Begging on Your Knees Someday

Oleh unkn0wnx3

3.2M 62K 10.2K

Being raised by 5 brothers wasnt easy. I grew up to be a tomboy, playing sports, watching the games on TV, an... Lebih Banyak

Chapter 1: Coming home
Chapter 2: Where it all began
Chapter 3: The Beach Party
Chapter 4: First day of School
Chapter 5: The secrets are revealed
Chapter 6: The fights
Chapter 7: Forgiveness & Football.
Chapter 8: A night of Firsts
Chapter 9: Consumed by Confusion
Chapter 10: Its Official
Chapter 11: Two's a Party
Chapter 12: It's Unofficial
Chapter 13: Victim #2
Chapter 14: Developing the Strategy
Chapter 15: A lot to Deal With
Chapter 16: Doesn't Feel Right
Chapter 17: Boyfriend #2
Chapter 18: New Day
Chapter 19: Girls Day Out
Chapter 20: Fighting Feelings
Chapter 21: Resolving & Plotting
Chapter 22: Lesson Learnt
Chapter 23: Love & Confusion
Chapter 24: Repeating the Past
Chapter 25: Going Insane
Chapter 26: Heartbreaker
Chapter 27: Heartbroken
Chapter 28: Complications
Chapter 29: Truth Comes Out
Chapter 31: Welcome Home
Chapter 32: {UNTITLED}
Chapter 33: Good to Be Back
Chapter 34: Something Special

Chapter 30: Down to Business

66.4K 1.6K 162
Oleh unkn0wnx3

(A/N) IMPORTANT: hi guys I wanted to post this in the beginning of all my update ebcause i know that many of my readers dont read the messages i put on my message board. That being said i'd like to thank you all for being so patient. I started my senior year & i just have a lot of things going on. Along with all school stuff, i volunteered for a CCD school, i got my first job, & i got into a helathcare program at my school which requires me to volunteer at the hospital twice a week, so im a little busy. So im going to do my best to update whenever i can but im not going to lie it wont be as often as you guys would like it, maybe once a week...twice if i'm lucky. You have to understand i went from a girl who did nothing but stay home & watch netflix to a girl who has something to do everyday. But until i get usd to all of this & everything i'll update once a week. Things are really stressful & i have a lot to deal with. But i want to thank you guy again for really being patient & understanding. If it was up to my 'd update everyday. So you guys are the best, i really hope you enjoy this update:)


I was missing another day of school and to be honest I didn’t care. I couldn’t stand to spend another second in that place without Mase by my side, no matter what my brothers said.

Surprisingly most of my teachers were being really understanding. For almost all my life the same people have watched Mase and I grow up together side by side, and I guess that means something.

I was even keeping up on my work, reading the books and doing the assignments with Mason.

The only thing that kept me from staying at the hospital 24/7 was my brothers and work.

Work seemed like the only place that I actually wanted to be, especially since Cole and I have different shifts.

But here I was at the hospital once again visiting Mason.

“Hey…” I said when I walked into his room to see a very bored looking Mason.

“Hey beautiful.” He said with a bright smile.

“How are you feeling?” I asked as I took the seat beside his bed.

“Sore but better, good enough for them to let me out of this place. I miss my room, my bed, and especially my food.” He said as pushed away the plastic tray that had hospital jello and juice.

“Mase you know there keeping you here for a good reason. You got really hurt and they have to make sure everything’s going well…” I said.

“I know but how long is that going to take?” he whined.

“Didn’t they say 2 more weeks?” I asked as he nodded.

“2 more weeks of agonizing torture.”

“You’re not being dramatic at all.”  I said as I rolled my eyes.

“Where’s your dad?” I asked.

“I finally convinced him to go back to work.” He said and I nodded.

“How did your brothers take you missing another day of school?” he asked and I just looked down.

“Not good…” he said and I nodded.

“Andy you have to go back…I’ll be fine without you,” he said as he took my hand in his and squeezed it reassuringly.

“I know but…I don’t think I’ll be fine…” I said as I let out a deep breath.

“I cant go back… not without you.” I said and he nodded slowly.

“So what’re your plans for today? Going to stay here and watch me lay here all day?” he asked.

“Actually no…I came to say hello and drop off some of the English reading, and then I have an errand to run…” I said.

“Oh great more work…” he said sarcastically as I rolled my eyes at him.

 “Where are you off to?” he asked.

“Just out, I’ll be back soon…” I said as I rose from the chair.

“Adriana where the hell are you going?” he asked but I just kissed him lightly on the lips ignoring his protests as I walked out of the room…

There was something I needed to do, something that he wouldn’t be to happy about.


I knew for a fact that Cole spent most of his time lately working at the pool hall… Mason and I weren’t the only ones missing school apparently so has Cole.

So I walked through the door and I saw Cole behind the counter cleaning it with a rag.

As I looked around there was barely anyone in here. There was a few people sitting down at the booths eating but that was about it.

As I walked up to the bar and took a seat Cole didn’t even realize I was there.

“How can I help?” he asked before he was interrupted by shock when he looked up and saw me sitting there before him.

“Andy…” he said in disbelief.

“Cole we need to talk…” I said as I noticed his purpleish blue eye and the cut on his lip.

“Andy your brothers…and I…I…” he began to say but I just shook my head.

“No it’s fine, I just need you to listen to me. I need you to try to understand where I coming from…and then I need you to do me a favor…” I said as I watched his eyes widened.

“I’ll do anything you want…as long as you listen to me,” he said as I let out a deep breath.

“Fine but me first.” I said.

“I need you to understand how much what you did to me hurt. You weren’t only a friend of my brothers, but you were a friend of mine. I trusted you…and you totally went behind my back and did something I never thought you were capable of doing. You used the fact that I had a crush on you to your advantage…which worked out good cause once I realize what a piece of shit you were that totally went away. To be honest the only reason why you're not lying somewhere dead in a ditch is because of me…not because I care, because I need you…” I said.

“I thought you more than anyone besides my brothers cared about me and understood that Ryan and Matty were jerks. I thought you know hoe bad they made me feel when I was younger, and I thought you cared…but I was wrong.” I continued.

“I’m going to do whatever I possibly can to make them regret ever messing with me, which means they cant know that you told me about this stupid bet…unless you already told them.” I said.

“I haven’t talked to them in almost 2 weeks,” he said and I nodded.

“Andy…” he began to say as I let out a deep breath.

“I know it’s hard to believe but I never meant to hurt you,” he said as I rolled my eyes.

“Ever since I could remember I always thought you were so awesome and the most amazing girl I ever knew…” he said.

“Man, I liked you so much…still do.” He said as I nervously played with my locket.

“I guess I was just so jealous of Mason cause I could never have the relationship with you that he did…your brothers would have killed me if I even tried….” He continued.

“I just really didn’t think you deserved to be strung along by some kid who didn’t realize how amazing you were…but it didn’t matter what I thought, it wasn’t like there was anything I could do about it….”

“Until I overheard Ryan and Matty making that bet. To be honest I wanted to tell your brothers right away because I hate those assholes, but I realized there was finally a way to make you see who Mason really is…” he said but I just shook my head.

“I know who Mason really is…” I aid.

“No you don’t…. because for 3 years you weren’t here and have no idea what he was doing.” He said and I just looked away because to be honest he was right. But I couldn’t imagine what Mason could have been doing.

“Plus it was better than them trying to get in your pants…” he said.

“Mason had everything and with this bet I could take it all away from him…even his chance at football captain. To be honest it seemed better at the time but now I realize it was just wrong….” He said.

“I regret hurting you more than anything because…I like you so much…” he said as I let out a deep breath.

“If you like me as much as you say you do, then you’ll continue pretending that you have no idea that I know about the bet, or that I have any plan against them. You have to get your ass to school and pretend that this is still going on…” I said and he nodded.

“I will….” He said and I nodded before I turned to leave, but stopped as soon as I heard him call my name.

“I’m sorry Andy…tell your brothers to.” He said and I nodded.

I don’t think I’ll be able to tell my brothers that I had any contact with Cole, for his own safety…

To be honest everything Cole said was just hitting me now as I walked down the street.

They guy who I had the biggest crush on told me he liked me…and to be honest I didn’t know how to feel.

It wasn’t like that I had any feelings for him after he did. And even the feelings I did have couldn’t compare to the ones I have for Mase. But I just couldn’t help but think as wrong and stupid as what he did was…it was in some way…sweet? I don’t know.

But for some reason I couldn’t help but feel like I needed to tell Mason…but I wasn’t sure it was the best idea.

Ugh…everything was so complicated.

The only thing that I was sure about was that I couldn’t help but think this plan might actually work. I might actually be able to pull this off.

As long as Cole keeps his mouth were good, and for some reason I think that he will. I don’t know how to explain it but it was like he wanted to do something right by me…

But right now my main concern was Mason…


**Masons POV**

“Hello Mr. Louis, how are you feeling today?” the doctor asked as he walked into my room.

“Good…” I said.

“Actually great…so great in fact I think I could go home today.” I said as the doctor laughed.

“Well I’m glad to hear that, but I don’t think that could happen. But I think I have some news that you would like to hear…” he said as I nodded.

“We checked your scans and your blood work, and it seems like you're dong pretty well. If you keep improving like this we might be able to send you home in a week…as long as we know that you're going to take care of yourself and make sure that you come in weekly until you're completely healed.” He said and I could honestly feel my stomach doing flips from happiness.

“Oh my god that’s great! I promise I’ll do everything you say.” I said eagerly.

“Well I’m glad…now about football…” he said and my heart almost dropped.

When they told me there was a chance I’d never be able to play football professionally my heart broke into a million pieces. Even the possibility of not going pro was scary…

It was what I planned on doing ever since I was younger, I never even thought of another possible career…

Which was worse was that if I couldn’t play, it would totally be my fault. Not because I was bad or not goo enough, but because I made a stupid mistake.

I’d rather have the chance to show college scouts how I play and they tell me I'm not good enough than not have a chance at all.

“Yes…” I said.

“To be honest only time can tell…your shoulder was pretty messed up in the accident. We had to perform surgery to fix the muscle but we’re still not sure about the nerve. It’s a 50/50 shot, either your shoulder can heal completely and you could play…or there could be complications and you’ll have to deal with the pain for the rest of your life…” he said and I nodded slowly as everything came crashing down.

“Thank you…” I said in a low voice.

“Listen there’s still a chance that it could heal perfectly, but you need to be patient…and have a more positive attitude. You know the minds a powerful thing, and can have a pretty big impact on the healing process…” he said as I nodded.

“Alright…” I said just as I heard a knock on the door and saw Andy standing there.

“Oh Miss. Payne, its so nice to see you keeping Mason company.” He said to her with a smile.

“Everyday…” she said with a smile.

“Well let me give you guys some privacy…I’m sure Masons very eager to tell you the good news.” He said before he left.

“What news?” she asked as I let out a deep breath. As happy as I was to be able to go home I couldn’t stop thinking about football.

“He said that if everything’s okay I’ll be able to leave in a week, I just have to be careful and stay in bed….” I said.

“Why don’t you seem to happy about this? Isn’t this what you’ve been waiting for?” she asked puzzled.

“I am…its just…” I said as I let out a deep breath.

“He said he’s not sure if I’ll be able to play football. There’s a 50/50 chance that my shoulder might not heal…” I said as I watched her frown.

“Mase…there’s still a good chance it could heal. You already believe that it wont heal…give it some time.” She said as I shrugged.

“Even if you cant play football there’s a million other things you could do, not that I’m saying it wont heal. But you're really talented Mase, you could do anything…” she said.

“That’s easy for you to say…footballs been my whole life…you know that.”

“I know, but it doesn’t have to be the rest of your life. But again there’s still a chance that you can become the pro football player you’ve dreamed about. If I think you can then so should you…” she said and I couldn’t help but smile.

“So are you going to tell me where you ran off today?” I asked as I watched her look away and nervously play with the locket around her neck, I could already tell I wasn’t going to like this…

“Andy,” I said.

“I went to talk to Cole.” She said and I looked at her in disbelief.

“What?” I asked.

“Just hear me out. I had to make sure that he wouldn’t tell Matty and Ryan about the bet, and he said that he wouldn’t.”

“How could you believe that lying asshole?” I asked.

“Because…I just do…” she said and I could tell there was something she wasn’t telling me.

“Andy…” I said as she let out a deep breath.

“He told me everything he did, he did because he…he…uhm always liked me…and he was jealous of our relationship…” she said as I looked at her in shock.

I couldn’t believe he actually said that, or that she actually believed that. He was such an asshole and it enraged me just thinking about her talking to him. M

“Mase don’t be angry…whatever he said didn’t matter to me. I just needed to know that he wasn’t going to ruin everything.” She said.

“Andy how could it not matter to you? You had the biggest crush on that piece of shit for the longest time. You're telling me that when he told you he liked you it meant nothing?” I asked in disbelief as the insecurity filled my body.

“Mase how could you even ask that?” she said.

“Well I am your best friend, and the one who’s heard you obsess over him thousands of times…” I said as my heart ached

“That shouldn’t matter, cause you should know that what I feel for you is so much more than I ever felt for him. I had a stupid little girl crush on him, but I realized how he really is. And if that’s not enough I realized that what I felt for him was nothing compared to what I feel for you. I wouldn’t have talked to him if it wasn’t necessary, but I need you to trust me about how I feel…” she said as I let out a deep breath and looked away.

I loved her more than anything, and to even know that she loves me was crazy. I just can wrap my head around the fact that she’s all mine for once. It’s like that I’m waiting for something to go wrong…for her to find someone else….

And it wasn’t helping that soon she’d be pretending to date another guy, and we would end up right where we left out.

“Mase I love you…I love everything about you. I love that I can count on you for anything. I love that you could always make me smile no matter what. I love that you know me better than I know myself…I would never give this up…” She said and I couldn’t help but smile.

“I love you too…and I believe you. I’m just being my normal insecure self.” I said

“Don’t apologize. This is all new to the both of us; it’s a lot to get used to. How do you think I’m going to feel when we pass one of your exes? The girls who you’ve repeatedly told me about, who’s hot, who’s okay, who’s a great kisser, who sucks…” she continued and then I finally understood what she was talking about.

“Okay I get it…that seems like a conversation to avoid…” I said as I watched her fidget with her hands in the lap signaling that something was bothering her.

“What’s wrong Andy?” I asked.

“I don’t know you just reminded me of something Cole said…even though I knew he was just trying to get to me. He said that I really didn’t know you…especially during the years I was away…” she said and my heart almost stopped.

To be honest the time she spent away was like fog. I was so hurt that she left, it was like I didn’t know what to do without her. I used a lot of girls to try to forget about her…but no matter what it was no use.

“Andy…” I said.

“I think that its something we should talk about later. Its nothing bad, its just when you were gone I was really upset. I was lost without you. I tried everything to forget about you…but it was impossible….” I said as I watched her face looked at me puzzled.

“I think that’s a talk for another time…” she said but I could feel like there was something she was holding back…like she was really bothered.

“Andy I think you should know that I never slept with any of these girls…it was just a big rumor going around. Everyone thought I was such a player when in reality I was just hurt.” I said as she looked at me with a small smile.

“The only girl was…Missy.” She said with pain filling each word.

“Cant we pretend like that didn’t happen.” I asked because it was the truth. Even thinking about that made me sick.

“Well you can, but I don’t think I’ll be able to…” she said with sadness in her voice.

“How about this…you and I are starting over from scratch. No past relationships or crushes…nothing. Just you and I, transitioning from best friend to girlfriend and boyfriend. With the past not getting in our way.” I said and she smiled.

“Sounds good, but the most important thing right now is you getting better…” she said and I nodded.

“Yes mam…” I said.

Andy and I finally being together was the best thing that has ever happened to me. Even though it’s only been a week, it feels so real and amazing.

An adventure that will be hard at times but worth it… 


Hi guys:P i know i finally updatedddd. Its not much, basically kind of a filler. But here it is. 

I also forgot to mention & post this before but this story was created based on Victoria Justices song Begging on your Knees. It came to me when I was watching the epsiode of victorious (yes 17, and still a fan:)) But a few months ago she came out with another song that fits this story perfectly, not the reveng part but the relationship between Mason and Andy. I think its a pretty awesome song & you should definitely lsiten to it over there like now---->>> 

but yeah. dO You think Cole will keep his word? What does her brothers think? Do you think Masons happy about continuing the revenge? will he be healed for football. Let me know:D

Again thank you so much for being patient, & for the ones that arent i'm sorry. But i have a life & things to do. if i could updat everyday i would but life doesnt work that way. If you enjoy my story enough to stick it out & deal with the late updates then thank you so much because those are the people I write for. Those are the people who make me want to stay up late trying to write. But if it bothers you then i'm sorry you dont have to read this & wait for the updates cause i iknow its frurstratring. 


PLEASE COMMENT, FAN, & VOTE- the more the faster the updates :) 

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