Nightwing & Angel (Nightwing...

By cuddles2405

14.5K 463 83

Serena and Dick have moved from Gotham to Blüdhaven to start a new chapter of their lives. No, they aren't ma... More

(1) Welcome Back
(2) School...
(3) Tick Tock
(4) Overheat
(6) Make A Wish (PT 2)
(7) Jaded
(8) Toxic
(9) Love You

(5) Make A Wish (PT 1)

1.3K 50 3
By cuddles2405

The next morning, Dick and I were watching the news as we ate breakfast on the couch, because why the fuck not. "Overheat?" I snickered as I watched the news. They had video footage of the person that Dick and I caught last night, and she called herself Overheat.

"Well, most good names are taken." Dick chuckled. 

"Ugh, so good to have a day off." I smiled, stretching my arms above my head. 

"What do you wanna do?" Dick asked, putting his plate on the table and wrapping his arms around my waist, pulling me to him.

"Mhmm I just wanna cuddle with you, and watching stuff on Netflix." I smiled, snuggling into him.

"Up next we have a wish from a very sick girl." I looked at the TV as the scene changed to a hospital.  

"Good morning everyone, and thank you for this." Some middle aged woman said, and the camera showed a girl, around seven maybe, who was bald. My heart ached when I saw this. I just think it's so cruel that children have to go through cancer and such. "This is Emily, and she has a very special wish." 

The camera focuses on the girl, "Miss Angel, if you are out there, I hope you are watching this. I have a special wish. I wish to meet you miss Angel." 'Awww, that's so sweet.' I thought with a smile.

"If anyone from the Justice League or if anyone who knows this Angel, could you please make sure Emily's wish gets to her? Please, Emily has severe leukemia, and we just want to fulfill this wish of hers just in case you know. So please, Angel, if you are out there, please grant Emily her wish." The middle aged woman said to the camera.

Then, the camera went back to the news room. "What a sweet little girl, I really hope Angel does hear this and grant little Emily her wish." The news woman said.

"What you thinking babe?" Dick asked, nudging my shoulder a bit to gain my full attention.

"I'm thinking of when I can pay her a visit." I smiled. 

"You know how dangerous that can be though? What if the police are waiting for you?" Dick asked in a concerned voice.

"I know, but she's dying, and I want to grant her wish." I said with a small smile. "I'll visit her in the night." I smiled.

"Well, if that's what you want to do." Dick smiled, leaning down and kissing my forehead. It wasn't long until my phone blew up from calls from The Team, and some members of the Justice League. Some were some what against my choice, but they supported me in the end. I mean, I get why they would be against it because of safety reasons, and the endangerment of Emily's life. I mean, her life was already in danger for making such a wish. Criminals are most likely going to target her.

~Time skip to night time~

So, all Dick and I did the whole day was sleep, watching Netflix while cuddling, fall asleep, dinner, and now we're suited up and heading out to the hospital. "This is lock is way to easy to pick." Nightwing snickered as he picked the lock to the hospital room's window. "Okay, in you go." Nightwing grinned, opening the window for me.

"Such a gentleman." I snickered with a hint of sarcasm. I quietly slipped into the room, but guess I wasn't quiet enough because Emily's head shot towards me the moment my feet touched the floor. "Shh." I held my finger up to my lips. I quickly changed into my day suit because I was currently in my black one.

"Are you really Angel?" Emily's face lit up.

"Yes, the one and only." I smiled as I approached her bed side. My heart ached when I saw all the tubes and wires that surrounded her and went inside her body. 

"Wow, I can't believe you're actually here. And Nightwing too!" Emily tried to keep her voice down and hold her excitement in.

"Well, he's my partner, where ever I go, he goes. And where ever he goes, I go." I smiled. "May I sit?" I asked, gesturing at the bed side. Emily immediately nodded and scooted over a bit. I sat down next to her. 

"Are you afraid?" She asked.

"Afraid of?" I wanted some more clarification to her question.

"Of dying, of what getting hurt out there, of what you do." Emily replied.

"Everyone is afraid of dying, but if you're good then you go to heaven. And of course I'm afraid of getting hurt when I watch over the city with Nightwing, but I think of the good I'm doing. I get hurt protecting the people of the city, people like you and others." I smiled at her.

"Heaven is real?" Emily smiled, her eyes full of hope.

"Yes." I nodded.

"Are you sure? Because this boy tells me that it's not real." She frowned slightly at the end.

"I assure you 100, no, 1000 percent that it's real. My parents are up in heaven right now, watching over me." I told her with a smile.

"Will I go to heaven?" She asks cutely.

"I have no doubt in my mind that you will go to heaven." I smiled.

"Why did you have black wings when you came in?" She continued her questions.

"Because I made them look like that, so the bad guys don't see me at night." I answered her.

"Can I touch your wings?" She asks, reaching her hand out slightly. Smiling, I nodded and unfolded my wings so that they were closer to her out reached hand. "Wow," she grins as she pets my wing, "It's so soft." 

I giggle a bit when Emily yawns. "Go to sleep sweetie." I smiled, stroking her cheek. "Here," biting my inner cheek, I pluck out a feather from my wing, whining slightly, "I want you to have it." I hand her the feather. Emily smiles and takes the feather, hugging it to her chest.

"Can you sing to me?" She requests.

"Yes." I smiled warmly at her. Emily lays down, and I tuck her in before I start singing.

Emily was sound asleep by the time I finished. I quietly get up from the bed, and slip out the window with Nightwing. Nightwing closes and locks the window before leaving. "Poor girl." Nightwing said as we ran across the rooftops.

"I know." I sighed. 

"Robbery half a block from here." Nightwing informs.

"Lego!" I giggled, picking up speed and going to the jewelry store. "Yo!" The moment the robber looked my way, I socked him in the face, sending him flying back into another. "How much do you guys even get for these crap? I mean, they might cost thousands in the store, but when you sell them off to pawn shops or what ever, they ain't worth so much. So, honestly, I don't get it." I said while dodging the robbers' attacks.

"Hey, I got things covered over here." I informed Nightwing.

"Alright, I'm heading to Head Bank." He replies.

"Alright," I rolled my shoulders first before upper cutting the robber that was in front of me. Then, I kicked the other one in the stomach. "You know, I wish they were all as easy as you." I sighed, ducking a punch. I punch the robber in the stomach, making him fall to the ground. "Hey!" I quickly create an ice wall, blocking off the busted door. "Leaving so soon?" I pouted at the robber that tried to fled. I did a flying kick, sending the guy to the wall, knocking him out. 

Then, I quickly cuffed the robbers to the lamp post outside, and left them for the police. "Need any help?" I asked Nightwing.

"Yes! There's to many here with advanced weapons!" I heard Nightwing shout.

"On my way." I replied, making my way to the bank. "Whoa." There were like at least 15 men with these weird guns that just destroy anything the blast touches. I quickly hid behind a pillar, avoiding a shot. My eyes widened slightly when the shot hit one of their guys. 'Holy shit.' I thought when I saw a hole the size of the shot in the guy's mid section.

"We need to get one of those guns to analyze." Nightwing told me. 

I look over to my left, and see a guy trying to crack a safe open, his gun off to the side. I quietly approached him from behind, and kicked him to the ground, and froze him to it. I grabbed the gun, and slung it on my shoulder. "Shit." I barely dodged a shot. 

"Disarm them." Nightwing ordered. The two of us charged in, avoiding all the shots. The shots weren't that hard to avoid actually, they moved pretty slow, and they were pretty big and visible. The two of us punch the first guy in the face before kneeing him in the stomach. "Think you can gather them?" Nightwing grunted as he punched some guy.

"Yeah give like five minutes." I smirked, breaking away from my partner and going over to some of the other gang members. It didn't take long for me to gather the gang members into a group. Well, some what a group. They were somewhat scattered still but they were in a general area ish.

"Put your rebreather on." Nightwing told me as he pulled out some pellets. I quickly popped my rebreather in, knowing that he's gonna gas them. Honestly, this was probably the best move. There was no way the two of us could take on this whole group of gang members without nearly dying. 

Once they were knocked out, we cuffed and tied them up. The two of us gathered the weapons, and took it back to the cave with us. "I'll bring this to Bruce, and the League tomorrow." Nightwing said as we were un-suiting. I nodded, acknowledging what he said. "You have classes tomorrow?" Dick asks.

"No, why?" I replied with my own question. A shiver of excitement ran down my spine when I saw his smirk.

"We haven't done anything for the past week. Why don't we make up for that lost time." He said in a suggestive way. 

"We'll spend all night making up." I smirked back, running to the bedroom.


"Shit, I really can't believe we went all night." I chuckled as I gave Dick his breakfast. 

"Same," he chuckled, giving me a kiss as a thank you for the breakfast, "I like it when you wear my shirts. Just my shirt." Rolling my eyes, I flicked his forehead before sitting down next to him on the couch.

"Your shirts are so comfortable, and they smell like you." I mumbled as I changed the channel to the morning news. I couldn't help but smile when they brought up little Emily again. They were just talking about how I visited her and such. 

"That was really sweet of you to grant her her wish." Dick smiled at me, giving me a quick kiss.



"Hm?" I open my eyes half way, and look up at Dick. My eyes followed his finger to the TV.



Dun dun dun

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