Book 5 - SAVIOUR (Completed)...

By themoonlightdemon

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Chapter 1 - The Goodbye's and Hello's
Chapter 2 - The Queen Bee
Chapter 3 - The Fear & Truth
Chapter 5 - The Avoidance & Pain
Chapter 6 - Secret Love & Fantasy
Chapter 7 - WHAT GALA?!
Chapter 8 - Movie Night
Chapter 9 - Sleepover & Secrets Reveal
Chapter 10 - New Students & Surprises
Chapter 11 - Once Upon A Time In Emerson's Life
Chapter 12 - The Christ, Larove & Avilia
Chapter 13 - A Date & Sudden Trip
Chapter 14 - Surprise Trips
Chapter 15 - The Turning Point
Chapter 16 - The First Touch
Chapter 17 - Spirit Week & Drama
Chapter 18 - I am who?!
Chapter 19 - Detention?! & Tryout
Chapter 20 - Love Me Like You Do
Chapter 21 - The Gala
Chapter 22 - To The Moon & Back
Chapter 23 - Let The Teasing Begin
Chapter 24 - MILAN!! (Part 1)
Chapter 25 - MILAN!! (Part 2)
Chapter 26 - The Person We Trust The most
Chapter 27 - The Attack
Chapter 28 - The Recovery, Torture & Love
Chapter 29 - Years of Strong Love (End)
Chapter 30 - Welcoming The Kids (End part 2)

Chapter 4 - New Student & Surprises

26.1K 863 121
By themoonlightdemon


After sending Emerson home, I went back to school continued with my classes. I can see how worried Ann is. She's afraid, worried and angry all at the same time. Afraid Emerson might went back to London, worried she might ended up injuring herself and she's angry at me for laughing at her. I apologise to her and knelt even.

Sometime people misjudged us and saying that we're back being together but not likely. For months she's been dating this new college girl she know from one of her family's grand gala. At first I admit, I was jealous. But then we're the one who ended it all. "Miss Avilia..." Mrs Jackson said when she entered the class. "The principal would like to see you."

I stand and thanked her. I walked out of the classroom and went to the admits ration office where the principal office is. I was greeted by her assistant and asked me to wait for a couple of minutes before I could get in because the Principal have another guest. I smiled and went to the hair by the corner and wait. After a couple of minutes later, I heard the principal door opened and a butler like man stepped out of the room.

"Thank you Mrs Thompson." He said in a very thick British accent. "Your welcome." They shake hands and bid each other goodbyes. The principal eyes landed on me and gestured me to come in. I stand and straighten my dress and went in. She asked me to sit and I did. "Nia... I have a little task for you." She said, smiling. I watched as this goddess of a woman reached for her files at her drawers.

"You're the captain of the cheer team so that's make you automatically the welcoming committee." She handed me the three files. "This the the new student that you need to greet next week. They all from boarding school in London. I want you to help them adjust here. Can you do that Nia?" I smiled. "Yes I can Mrs. Thompson." Suddenly the door opened and it reveal Melanie Thompson. A little boy probably aged 3 or 4 years old.

"Mommy!" He yelled and went to the principal side. "George!" I turned to Melanie and smiled. "Oh! One of the Avilia's. Nice meeting you again." "Likewise Mrs Thompson. Is that all?" I asked the principal. She's was hugging her Son. "Read the files. The butler told me they all very specific person. And please don't tell Emerson. It's her Best Friend and they want to surprise her."

I remembered something. "Speaking of Emerson, Chase cause quite a riot at lunch today." "I am aware. I'll do something about that." I smiled and stand. "I'll do a great job with these new student." "I know you will Nia. Send my regards to your parents for me." I smiled and turned to the door. "Oh and Nia!" I turned before walked out. "Do your best at the pep rally." I laughed and nodded.

I looked at the files that's in my hands and sighed. "Snobs again." I said and walked towards my locker to keep the files before went to class. I was walking towards class when I heard someone's voice in one of the janitors closet. I tip toe towards the door and try to listen. "She's back!" Is that Clare's Boyfriend, Peter. "Please! She's not a she. I've see her. I stripped her pants before. She have a penis." And that's Chase. Wait what?! She? Penis?!

"Emerson is a she according to Clare." Emerson? They talking about Emerson? Chase laughed. "Pete, I saw her without any pants on. There's a penis and also boobs. It's weird. She's an alien. I don't get why she could like that when her Sister is smoking hot!" "That's my Girlfriend." "I know I know. Anyway, you should tell Clare not to be close to her in school. She's bad news."

I would like to kill Chase now. "I don't know Chase. Clare can be very sensitive about her." "For the last time she is not a she. Just call her alien from now on." Peter laughed. I clenched my fist. Nobody joking about her except me! "Nia.." Ann whispered. I jolted up and pretending to fixes my dress. If Ann heard what the boys said she will kill them. I grabbed Anna hand and walked away before they walked out.

"What took you so Long?" Ann asked me while being dragged. "Next week you and I will be welcoming three new student from London." "Alright. Who?" I stopped dragging and turned to meet her. "No idea. The principal gave me their files to read. They can be very specific." "In other words... Snob?" I laughed. "Well she mention about Emerson Best Friend." Ann looked like she figure something out.

"Oh! I know them! Mom mention them to me before but it's a secret from Emerson." Suddenly Ann grabbed my arms and stopped me from walking away. "Did you apologise to her?" I nodded. "Good. She can be sensitive Nia. Don't make fun of her." I scoffed. "She make fun of me. She didn't tel me about this toilet paper that stuck on my back. I walking around town with it!" Ann laughed. "Well she have her pay back then."

I hit her shoulder and started to walk again. "Let's go to class. I want to end this day already." Ann followed behind me closely. "You know why I hate math?" Ann suddenly asked me. "That's why." She pointed at the group of footballers at the corner. "Well if only they good in playing like they do talking shit about others, then its okay." "Talking shit about others? What do you mean?" Crap! "Nothing. Just being realistic."

We took our seat and waited for the teacher. "Hey Nia... I heard you send an alien to her home. How was that?" I stopped Ann from standing up. She doesn't need anymore warning from the principal. "To planet dork." The whole class laughed. Don't they realise that making fun of a Larove is like a felony. "You all just jealous of her life." I said out loud. Ann chuckled. "Oh no honey. We're rich ourselves."

Series of 'yes' followed after. "True. But... They have more. You... Not really." I bantered. No respond from the so call awesome Football team. "What? Cat got your tongue all of the sudden? Remember Chase. The Willis family practically  just a thrash among all trashy elites in this town. Snobs and suckers who thought they can make it big in the city of angels."

"Are you dating the alien Nia?" Chase asked. "Perhaps." Is all I can say. Mr. Charles entered the class and we all focus on the subject. I'm happy I can shut him up for once. Mr Charles been talking non stop for two hours and I'm bored as fuck. When the bell ring I feel like doing the happy dance and kiss him goodbye. For good! But I didn't. Plus it would be weird.

Ann and I wait for Clare by the lockers. We always wait for her so we could waked towards the girls changing room together. There I would know what's happening in 10 grade. "She's with Peter." Ann announced and I turned to looked at them. I have this disgust for him now. What's the point of dating Clare if he's not going to accept Emerson. For God sake their twins.

"Alright. I'm going to the field now. See yah there babe." They kissed in front of us. "Hey Ann... Nia." He greet and walked away. I noticed Clare is in love with a douchebag. "Come on." I said and started to walk. "Nia. I heard there will be a new students by next week. Is that true?" I nodded. "Do you know them?" I shake my head. "Nope. I have their files so I'm going to read it tonight."

"Please do give us a call." Clare said. "But Clare you know them." Ann said. Clare looked at her older Sister, confused. "I do?" Ann nodded. "It's Kelly, Taylor and Amara." Clare started to laughed. "Seriously? Oh Gosh those girls will make a lot of ruckus." "What do you mean?" I asked. Instantly Justin Bieber song playing in my head. I shake it off and focus on Clare.

"Those three... Well I don't know how Emerson can friends with them. They all the apposite of her. You will understand what I mean at when you read their files." Clare chuckled. "I will read them." I said and begin to stripped my dress off. I unzipped my bag and reached for my uniform. After a couple of minutes we all in the gym, practicing for the pep rally. I smiled when my new routine is going to perfection.

I'm positive with all the stunts and sexy move, everyone will be excited for the season. As we finished our last move, everyone lay down on the cold gym floor and Father their breath again. I, on the other hand, drinking from my water bottle. "Nia! This routine! Kicks ass!" Perrie said. "Well I hope so." I snickered. After a couple of minutes, I decided to go to the locker room and take a short shower.

I was washing my hair when I heard a knock. "Nia..." It's Ann. "Yea?" "I want to talk to you about something." "Be right out." I uttered. After rinsing my hair, I took the towel and wrapped myself with it. I opened the door and I took a glanced at Ann. "What's wrong?" I asked. "I overheard Clare and Peter's conversation." This is not good. "And?" She look baffled.

"I thought Peter is perfect for her. And yet I heard her degrading Emerson." I begin to dress myself with new gym clothes. "What did he say?" I asked. "He called Ems an alien. Clare is angry but you know how easily Peter could coax her." I turned to face Ann. I was about to say something when she stand and fix my polo shirt. I watched as her hands feeling up my body.

Ann is amazing with her hands. "Like I want to say before I got carried away." I started. "Just talk to Clare about it. I'm sure she will listen to you. Beside I know twins have this bond they share. Whatever Peter say will not effect her." Ann nodded. "You're right. This is why I always talked to you Nia. You always so wise." I grinned. "And now you're creeping me out!" I laughed.

"Ann. I could send you home if you want." I offered. "No thanks. Clare is waiting." "Why didn't you drive today?" "Mom send my car to the repair shop. There's something wrong with the breaks." She stand and smiled. "See you tomorrow Nia. And remember to eat your dinner tonight." I laughed. "I will Mom!" Ann chuckled and waved before walked out of the locker room.

I shoved everything inside my bag and walked out of the locker room towards my car. I smiled at the sight of my red sports car. If only I could date it. Then my world would be a bliss. I put my bag on the passenger seat. I started the engine and turn on the stereo. I went to my playlist and click on 'Epic War Song' playlist. Guardian at the gate by Audiomachine started to play and I smiled sheepishly as I turn the volume up.

I drive away and listen to the blissful music. I was about to enter my familiar road when I noticed Sabrina and Sam's car in front of a coffee shop. This is weird. I looked at the time and I still have a little more time so I decided to do a little snooping. I parked near them but not too close to be noticed. I waited for them while enjoying my Music. A couple of minutes later I noticed Sam at her car followed by Sabrina.

They look as if... Arguing about something. Then Sabrina did something to Sam that I swear will be embedded in my mind forever. She slushed Sam's body to the car and kissed her. The thing is, Sam responded the kiss but eventually pushed Sabrina away. Sam abruptly got in her car and drive away, leaving Sabrina alone. She looked pissed off and went to her car. What is happening with my sisters?!

I shake the thoughts and started to drive towards my home. My mind always wonder back to Sam and Sabrina. What if they both a couple? Maybe they are but Sam want to ended it belfry our parents find out. But it's not that they have any blood line together. Different Father and Mother to be precise. It's incest but you gotta admit, they both compatible together.

I arrived home and went straight towards the door after locking my car. "IM HOME!!" I announced loudly. The first person to greet me was Zach. "Hello big Brother." I said and he pumped his chest up. "Hello little Sister." He wrapped his arm around my shoulder. "Nia... Can we go to the park?" He asked. "Now? It's late Zach." He pout. "How about tomorrow?" He smiled. "Tomorrow!" I laughed at him.

"Where's Mom?" "With mama at her office." He pointed to the black door at the end of the corner. That's actually mama's den. Her sanctuary. "What's wrong?" Zach shrugged. "There's a couple of people coming inside that room too. Here!" He dragged me towards her backyard, where the helicopter pad is. "See. They use that." I looked outside and I could see 'L' insignia on the black helicopter. Look so familiar.

Suddenly we both heard Mama's voice. "It's a pleasure doing business with you Hazel." Hazel?! Zach and I turned to meet a very beautiful red hair women. It's Ann's Mother. "Oh Nia. You're home." Mama greeted. "Hello Nia." Aunt Hazel greeted me. "Hello." She was about to walked towards her beli when she turned. "Thank you for sending Emerson home today. Alle told me about it." I smiled.

"No Probs. it's my fault. She was offended by what I say and I just want to apologise." Aunt haze smiled. "She can be really sensitive. But trust me, she's a gem." She said and walked towards her helicopter and got in. We watched her go and suddenly I felt a smack on my back. "You do what to Emerson?!" Mama asked. I rubbed my back. "I just laughed at her for not knowing how to drive." Mama's reaction was hilarious.

"Sophia!" She called for Mommy. Mommy Tan towards us. "Tell your Mother what you did." Mommy looked as confused as ever. "I laughed at Emerson for not knowing how to drive." Mommy's eyes widen. "You did what?!" She asked me half yelled. "Nia! Her family is one of our huge investors. In time she will take over the business. What if when you take over when I'm old and there's no investor?!" Mama asked.

"Relax!" I laughed. "I apologise. And she even trick me back." "Don't make fun of the Larove. It's dangerous." "Yea yea. So what's for dinner?" Mommy smiled. "Surprise." I looked at the wall clock. "I have things to do. So... Call me when it's dinner." Mommy nodded. I watched as Zach went to the living room watching cartoon. I walked towards my room and lock it. I placed my bags near the closet and took the files I got from the principal.

"Kelly Hotch..." I said as I reached for her file. "Wait a minute. Don't tell me she's the daughter of THE Hotch Family." I opened the files and read it through. "Shit. It's her." She's the daughter of the famous hotelier. Damn she's a lady. Nice grade. The next in line for head girl. Why would she transfer to our school. Probably because of Emerson. "Oh wow. She's hot!" I said out loud when my eyes landed on her picture.

I closed her files and went to the next one. "Taylor Jameson... Wait the young model?!" I gasped when it's her! My celebrity crush! Well ex crush. Damn. Now this school year will be interesting. The whole school will go crazy. Jameson is one big name is fashion industry. And Taylor is the bomb diggity. At the age of 15, she ran in the world most most fashion name and by 16, she's known as the most highest paid supermodel in the industry! "Maybe I could be a model if I being nice with her." I laughed.

I closed her file and went to the last but not least. "Amara Patel.... Now this name is worldwide famous." I chuckled. Who doesn't know the Patel's! The famous business mogul family. The richest among all richness. They probably the same level as the Larove. "Well.... Basically they will end everyone's life with just a snap of their fingers." Three hot girls entering the hormone raging school. This is amazing!

My eyes landed on a piece of paper that said 'Specification.' I rolled my eyes when I read the first words. "The hell. Don't provoke them?!" I laughed. "Provocation is one of teenagers attitude bitches." I read through all and sighed. "Geez.... Don't question them. Don't asked them and don't wondering around what they're doing." What are they?! The president? I'm the queen. I should know everything. I keep the paper inside the files and put it on my table.

I heard a knocked on my door. "Dinner in 10." It's Sam's voice. "Okay." Well she's home early. Usually she would be home by 9 or something. My mind wonder to the little kissing scene at yeh coffee shop. I took my phone with me and went tot he dining room. I was surprised to see mama seated on her usual spot already. I looked at her weirdly. "What?" "Nothing. You usually the last own to come." Mama chuckled. "I helped your Mother in the kitchen." My eyes widen.

"By help she meant by sitting and watching while I cooked." Mommy said as she placed the food in the middle of the table. Now I get it. "Honey! Can you just say I helped you." Mommy shake her head. "Nope." Sabrina walked in the dining room... With a bottle of whiskey. "Sabrina honey. It's early for whiskey don't you think?" Mommy asked. "Nope." She poured the whiskey in her glass. Sam walked in and looked at Sabrina. "Why are you drinking?" Sam asked.

"To buried my sorrow." She took a shot and poured again. Mama hold her hands and Sabrina struggled to released it. "Sabrina..." Mama said and she stopped drinking. Zach walked in with his usual happy self. "Sabby are you sad?" Zach asked. "No Zach. I'm okay." We all seated and say grace before start eating. Zach took the first bite and followed by us. "Mama.. I'm going to Rome for some business convention the day after tomorrow." Sabrina said.

"How Long?" Sam asked. "No idea. 2 weeks I Guess." Sam turned to her plate and eat. "That's Long." Sam said. "Well maybe someone should think about something and be wise." Sabrina suddenly said. "But that person did." Sam said and playing with her ring. Wait since when she's wearing a  ring before? Sabrina's eyes widen and a small smiled crept to her face. "That's good then." Sabrina placed the bottle of whiskey in front of mama.

"Here.. All yours." Mama was confused. I was trying to register everything in my mind. Are they... No way! "Nia.. You're awfully quiet tonight." Mommy suddenly said. "Well nothing happen except chase punch Emerson and three new student joining us next week. Three words, Hotch, Jameson and Patel." "Now where do I heard that name before." Mama was thinking. "Hotch is that famous hotelier." Sabrina said. I nodded. "Jameson is that fashion designer." Sam said.

"Patel... That business tycoon." I nodded. "Yup, yup and yup." "Wait! Chase punch Emerson?!" Mommy asked. "Yup. I stopped him before it gets nasty." "He never change huh..." Sabrina said. "After what he did he still not going to remorse." I shake my head. "He won't." We continued our little family time together and talked about stuff.

I'm still trying to figure out what's Sam and Sabrina up to.....

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