House Of Horrors

By scary-kisses

436 39 10

Continuing for Gumwum "Are you here to kill me?" I whisper. Those red eyes darken, his face looking grim in... More

Halloween on Maple St.
Open House On Maple St.
Moving In on Maple St.
Partying On Maple St.
Threats On Maple St.
Working On Maple St.
Threating On Maple St.
Threating On Maple St. Part 2
Morning On Maple St.
Bathes On Maple. St
Bedtime Stories on Maple St
Torture On Maple St.
School On Maple St.

Welcome To Maple St.

26 2 0
By scary-kisses

"I have a paper cut!" Elliot mumbles as he sucks on his small finger. Elliot and Elle stand on step ladders, ripping off the tacky, yellowing, shredded floral wallpaper. I'm scrubbing the wooden floor of the soon to be playroom with Clorax and water.

"Emme, can I borrow your gloves?" Elliot asks. Referring to the damp yellow latex gloves on my wrists.

"I need these so chemicals won't seep through my skin. But I'll kiss it better." I say. Elliot fake gags at my proposal, "Nevermind." Elliot says, turning back to the wall. I roll my blue eyes, continuing to scrub the floor.

We've been cleaning all day, from the living room to every bedroom. We all have jobs; Elle's and Elliot's tasks is clearing off the wallpaper from every room. While I did the scrubbing, dusting and disinfecting. As I scrubbed the scratches engraved into the wooden floor today I keep thinking back to my phone.

Every time I remember the damaged buttons my stomach drops. The realtor must have found it and I guess I missed it when I first entered the kitchen. That's the only explanation that makes sense, and honestly the only one I want to believe. Or those pranksters from Halloween must have broken it, freaking hilarious.

"Hey Emme, I'm hungry." Elle says. I let the blue sponge fall back into the bucket and peel off the rubber gloves, the gloves sliding off with a squishy snap.

"Me too." Elliot chips in.

"I'll cook mac & cheese." I say, carefully standing up on the wet floor, glad for a break. The three of us literally slide out of the room, laughing as we stumble over the wet floor. We take the back stairs to the freshly cleaned kitchen, the wood cabinets shiny from polish. I open the only cabinet with food, all bare except a few cans of tuna, boxes of macaroni & cheese, two boxes of spaghetti, ten cups of instant noodles and a box of cereal. Our food budget is pretty low since I just put down seven grand for this house. I had to drain my life savings, and dip a little into Elle's and Elliot's college funds, but it was worth it.

I dig out a rusty pot that is pretty dinged up. I start to boil the water on the little old stove, watching over the pot as it bubbles. I add in the noodles, hearing them clatter against the bottom of the metal pot. All three of us jump as the doorbell suddenly chimes off. It was a deep, heavy bell that bellows through the whole house.

"Someone's here..." Elle says quietly. I try to ignore my hands calming up and my heart leaping up into my throat. The three of us exchange a look, all mirroring a slightly panic expression. I take a sharp breath and march to the door, not really sure what I'm expecting. I hear Elliot's and Elle's footsteps rush over me as I hesitate at the door.

"Are you going to open it?" Elliot asks, his voice tight and low with fright.

"What if its that crazy old woman?!" Elle shrieks.

"Doubt it," I say over my shoulder to Elliot and Elle and if it is I got a knuckle sandwich to give her. I grip the brass doorknob and swing the door open and nearly choke on my own breath.

Instead of the wrinkly, crazy old bat standing on the dark porch it was a familiar woman about forty years old. She is tall, has a head full of dyed blonde hair and blue eyes that are staring at us like we're ghosts.

"Oh! Hello!" The lady greets perkily. I remember why I recognize her, she gave Elliot and Elle candy on Halloween, she owns one of the largest house on Maple Street.

"Hello." I greet, nowhere near as enthusiastically as her.

"I can't believe it, someone actually bought this house." The blonde woman practically gasps, looking past us into the house.

"Um... ok..." I say, not sure how to take that.

"Nice to meet you new neighbor! I'm Michelle Tucker, I live at -" She starts but Elle cuts her off.

"17 Maple, with the roses bushes." Elle interrupts. Instead of looking upset that Elle cut her off but Michelle actually looks flattered.

"You have a beautiful house." Elle coos, only making Michelle grin widely.

"Thank you, my house was featured once in the local newspaper." Michelle boosts. "Well, actually the entire Maple Street was, but my house had the biggest picture." Michelle quickly adds.

"All except this house was featured." She adds, her grin falling off her face, her blue eyes scanning over our new house.

"Um... I'm Emme." I decide to just throw out there. This woman sure can talk, would she have ever really gotten to the part of asking our names?

"Nice to meet you Emme, I just came to see who was brave enough to buy this house, and invite you to my Halloween party." She says.

"Um... Halloween passed... right?" I ask. Pretty sure it was two days ago, unless I'm having a freaky dream, and will wake up back in our old apartment.

"Oh course it did! It's a post halloween party, every one is still in the hollows eve mood, so we keep on celebrating! The entire neighborhood comes over in new costumes, we get rid of left over candy. The kids trade candy and everyone just has a blast!" Michelle practically cheers. Sounds like she made a flyer than memorized it.

Sounds like a real blast all right...

"So you're coming right?" Michelle asks, her blue eyes growing to the size of saucers.

"Um..." I mumble feeling put on the spot.

"You just have to come! It'll be like your coming out party to the neighborhood!" Michelle practically begs.

"I... ugh... guess we can stop by. The kids would have fun." I give in, I certainly won't have fun, I hate parties. Michelle squeals with delight, clasping her hands together happily.

"Great, its tomorrow night. See you there, neighbor!" Michelle happily cheers then takes off. I slowly close the door, feeling like a cheery tornado just hurled itself at me and I just got sucked in it's harsh whirlwind.

"Woah, our new neighbor is... talkative." Elle says, still eyeing the spot where Michelle practically exploded with pep.

"Ten bucks says she was a cheerleader. She definitely puts the cheer in cheery." I say dryly.

"The macaroni should be done, I'll go add the cheese. Go wash up, that wallpaper was pretty grody." I advise as I walk back to the kitchen. I turn the stove off, the water faltering to a halt.

"Wait... what the hell?" I whisper to myself. I stare at the bottom of the pot, the pale noodles looking longer and thinner. I empty the pot in a strainer in the sink, the pot dropping from my hands and crashing to the floor at my feet.

"Oh my fucking god!" I scream, reeling backwards. Worms! Fucking worms! Fleshy, slimy, stringy words are in my strainer!

"EW!" I gasp, holding down vomit. Where's the macaroni?! My heart leaps into my throat and I feel the hairs on my neck stand on end.

Who put worms in my pot?!

"Oh god..." I breathe, blood pounding in my ears.

"Elle! Elliot!" I yell, grabbing a frying pan and race to the downstairs bathroom. I can barely hear my thundering footsteps over my pounding heart, the worse playing out in my head.

"What?" I hear Elliot's shocked voice. Their dark heads poke from the bathroom, both hands wet.

"Have you seen anyone?!" I whisper, gripping the frying pan. Their eyes go wide, and their freckled faces knotting up in pure fear.

"No!" Elliot chokes out.

"Did someone break in?! Did you see them?!" Elle whispers.

"No! They replaced the macaroni with worms!" I whisper. Elliot's dark eyebrows jump to his hairline and Elle's face scrunches up in disgust.

"Cool!" Elliot says at the same as Emma.
"Gross!" Elle says at the same time as Elliot.

"I gotta see this for myself!" Elliot says and dashes pass me.

"Elliot!" I yell after him and grab Elle's hand. The frying pan swaying in my hand as rush after him.

"Elliot we have to stay together!" I yell after my little brother. I run into the kitchen, seeing Elliot stare down at the sink with a very confused look.

"Emme, there aren't any worms." Elliot says disappointed. My mouth drops at his words and I spring at the sink.

"What?!" I gasp, staring at the strainer. He's right! Steaming macaroni sits in the strainer, wet and definitely not worms.

"B-but! No! There were worms! Long, gross, live in the dirt worms!" I cry at the strainer. Elle and Elliot stare at me like I have two heads.

"Emme, are you okay?" Elle asks worriedly. Elliot places a small hand on my forehead, feeling for a fever.

"You're not burning up." He mumbles, his brown eyes looking for the worse.

"Emme... are you feeling ok?" Elliot asks, his face more scared than a moment ago when I said someone broke in. I force myself to calm down and wrap the two of them into a shaky hug.

"I'm fine. I swear, I guess I'm just really stressed out with the move..." I mumble.

"Ok... just go to bed early tonight. Okay?" Elle pleads and I nod, my chin brushing against her dark hair.

"Okay..." I whisper.

First my phone... now worms....

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