My Not So Bad Bad Boy {COMPLE...

By 27oreopandas

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"Nice foot work." a voice said. I lost control of the ball and tripped over my feet. I groaned loudly as my b... More

My Not So Bad Bad Boy
Chapter 1: New Life, New House... New Neighbors
Chapter 2: You Too Hot! Hot Damn!
Chapter 3: So Red It Would Put Rudolph's Nose To Shame
Chapter 4: AGAIN Don't Get Caught
Chapter 5: I'm Gonna Need You To Take Off Your Shirt
Chapter 6: Salva Me Maria!
Chapter 7: Flipping Dolphins in a Burrito
Chapter 8: Famous DJ
Chapter 9: Very Tight and Very Short
Chapter 10:Are You Gay?
Chapter 11: I'm Not Like Him
Chapter 12: He Looked at Me Longingly ;)
Author's Final Note
Sneak Peek
Oh My God Guys!
Another Book!
I'm Sorry :(

Check It

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By 27oreopandas

*Hey Guys. This update is just a sneak peek into my new book (not the sequel) Looking Back. This is actually the first chapter and I haven't uploaded it yet, so you guys actually get to read the first chapter early.

But I have already but up the story just not the first chapter. Anyways hope you enjoy.

Looking Back

Chapter 1: Gray Hairs

AP History.

Not a fan.

Yes, I guess I do have an A- in it, but it doesn't mean I like it. I think the only reason I actually don't flunk it is the casualness of subject's teacher, Mr. Strike. Or so I thought.

"Okay class, today we will be working on-"

Then I block him out. I can't deal with it today. It hasn't been exactly my best day. I mean, would it be a good day if it was your birthday and not only peers forget it, but your parents and twin sibling too? I don't think so.

"Ms. Levy and Mr. Matthews. Is there something more important than this class that is causing you not to pay attention?" Mr. Strike asks. My eyes widen for a second. Just a second.

"The ceiling, it's so fascinating Sir. Just look at the striking dots over the white paint." I mesmerize looking at the yellow-ish ceiling, that is honestly, not so fascinating. He raised his eyebrows.

"I see. And Mr. Matthews, your excuse." He gave a questioning look towards the back of the room. I didn't bother looking back. Probably just some kid that had people forget his birthday too.

When no answer came, Mr. Strike took out two slips.

"Both of you could head to the detention for the rest of the period and last period."  He scowled at us. I rolled my eyes and stood up. I slung my bag over my shoulder and walked up to Mr. S grinning.

"Aw, but Johnny, I thought you finally came around." I pouted at him jokingly. I quickly then snatched the slip out of his hand. He sighed audibly and pinched the bridge of his nose.

"I don't think, in my 11 years if teaching, I have come across a student who has given me as many gray hairs as you." He said slumping into his chair. I smirked and left the classroom. As I walked down the hall, I heard footsteps behind me. Probably just 'Mr. Matthews' following behind me.

As I opened the door to the detention room, I held it open for said detention buddy. Once I knew he was in, I walked inside. I slapped my slip hard against the front desk, waking up a Mr. Jack. He snorted alive and I had to place my fist into my mouth so I wouldn't cause one on my own.

He looked around frantically until he noticed me. He rolled his eyes fairly dramatically and crossed his arms over his chest.

"Welcome back Maxine. I see you're back for your fifth detention of the only three day start week." He said rather rudely. I just smirked and landed hard on a chair. I notice detention buddy sit at the back.

"And here I thought you liked my visits Howard." I shook my head laughing, crossing my feet on top of the table in front of me.

"It's Mr. Jack to you Ms. Levy. And I will warn you, one more detention and you will be suspended." He said triumphantly smirking. I raised an eyebrow and crossed my own arms over my chest.

"Oh really, Howard. That's what you've said all 89 times I've been in here. My goal is to make it to 100 by the end of this year." I grinned victoriously at him.

"Only if you're father weren't so powerful Maxine. Only if."

I shrugged him off and plugged in my ear phones.


20 minutes into detention I had this eerie feeling someone was looking at me. I glanced behind me only to find Jason Matthews himself looking at me. I quickly turned back around and blushed.

So that's the 'Mr. Matthews.' I thought it was some other kid. This all makes sense now... Sort of.

Jason Matthews is Angel Wood High School's bully. His hood is usually drawn up over his melon, and hands stuffed into his pockets. He walks around the school with his regular sized head held high as if he over powered everyone around his 6' foot tall, large figure.

He normally wears dark colored hoodies and dark washed jean pants that hang lowly on his hips, yet still looks hot as ever. And Jason's pitch black Converse are always placed on his large sized feet.

He has tan caramel skin and silky jet-black hair that sways up, never hiding his sky blue eyes. His small shaped nose seems perfect compared to his not so straight, white teeth.

He never smiles. The only time and emotion is on display on his narrowed face is the fire in his azul eyes. They darken when angered by the peers that surround him and light up like a Christmas tree when causing pain to fellow students. He spits out his words with such distaste that it sends the 12 year old middle school trotting far away.

Now here's my question-

Why is he looking at me?

I think the reason is, STALKER.


As the last period bell rung I sprung from the old brown desk and bolted towards the door. On my way out I quickly added-

"See ya tomorrow Howard!"

"For the last time it's-" SLAM! The door closed muting out his unfinished sentence. I smirked and rushed to my locker.

As I open it, an envelope falls out. Quickly stuffing it into my bag, I dump all my stuff into my locked and take out my Math and English books. Hey! I might be a bad ass but that doesn't mean I don't exceed in my academics... my citizenship might need improving though.

I quickly close my locker shut and make my way towards the front of the school. As I reach for the door I hear my name being called out. But the fact that I'm a fabulous lone wolf and people don't really talk to me, I ignored it and continued. I began making my way down the steps of the school and onto the side walk. I on go my journey and make the next right. I immediately see the park in my line of vision and head toward the gate.

The park is pretty large seeing as it is funded by my 'dad.' It's a full on soccer field that can also be used for rugby and football. On the other side of it lies to basketball courts, side-by-side. And on the other half seeing as both courts are only half the size of the field, is a palyground and open area for kids to run around.

Yup. Levy Park, is its name. I honestly hate the fucking place and want to burn it. But it also tends to be my hide out after schools so I can hide from my dad. Not that he is ever home, but when he is, let's just say I'd rather not be there.

I walk to the side of the field where a large oak tree lays. I sit at a distance in front of it and sit down crissed-crossed on the soft green grass. I reach into my bag and take out my sketch book. I turn to an empty page. I take out my pencils and chalk pastels and begin to gaze at the tree. I'm far from the tree so it looks like a beautiful evergreen tree with plains of grass behind it.

I begin and use my bright green colors to begin drawing out the side of the tree that the sun shines on and dark green where it doesn't. I then use a hazel and a brown color for the trunk. The trunk itself is honestly thick and the branches that show here and there are thin. After that I use the sky blue to color in the sky, then the white and light gray for the clouds.

I don't bother coloring in the whole page adding to the affect. This all takes me an hour tops. After finishing I look at my work. I sign the bottom with my name and the date. I sigh as I leave the book over my crossed legs and bring my back all the way back touching the ground.

It's times like this that I really wish she wasn't gone. It's times like this that I really wish the my father wasn't the way he was. It's time like this that I wish I actually had a friend.

Gulping and biting on my bottom lip to prevent myself from crying, I look up at the sky.

It's only then do I remember the envelope. I speedily sit up and throw my sketch book to the side. I grabbed the now crushed envelope. Ooops.

I the take a few breaths to calm myself and gently open the thing.


I ripped open that sucker to reveal a birthday card. My eyes widen and slowly open it-

This feels awkward, even though I'm just writing and not actually talking to you in person. Anyways, back to the point. I don't want to sound creepy, but let's just say I've noticed you around and have found a slight interest. I might have went through your file and found out your birthday. But, that was 3 years ago when you actually joined this school.

Ever since then I've remembered. It wasn't until now though that I actually sort of found the courage to at least get you a birthday card. I know you don't have great history with your family and that your brother is a jackass, so I decided to do this I guess.

Ya, so I find you interesting. You seem practically careless. You're always getting detentions and you're always rude to the people around you. I honestly find it attractive. I myself do not enjoy the company of living creatures other than my family of course. Wow I really don't keep on track now do I?

Okay, so lastly I just wanted to say Happy Birthday and also for you to know that there is a person who cares and that it will get better.

Happy Birthday Max. xoxo

- J. M.

P.S. Love the outfit. Bring me the Horizon is awesome.

P.P.S. I swear I'm not a stalker, just a guy crushing hard on a girl. A pretty girl ;)

P.P.P.S. If you would like to know who I am, don't worry, you'll find out soon.

And honestly only one thing stuck.

Is this guy cute?

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