang, my phone was loudly disrupting my thoughts as we both gazed at it. I blinked a few times before taking it, chewing on my lip as he watched me. I slid my finger along ignore and placed it on the table once again.

I bit down on my sub then drank a huge gulp of my water, to soothe the lump in the back of it.

"I... don't think I want to finish High School." I finally said, my heart thumping and he looked up confusedly, "Huh?"

"I've been failing half of my classes on purpose. I don't want to finish... I think." 

He placed his sub back down and smiled softly, my stomach erupted in butterflies, "Okay Juliet, let's talk" He said seriously, friendly, and I nodded nervously in reply.

"Start from the beginning."

So I did, I told him what happened with Nan, why I felt trapped because I didn't know what I was going to do with the rest of my life. He didn't once say anything, just listened intently, as I explained, gulping down my fear of being judged.

"When I called Sam to confess everything, I felt horrible for not telling her. We've always been straight with each other and I guess... I just couldn't bare to stand the thought that she'd find out later. When it's too late..." I wandered off as he nodded, beckoning me to continue. 

"But how she acted... rude, mean and I didn't end up telling her. I'd called her just before her and Luda were about to do it. She was blunt, and said, 'I don't have time for your stupid Doctor Who rants at the moment.' That's not all I talk about and I hoped she would hear how desperate I was." Tears stinged my eyes once again and I laughed sadly, "It sounds so stupid, I'm being stupid."

His soft hands placed on top of mine tenderly, he shook his head slowly, "You're not being stupid. I get it from both points of view and you did nothing wrong Juliet."

I gazed at him as he took my hand, squeezing it in his strong ones, "Yeah, she has a boyfriend and it might not have been the best time for her, but you were her best friend long before he showed up so I get why you are so hurt that she just... rejected you like that. She should have noticed that you were upset but being horny, can really cloud your senses. But still, that doesn't excuse her, if you had a boyfriend and I'm still surprised you don't, I'm sure you would be here with her, if she was going through some stuff."

I blinked a few times as his words sunk in, "Do you really think so?"

"I know so. And I know you think you are being weak but it takes strength to tell somebody about this, what you are going through. I'm glad you told me. Even if it took you the whole day to do it." He brought my hand up to his lips and pecked it gently, before rubbing his thumb over the knuckles.

I laughed lightly, and he stated, "We'll figure it out. You've got me Juliet. We may not be the best of friends or whatever, but you will always have me." 

With those words, a whole new light was shone on Jack and I saw a strong guy that would do anything for his friends.

And I was lucky enough to be one of them.


This was mainly a filler, but there is important things in this that WILL be discussed later on!

I AM SO SORRY THAT IT TOOK THIS LONG TO GET OUT! But, as a gift of 'thank you and sorry' I  have made a 'Heck We Are Young Halloween Special' that will be released tomorrow night. 

Oh yes. 

There will be important things.


Please show your support by commenting, voting or even fanning lovelies!

Have a stellar day and an even better life! 


Your Muffin lover! 

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