Love at first Grind

By jxelle_k

20.7K 372 324

First in the Love at First series! Jade struggles to make friends as she moves to England from Australia. One... More

Chapter 2- Losing virginity
Chapter 3- Love at first Grind
Chapter 4- One night stand
Chapter 5- Wet dream
Chapter 6- Strip tease
Chapter 7- Hickey
Chapter 8- Nudist beach
Chapter 9- Sexual tension
Chapter 10- Friends with Benefits?
Chapter 11- Lovebite-bites the dust
Chapter 12- Gender reveal

Chapter 1- love at first sight

4.5K 42 18
By jxelle_k

This book is dedicated to one of my best friends. Happy birthday love you!

A girl stood, her wet hair hugging her body like a long lost friend, clinging to her frosty skin and dampening her clothes, as she stared out at everything before her with eyes that were enthralling, like sparkling kaleidoscopes of colour; They were celery green, but also ocean blue. Dashes of chestnut brown speckled her irises, blind to the world. Her eyelids fluttering to deflect the water, she could do nothing but stand and let her body and mind be enveloped by the cold and wet night. She absently twirled her golden hair in her slim fingers, flashes of her chipped multi-coloured nail polish shone through the silky strands of gold. Time seemed to slow as she batted her long dark eyelashes and smiled, her face lit up allowing anyone to be blinded by her sheer beauty. She stepped forward, her sleek legs moving gracefully, confidently towards a lonely boy. As she glided across the park her hoody hugged her hour glass figure, her thin, toned legs covered by a pair of navy blue jeans. As she glided across the park, finally she came to rest in front of the boy. Her rose red lips moved slowly, forming words nobody had neither anticipated or prepared for...

"Are you alright you look upset" Her voice was high like a piccolo but louder than a trumpet. The boy looked up. Upon his presence, he possessed a strange charisma that allowed girls to lust for him. The girls eyes traced his tall slender figure, from his messy brown hair down to his worn combat boots two sizes too big. His eyes covered by heavily tinted lens. The closer she came, the better she could view him. His eyes warm, a range of soft colours. Reminding her of sweet summers day. Lilac bags hung under them, ageing him quite a bit, but he couldn't be much older than her nonetheless. Seeing him stumble a bit, eased the women's nerves. He was just as nervous as her. She took a deep breath, inhaling his overly strong cologne. Naturally, she would find herself nearly gagging on the powerful scent. However, his broad smile prevented that and instead it transformed the night into one she would not want to forget any time soon.

"Who's asking?" his voice poured out like a river, and every time he spoke his tongue would glide beautifully over his perfect teeth and emit an adorable bit of air.

"Me I'm asking don't sound so surprised there is some good in this world!"

"Ha well when you find it let me know."

"hmm... your very cynical. And a lone wolf?-a cynical lone wolf!" She took a place next to him on the bench, as he edged further away.

"Thats a big word for a blonde!" he said highlighting his underlying bitterness towards any comfort.

"Don't be hairist" she sniggered heavily causing the boys distorted attention to lay upon the girl.

"Very funny hairist?" he removed his sunglasses.

"Yeah you know hair racism is a serious matter! don't discriminate"

"I'm sorry didn't know you were the hair police?"

"Well you better watch your mouth next time!"

"Next time?"

"You know what I mean!"

"Do I?" 

"Shut up sunnies!"

"Shut up Blonde!" He turned to face her, a lustful smirk slapped across his face as his eyes met hers in a longing gaze, obtaining a cryptic charisma embedded deep within him. He continued to flutter his glare upon each individual feature upon the girls face. She recoiled slightly feeling uncomfortable as he studied her profusely. She looked away, suddenly conscious of her myriad insufficiencies. Her eyes met a red stain upon her top.

"Oh this... its a netball mishap this morning" she said pointing to the stain.

" i'm not looking at that."

"Ookay so what are you looking at?"

"I'm looking at you."

"Oh... Okay... so...err here we are in the park, in the rain looking at each other." He nodded "Thats not weird."

"I think i've got you figured out!"

"Oh really?"

"Uh-huh you like things just so, you have a great family who you get along with. But you've had to travel a lot due to your dads work but you love him dearly.... oh and I'm getting a sporty vibe....maybe surfer, netball player and just all around amazing at all sport.

"Right when I said your cynical lone wolf I meant a weirdly psychic lone wolf."

"Hmm very funny."

"Yep the one thing you didn't mention with your psychic powers."

"Well I'll see you around Blondie!"

"See you Sunnies"

The mysterious boy's arms swayed, simultaneously, back and forth, as his stilt-like legs seemed to be carrying him from point to point; mechanically in motion one leg thrust forward as the other tried, rhythmically, to catch up.
The girl's brain churned rapidly at the encounter with a boy she was strangely attracted to.


She flipped her phone out her pocket,placing it to her ears.
"Jade Hughes where are you-You were supposed to be home an hour ago" The drowning voice of her mother boomed through the speaker.

"Mum calm down I was only at the skate park, and the bus It never turned up." She tried to justify.

"Well then why didn't you ring me earlier?"

"I...I was socialising!" Desperately pining for her mum to understand she pleaded like the homeless plead for money.

"Really- wow I'm glad your finally making friends!" Her mother sighed. "Just next time tell me what your up to!"

"I'm 16 mum I don't need to be babysat!"

"Alright I'm coming to pick you up, I'm about 5 minutes away. Love you"

"See you in a sec mum"

It was silent, but the sound was deafening. The incessant beating of her heart reverberated through her body like the death beat of tribal drums. She sank into worn leathery grass, indented with years of heavy anticipation and anguish. The air stank of nerves, fear and burnt charcoal.

The car slowly chugging along was the only noise tainting the silence. Perfect. She gazed out the window. The thrilling speed of the car lifting her out of the painful drone of pure existence and injected a sliver of happiness into her. She was finally free. Shops came and went; people stepped in and out. But, She remained. Just her alone in the car with her mum.
"Jade what's your friends name?" Her mum asked.

"All my friends are in Australia" she answered spitefully.

"I know sweetheart but I thought you had finally made a friend? It's been two weeks since we got here and you need to make friends!"

"I miss my old friends! I don't need new ones!"

"what about the girl you were 'socialising' with?"


"Oh... Okay what's his name?" She sounded stunned yet grateful, sighing with a neutral tone.

"Err... Sunnies... I mean Sunny!"

"You don't sound to sure?"

"I'm sure!"

"So when are you seeing Sunny again?"


"Alright... Alright I'm just trying to help!"

*  *  * *
Eventually they arrived back at home, the home in which was covered in a myriad of boxes as bold as the brilliant moonshine on a winters evening.  The cold breeze was unbearable that day. Jade felt the unfamiliar feeling  of hair rising on her arms and slowly spreading across her body sacrificing itself to the cotton confines of her already damp clothes. She lethargically rubbed her hands together, hoping it might grant some brief respite from the overwhelming temperature. The air was thinner than she was used to. There was no moisture to swim through in England, the only thing she would be swimming through would be puddles. She glumly sat by the fire, watching the embers float weightlessly without a care, she envied the elegance they possessed growing more agitated by the second and the last thing she wanted was to wait for the maintenance man to fix their heaters.

"Cheer up jadey!" Her dad pinch her cheek with the intentions of making her smile, her dad possessed  an ability to evoke giggles in the darkest of times. The most dominant thing about him was his kindness, genuinely kind, to everyone around him.

"Dad, stop it," she said trying to suppress a giggle.

"what I didn't hear you?" He pinch her arm.

"Dad seriously stop!" She let out an abrupt giggle.

"did you say something?" He punched her arm in a playful manner.

"Oh you're asking for it!" She challenged, letting her competitive streak lying dominant she jumped off the chair and tackled her dad.

"WAIT! CANNONBALL". Jades older brother jumped on both jade and her dad while they lay crushed under his weight.

"Connor, Jade and Ian get off the floor I have some news!" Jades mum announced.

"uh oh you're not pregnant are you?" Her dad teased.

"Ian be serious for one second,"  she sighed.

" few don't think I'd be able to deal with another jade!"

" shut up Connor at least I was planned unlike you!" She argued.

" both of you listen! Your have finally got a place at a school!" She smiled.


"You have to go no excuses, you can finally make new friends and start your life here instead dwelling on the past!" Her mum still smiled.

*   *   *     *    *

End of chapter 1
Thanks for reading and happy birthday Jade.
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