
By foblvr

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Dean Winchester. Shy, sweet kid next door kind of person. He was never the aggressive type. And Cas never kne... More

Prologue: Astro
Year 1: Peanut Butter
Year 3: I Don't Want To
Year 4: Fireworks
Year 5: Friends Who Sick Together, Stay Together
Year 6: Curse Those Wooden Stairs
Year 7: You're My Hero
Year 8: But I Can Ask You, Can't I?
Year 9: The Balloon Rule
Year 10: Pool Party
Year 11: Christmas In a Gloom Setting
Year 12: Colleges, Picnics, and Couples Tattoos
Year 13: Here With You Is Where I Want To Be
Year 14: Take 'Em Out
Year 15: He Seems So Real
Year 16: Ring Around The Rosey
Year 17: I Do
Year 18: Familiar
Year 19: We Have To Stop Meeting Like This
Year 20: Vodka (SMUT)
Year 21: Adventures Of Gabe And Luci
Year 22: Tea And Meds
Year 23: The Meadow
Year 24: Gif
10 Years of Bittersweet
Year 35: Keep It Sweet
Year 36: The Lake
Epilogue: Guns N Roses
Hilarious A/N

Year 2: People Are Mean

170 10 29
By foblvr

Cas slung his bag over his shoulder as he trudged out to the bus stop. He was tired. Today was his first day of school, and the only thing that he was looking forward to was that he knew that Dean was in his class. Castiel never liked the idea of school. It was a place of rowdy, undisciplined children who cried their way into getting what they want. At least in Castiel's first grade class, that's what they were. In meet the teacher night, Cas felt out of place, he was surrounded by annoying, screaming tiny human beings. Still, he just wants to get through the day, so he stares up as the bus pulls by his stop. Dean would be picked up when the bus driver turns around to head towards the school. Elementary kids aren't allowed to cross the streets, apparently. Needless to say, Cas was a bit disheartened when he had to climb onto the yellow chamber of noise alone with his brothers. He sat down in an empty seat near the front of the bus, looking out of the window at the large neighborhood. Go back. I want Dean here.

Of course not.

A fourth grader sat by him. A freaking fourth grader, who gave him the stink eye as his sister, at least that's what Cas thinks, sits behind him. She looked about the same age as him. Their brown hair was the same shade. Their eyes were the same color, and their faces were similar. Twins. Cas shuddered. He never really understood twins, and these two didn't look particularly nice. "Hey, new boy. Looks like he needs a little bit of heartfelt words," the boy sneered. Maybe. "Fag."


Cas didn't quite understand what the word meant, but he knew that it was mean. Cas didn't feel hurt. His brothers had done the same. They have said the same word... Right about the time that Dean and him had become inseparable. Cas feels like he's insane. He's 6. He shouldn't feel like that at all.


No, he didn't know what that one meant, but when the boy poked him, laughing at his 'Starry Night' patterned back pack, Castiel felt targeted. No one, no one, insults starry night. Dean had the same one. That was their thing. Their backpacks they had found when their mothers took them shopping for school supplies. Dean had said it was so beautiful, as blue as his friend's eyes. By insulting his backpack, he was insulting Dean. Cas could not possibly have that. "Leave me alone."

"Oh, he does talk! What was that again?"

"I said leave me alone!" They were approaching Dean's stop, now, and Cas was very close to tears. He hates crying. He isn't vulnerable. He cannot be vulnerable. This idiot is three years older than Cas, and the thing is, Cas has more maturity in a single hair on his head—which, he may add, is being pulled on at the moment—than this kid has in his entire body. He turns his head back to face the window. Two more stops until Dean gets on.

"Benjamin, Brianna, you keep that up, I'm gonna knock your head straight!" Lucifer threatens. "Don't touch my brother."

At the next stop, that boy moves two seats behind him. Lucifer is the most intimidating kid in the fourth grade. Him and his broad shoulders are famous for putting people in line, which is part of the reason his punishments are light. "You good, little brother?"

"I'm good."

Shut up, Cas.



Dean sat right next to him, their matching backpacks earned some odd looks from some other kids, and the decay that they seemed to hit it off so quickly. They had been friends for two years, now, and Dean hadn't changed. Cas didn't want him to. His little smile every time he saw a little, afraid Cas clutching onto Freddy. Cas still had his leaf, even though it was old, and dead. Every time you touched it, it's leave a tiny bit of leaf-dust as Dean had called it. Cas loves that about his friend. He was so creative. It was beautiful. His mind was beautiful. Dean could see things that Cas couldn't. It was quite amazing to the raven haired boy. Dean had an imaginary friend named Bartholomew, he could shut his eyes and just see a completely different universe. All Cas could see was black. He even swore that Cas couldn't be human. He saw the boy as something more than that one next door neighbor friend. Dean saw him as an angel. His angel. Castiel didn't agree at all when Dean came up with the nickname. He just simply shot him down, and that upset Dean, because Cas wasn't really able to take a compliment. The question was, why? Dean never stopped asking that. And Castiel never answered the question.

"What's up, buddy?" Dean reached over, and he wiped the tear from Cas's cheek. He drew his eyebrows together, concern tugging at his features.

"People are mean."

"I know. Sometimes my daddy is mean." Dean gave Cas a big hug. (I stg if any of you make a 'daddy' joke I'll slap you)

Castiel nodded. Dean wasn't lying. Mr. Winchester was angry at times. Heck, he even yelled at Dean in front of Cas. Almost hit him, but Mrs. Winchester, or Mary, as she preferred, was there, and she had been the one who stopped Mr. Winchester from slapping the crud out of Dean. Castiel has never crossed the man, since, but John had apologized, and Dean was still same-old, happy Dean. There was nothing wrong with it. It was just the way things were. Cas liked it that way. If things had been different, he and Dean wouldn't be as close as they are, and Cas loves his friend. "You know, Gabe is getting big," Cas sighed. He was trying to make conversation.

"Yeah? I think him and Sammy would get along great, just like us!" Dean chirped. He just stared at Castiel for a few moments. "Your eyes are bluer than I remember."

Cas was taken aback by the statement. If anything, he felt his eyes were dulling with every year that passed, but he appreciated the gesture. He couldn't really say anything to Dean. He couldn't find the words to do so. So, he just smiled and bit his horrifically chapped lip. "Thanks?"

Dean just stared at him. He did that thing with his eyebrows, again. Furrowing them? Castiel wasn't quite sure of the word, but Dean was concerned. Castiel could tell. "What's wrong, Cas?"

"First day jitters, that's all." Castiel crossed his arms as they approached the rundown elementary school. He shut his eyes for a few moments.

"Well, I'll be there the entire time," Dean promised.

Castiel shrugged, "Thank you, Dean." He turned back to see the twins, staring at the small boy with malice in their expressions. He sank back into the seat and let out a breath of air.

You may be with me Dean, but I believe we are both screwed.


Wow I am quite proud of this book so far. If the format is a little shaky for you, it's year by year. Dean and Cas are beginning first grade in this chapter. Second grade will be next, then third, and so on until we reach the present (the beginning of the first chapter) which means it may be school for a lot of it, but not all of it.

I'm listening intensely to Halsey rn oops

Its 8AM and I gotta do shit with my new puppy.



I love you my Carcrashovercastyoungbloods

-Emily aka Foblvr

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