Dark Times

By musicnotes

346K 13.5K 5.4K

[complete]When agent Katerina Wild is hired to kill the most vicious criminal of the time, she meets the noto... More

Character Aesthetics
I: Angioletto
II: Cretino
III: Trapped
IV: Birds
V: Chamber
VI: Hand, Head, Heart
VII: Stuck
VIII: Scissors
X: Fuckarella
XI: Hallucinate
XII: Kiss with a Fist
XIII: Stockholm
XIV: Red Light
XV: The Orphanage
XVI: Forest
XVII: Unspoken
XIX: Niall
XIX(ii): Heat
XX: Noon
XXI: Two Ghosts
XXII: Stella
XXIII: Dinner
XXIV: Wonderland
XXV: Walk Alone
XXVI: Ready
XXVII: Gasoline
XXVIII: Arrival
XXIX: Arthur
XXX: Katerina
XXXI: Nervous
XXXII: Amore
XXXIII: Before the Storm
XXXIV: Sì, Yes
XXXV: Silence
XXXVI: Crash
XXXVII: Control
Epilogue: Bright Times

IX: Eloise

10.3K 449 329
By musicnotes

Dark Times

Chapter 9

Song:  Diamonds - Rihanna

     Katerina L. Wild

        HEADACHES COULD POSSIBLY qualify as human's worst enemy. It had the ability to make you hallucinate, vomit, cry, and pass out. I wasn't a big fan of them, and that's one of the reasons why I stopped drinking so much, I hated having hangovers. But right now, all I wanted was a drink.

   Any kind, as long as it was strong. 

  I was peering over the balcony on the stairs, my eyes strained on the people sitting downstairs. I had woken up about 20 minutes before, in a very pretty, rose night gown, and well cleaned up. My thigh was bandaged very tight and I had little small bandages on my face and other places where I had been hurt. It was a struggle to get out of bed, my thigh was aching, but the pills that were left next to my bed immediately relieved the feeling.

   And I came out to look for Harry... I don't know why... But I wanted to know what happened, since the last part of a journey was completely blurry to me.

  All I could remember was bleeding out in a helicopter, and very beautiful blonde locks.

  I discovered soon who those belonged to, when I left the room and wandered the upstairs I found myself in this spot, peering over at the people downstairs who were enjoying some tea.

  There was a couple there, somewhat elderly, sitting next to each other. The lady had a necklace that glimmered from miles away, and the man next to her had a bright, white, fake smile.

     There was another guy, he sat alone, he looked about Harry's age, maybe older, and from here I could tell he was attractive. I wasn't really into men with beards, but he rocked his, with a high resemblance to David Beckham.

   And lastly, there was another couple, Harry of course, and the golden locks from the day before were finally clear in my brain. I found who they belonged to.

  She sat next to Harry, almost gracefully with her pearl white summer dress, and charming smile. I couldn't see her eyes but she smiled a lot.

Mostly when she looked down at her hands, which were intertwined with Harry's and sat on his lap.

   "The business is doing well, better than never actually, of course there are still pests around, but we got it under control." Harry smiled at the man, and the younger one sitting alone chuckled.

   "Anything you wanna add, Liam?" Asked the older man.

  Liam.. Chuckled again and shook his head. "Just remembered something." 

   "Well share it with us," the man pushed, and I could tell Liam didn't want to be there.

   "You're awfully quiet, dear," Harry said, and I was confused as to who he was referring to but my eyes adverted to the beautiful girl next to him. 

   She let out a beautiful laugh, "I'm fine, Harry. Just missed you a lot."

  Harry smiled at her and my hand involuntarily clenched.

    I could almost hear the words leave his lips all over again.


At that same moment, I saw his eyes look up and meet mine, and my heart nearly stopped. I don't know why, maybe I was surprised, but I backed up and got out of sight immediately. 

   When I got back into my room I realized there was a mirror behind the door, and I was completely out of breath, what made it ten times worse was the pink flush in my cheeks.

  And I knew it wasn't for the run back here.

  There was a knock on the door and I snapped out of my trance.

  There was another knock, "Hey Kat, can I come in..."

   "Uh, wait! I'm changing," the words stumbled out of my mouth, and I could feel my heart beat in my stomach.

  I didn't want to see him.

  "It will be just a minute," he pushed, and I shut my eyes.

  Why can't I just..

  I took a deep breath and opened the door.. Too quick... For him and for me.. Because we both ended surprised at my speed.

  "I-" i immediately began, and shut my eyes for a small second before opening them again. "What do you want?" I said monotonously.

    "I need to talk to you, well I need you to meet someone." He said awkwardly. This was the first time I saw him act so out of hand.

  He always seemed to have everything in control.

  "And what are you planning to say? Hey guys, this is my prisoner, but be careful, I already have her domesticated." I was coming out way angrier than I meant, so I turned around and walked towards the bed, fixing it so it was kept the way it was before.

  "No, they saw you. They asked to meet you."

   "Well I'm sorry, I don't want to meet anyone. Can I go home now?" I tried one last time. Not looking at him.

   "Katerina..." He sighed, "it's fine, if you don't want to you don't have to meet them." He said, and I turned around,

  He was beginning to leave, and before I knew it, the words had left my lips. "Wait!"

   He stopped, and slowly turned,

  "Is she your girlfriend?" I asked confusedly.

   There was a small pause between us, in which I noticed his eyes advert to the little amount of clothes in me and back to my eyes.

    "She's my fiancée." He said.

   "Okay." I replied, and turned around again, but I didn't really do anything that time. Just stand.

   The door closed.

   "Ugh!" I groaned, pacing around angrily. "I hate men! I hate them. They can never be happy with what they have, always going on looking for more." I shouted angrily.

   And stopped when I realized I looked like a jealous mistress. Which I shouldn't because every inch of me held only one thing for Harry, and that was hatred.

   I needed to escape, and quick. This place was already beginning to mess with my head.

   You know what, I was going to join them downstairs. Just to make sure this was all in my head.

   I quickly looked around for a change of clothes, and got rid of the bandages on my face. There were small little scratches left but I didn't care. All I wanted was my freedom back.

    And I wanted to meet the girl that held Harry's heart. Maybe she could be of great use to my escape. 

    I made my way out of the room and to the stairs I was before. There was a guard there now, and he looked at me expectantly, before asking, "need any help, miss?" He asked, and I rolled my eyes.

  "I need you and your boss to get the hell out of my life, that's what I need." I grumbled angrily and went down the stairs.

   I wasn't even half way down when I realized they were all looking at me, most of them confused. Harry looked surprised.

  "Kat, you came down."

  "Change of heart." I replied, going down the last step and joining them in the living room.

   Eloise immediately stood up, a wide smile on her face, before she jumped over to me and wrapped her arms around me.

My eyes widened, arms out of place.

  "Oh how lovely it is to meet Harry's family for once," she gushed, and let me go.

  "He's always so shut off about you guys. Is your mother with you?" She continued, and I looked at Harry confusedly.

   "Lise, c'mon, she must be tired and still hurt from yesterday's attack." The old man from before said, and Eloise gave me sad smile before returning to her place.

  "Come sit with us." She patted the seat between Harry and herself.

    "Harry never even told us he had a sister." The lady from before said, and that's when I noticed the younger one... Liam.. Had been staring at me with a weird look on his face. "My name is Chelsea, and this is my husband Karl, we are Eloise's parents, I'm sure Harry has told you of her before?"

  I awkwardly laughed, and moved to sit between Harry and Eloise, and his eyes met mine.

   What an enormously amusing lie he had created.

   I looked at him as a spoke, a smile on my face. "Of course he has, he never shuts up about her."

  I noticed Eloise's face brighten up more, If that was even possible.

   "Sis..." Harry awkwardly said, "that's Liam, he works with me too." He explained, pointing to the angry looking one across is us.

   Liam smiled, a weirdly seductive grin and stood up, walking over to me, "it's a great pleasure to meet you." He said, taking one of my hands and placing a kiss. "Katerina Wild."

   My eyebrows furrowed, he knew my name?

  "Wild? I thought your last name was Styles.." Karl said confusedly, and Harry immediately interjected.

   "We have different fathers." He explained, and I looked at him and smiled.

   "Well, why don't you guys talk, Kat.. Let's have a walk, I want to get to know my loves sister." Eloise jumped up, and I looked at Harry, shaking my head.

  This chick was way too happy for me.

   "I don't think that's a good idea, Kat.. She.. She's tired she probably wants to go back to her room and-" Harry began to panic, but I quickly cut him off with a smile.

   "No, it's my pleasure. I'd love to get to know my future sister in law." I said very sweetly and Harry gave me a look, a slightly angry expression on his face.

   "Can I have a word with you first?" He said through a tight smile.

  I stood up and ran over to him, taking a seat on his lap and wrapping my arms around him, "of course, bro, you can tell me anything!" I exclaimed, jumping on his lap. His grip tightened around my waist.

   "In private, please sis." He harshly said, and I stood up.

    "Okay, I'll meet you in the kitchen!" I said excitedly, and skipped down to where I remembered the kitchen was,

  But before I left I heard Eloise mom, Chelsea say, "Oh Harry, she's lovely!"

  I surprisingly found the kitchen pretty quickly, even though this house mine. But I could remember things pretty well, and I remember Harry's room, mine, and the kitchen.

   There were a few ladies working, I'm guessing on lunch, and they stopped once they saw me. "Do you need any help, miss?" One of them kindly asked, and I shook my hands .

   "No, thank you." 

  I looked around the kitchen. I always had the dream of making a family, and having a kitchen this size, and kids.. And a husband that would come to me and say,

   "I'm here."

I froze when I heard Harry's voice behind me, "Ladies, please leave us alone for a bit." He asked, and I was surprised at how kind he sounded.

   They obeyed and scattered away, while I stood there, and turned. "I always saw you as an ässhole, an annoying egocentric fücker, but a liar? Styles, who would've thought..."  I said amusedly

   His face immediately changed, and the anger overtook his features, before I knew it, I was pressed up against the fridge, his body pressed against mine.

    "If you say anything I won't doubt to kill you."  His jaw clenched, and I pressed my hand against it.

   "Aw relax, baby, I'm sure we'll work something out."

  He froze against me, and his eyes slightly softened, but he was still angry.  I took advantage of that, and got on my tip-toes, my face now aligned with his.

  "What are you playing at, Katerina?" He whispered, and I smiled,

    "You know I don't play carino (honey).."  I knew how much my switch in languages turned him on.

   He drew closer, so close I could feel his breath on my lips. My legs were practically open, and his body pressed tightly in between.  "Then tell me what you want."  His eyes darkened.

   I moved the hand that was on his jaw to his shoulder, and pushed him off. "I want to go home. That's the deal. I leave, and take your secret with me."

     His completely seduced look changed and he shook his head. "Impossible, I'll give you anything you want, money, power, but you stay here with me."  He argued.

   "Then I'm going to go and tell them everything-" I began to push past him, but he turned me around, his hand around my waist.

   "I could snap your neck right now."

"And how will you explain that?" I smiled, trying to push him off.

   "Fine." He angrily spat, and I stopped moving against him in shock.

   "I'll give you your freedom, but-"

  Of course.

  "But not now, I need you here for something."

    I glared at him. "That's not how deals work Styles!"

   "I swear, I swear I'll let you go. Give me two months. In two months you'll be free, I swear." 

   "No bullshit? Two months and I'm out? And you have to explain why you need me here. And I'll stay quiet." I negotiated,

  He shut his eyes, "fine, but no trying to escape or do anything reckless."

   I crossed my fingers behind him and gave him the darkest smile I could muster, "deal."

   I would fight for my immediate freedom no matter what.

   "Deal." He agreed, and let me go.

  We both stood there awkwardly for a small second, before I got on my tip-toes and pressed a big peck against his lips, ignoring the tingle in my stomach and smiling at his reaction.

   "Well, let's go meet your lovely fiancée." I teased, and ran out of the kitchen, leaving him there shock, astounded, and most definitely wanting more.


Don't really have much to say, I hope you guys participate in the trailer contest.

  Please if you like this story vote and comment,

  It helps tons.

  Share the story, and your thoughts.

Thank you guys.

Delilah xo

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