
By haleysayshello

3.1M 67.3K 11.4K

DECEPTION de·cep·tion noun noun: deception; plural noun: deceptions 1. the action of deceiving someone. When... More

Chapter 1: Blind
Chapter 2: Fly Away
Chapter 3: Anchor
Chapter 4: Clocks
Chapter 5: The Watcher
Chapter 6: Deal?
Chapter 7: Waiting For Your Service
Chapter 8: Tom and Jerry
Chapter 9: Hate the Game
Chapter 10: Not Alone
Chapter 11: Demons
Chapter 12: Instinct
Chapter 13: Bipolar
Chapter 14: Golden Locket
Chapter 15: Never Fading
Chapter 16: Violated
Chapter 17: Trust Me
Chapter 18: Swept By the Tempest of Your Love
Chapter 19: Bandaged
Chapter 20: The Unknown
Chapter 21: Ice Cold
Chapter 22: The Only Apple
Chapter 23: Bait
Chapter 24: Sailor
Chapter 26: Trust Is Delicate
Chapter 27: Captain Britain
Chapter 28: Paradise
Chapter 29: The Impossible
Chapter 30: The Boogeyman
Chapter 31: Take Me Away
Chapter 32: Snowflakes
Chapter 33: Tiger vs. Chipmunk
Chapter 34: Forgiveness
Chapter 35: Inside an Insane's Mind
Chapter 36: Anchor
Chapter 37: Heartbeat
Chapter 38: Electric
Chapter 39: Endless
Chapter 40: Home
Chapter 41: Hidden
Chapter 42: Revelation

Chapter 25: The Key

73.5K 1.6K 389
By haleysayshello

"Harry." I whisper, but his eyes aren't locked with mine, they are focused so deeply behind me.

Suddenly his eyes flash to mine but they stay hardened. "I am going to count to three. On three, you get up quickly and you run to the bathroom. Lock yourself in a stall, and I will come and get you when I am done." He breathes harshly while his hand crushes mine. I am not sure whether the monster is the one in front of me, or behind me. Or both.


"Harry please, you're scaring me."


His eyes harden behind me.


I stand quickly and rush to the bathroom like he told me too and fling myself into the biggest stall. Then I pace in a circle for minutes.

While I am it, I evaluate three things:

A. I came here so I could feel safe.

B. That's obviously not working.

C. I can't bring myself to leave.

I hear a rumble and the door to the girl's bathroom sweep open. My heart falls for a second, as I hear nothing. Not even a breath.


I exhale all that's in me and run out of the stalls into his arms. He squeezes me so tightly as I dig my head into his chest. And for this moment, I forget all he is. I forget what he has done and what he may think when he looks at me.

"Who was it?" I mumble into his chest. I realize that my tears are staining his coat but he doesn't remove me from his comfort. When he doesn't reply, I detach my head from him and look up.

"My Boss knows about you." He mutters. For a moment, I believe my heart stops. But when I feel its harsh, ache I know its still beating...barely.

"He sent... he sent some guys. They wanted to bring you to him. You have got a price on your head."

"Why do they want me? Your Boss has my mother right? Then I need to go to him." I whisper. Harry shakes his head.

"You don't get it." He says coldly.

What am I possibly missing?

"He's wanted you all along. Why do all the girls look like you in that damn macabre place? He wants you." He whispers.

"He could want anyone with brown hair. That doesn't mean its me. I don't even live in London, I am barely new here!"

Harry shakes his head violently and looks at me.

"I didn't want to have to tell you this. I thought maybe Zayn or Louis had brought in a picture of you because that's what we do. We normally take a picture of the girl before bringing them in, to make sure...he likes them." Harry sighs, running his hand through his wavy curls.

"What are you saying?" I whisper.

"When I saw your...Evelyn Parker, she was in the back off his office, tied, Charlie. On his desk lay two photos of you. One of you walking on campus and one..."

"One what?" I screech.

"One of you entering my loft...with me." he swallows.


"How do you know it wasn't Louis and Zayn?" I almost cry. Nothing makes any sense.

"I just...know." He whispers back. I shut my eyes for a moment and bend my knees.

"I have to go don't I? I need to get my mom and leave this place." I whisper into my hands and look up at Harry. He shakes his head.

"No, no you don't. This is just because I took you to that damn place. I will quit. I will quit for you, and you will be fine." He pleads, grabbing my hand, keeping me from leaving.

"It's more than your job Harry! People are stalking me! Someone took someone close to me. You may not know why I came here but it was for this, for you." I say and he takes a step back.

"You can't just leave. You can't leave me."

"Trust me, Harry, you'll find a girl accepting of your job but I am not yours to hold and protect. I came here for safety and I have never felt so scared in my life. I need to leave. I need to go home." I shake my head at him and brush past him. Opening the door, I run out the store, not looking at the table where a few minutes ago, we were smiling at each other.

Harry Styles is bad for me. My time here is up.


It's fine, I think to myself. I will go home to my Dad. I will apologize and tell him I will never leave him again. Then I will tell the police about the sex trafficking and have that place shut down. Then they will save my mom.

"Hey stranger!" Jo walks into our dorm and pauses.

"Just because Dominique is coming back today doesn't mean you need to pack. What are you doing?" she stares at my few clothes lay out on my bed, prepared to go back in my duffle.

"Um, I am leaving." Her mouth drops. She rushes over to me and puts her hand on my forehead, as to check my temperature.

"Why?" she screams.

"I left to many strings untied. It's for the best." I sigh.

"So you're just going to leave?" she whispers in shock.

I open my mouth but she cuts me off. "You can't finish the semester? You haven't even been to our dances and concerts yet!" she whines.

"I am not leaving because I want to." Yes I am.

"I am leaving because I need to." I finish and she crosses her arms.

"I don't get you." She huffs.

"I don't either." I mumble to myself.

"You aren't leaving. I refuse to believe the fact that you are leaving me alone with Dominique! This is so sudden Char, too sudden. What is going on?" she whispers.I am trying my best to keep the tears from coming near this situation, but they are close.

"Jo, my decision is made." Finally she nods and walks over to her closet.

"What are you doing?" I turn around.

"Well, if you're really leaving, then you're coming to the race tonight; then the after party. If it's you last day, you can't say no." she smiles sadly.

"Jo I can't."

"Yes you can! God you're so pessimistic." She rolls her eyes.

"If I come, will you do me one thing?" I ask, biting my lip.


"Don't let me talk to Harry. I really, I really just need to leave things as they are." I whisper. Jo squints her eyes at me and then shrugs.

"Is he that bad in bed? I thought he was good." She giggles. This again...

"I haven't slept with him!" I groan. She laughs and then her face changes; hardens.

"Is he why are you leaving?" she asks, her eyebrows raised.

"No." Kinda.

"If he hurt you, I'll kill him." Her eyes flash to my wrist.

"Oh my god." She whispers. Shit. I cover the bruises from the man in the hospital.

"What are those?" she screams.

"Nothing! They are nothing." I mutter.

"They sure as hell don't look like nothing! Did he do that? You can get a restraining order you know." She grumbles and I nod.

But it wasn't him.

"He didn't do anything. He didn't hurt me." I whisper. But he has, he has hurt me in so many ways.

"Then who did?" she asks.

"Jo, no one. Please, drop it." I sigh and finally she lays down in her bed, turning away from me.

"The race is at 5. If I have to drag you out of here to come, I will do it." She mumbles and before I can think to reply, I already hear her snoring.


While Jo takes her nap, I take the bus over to the coffee shop so I can at least say goodbye to Mary Kall.

"Charlie, nice to see you darling." She smiles as I walk in. Not many people are in the store so I feel even worse.

"I am leaving, tomorrow." I say to her. Her eyes narrow.

"I am leaving to go, home I guess. I just wanted to make sure I said goodbye and thank you for all you have done for me." I smile at her.

"There is nothing I can do to make you stay?" she frowns and I shake my head. Then, I give her a big hug and sign some papers for quitting.

On my way out, I turn back around just to give her a wave. She stands nervously behind the counter dialing a number into her phone.

"Mary?" I call. She looks up and puts the phone behind her back.

"Goodbye, love!" she shouts and I smile.

"Goodbye." I say and leave through the door, wondering why she would hide her cell behind her back?



At five, Jo and I take the transportation trucks over to the racing area. The hospital cab dropped off Dominique and we helped her settle in. All of her friends came to the dorm so she wouldn't be alone and that's when we took our cue to leave.

"Who is racing tonight?" I mumble to Jo as we walk across the pavement behind the big crowd.

"Just Harry and Louis." She shrugs.


"Harry and Louis Tomlinson?" I screech and she laughs.

"Ex- best friends, yup." She smiles like it is a good thing.

"You know what is funny?" she turns to face me. Oh gosh.

"What?" I say, clearly annoyed by whatever comment is about to come my way.

"They were best friends until you showed up." She smiles at me. I lose eye contact with her immediately and stare at the ground. She laughs next to me and grabs my elbow so we can be in the front of the crowd. I spot Harry's Camaro, looking brand new. Both him and Louis stand outside their cars, waiting for the announcer to finish up his speech. I feel Harry's eyes find mine in the crowd so I nudge Jo.

"Stand in front of me, please." I whisper. She doesn't even need to ask why because she seems to already know. Finally his eyes abate from mine and the microphone is handed to Louis, standing outside of his Porsche.

"Harry, my good mate, all I want to say I cant wait to beat the shit out of you." He smiles and the crowd roars. I gulp down the fear in my mouth and watch Harry's fist clench. His anchor tattoo glows under the slight moonlight.

"I want to make a bet again." Harry speaks into the mic and part of me wants to sit disintegrate into the ground.

"Louis, if you beat me, she's yours. But I win, you stay the fuck away from her." Harry smiles then his eyes find mine.

Jo turns around to face me along with everyone. Of course it about me.

"I am so sorry." She whispers and I nod. I was expecting it. It's his goodbye and knows it.

"Deal." Louis smiles at Harry and they shake hands. Its okay.

I am leaving tomorrow.

I will never see them again.

I will never see his green eyes, again.


It's been five minutes and Jo has already left me alone at a party...again. Harry won, barely. Part of me thinks he did it just for the show. I knew he would beat Louis, someone how I just knew.

"No congratulations?" Harry wraps his hands around my waste from behind. I immediately smell the liquor on him and frown.

"I leave in the morning."

"I know." He shakes his hair. I am surprised by no sarcastic comment, considering he is so drunk he can't even stand up straight.

"I thought parties weren't for you?" I whisper.

"Wherever you are, I want to be." He whispers, removing the space between us.

He was going to take you, Charlie. That was intention. He was going to ruin you and you have stayed too long.

I back away from him and shake my head. Has it taken me this long to realize I have been falling for...a monster?

"You're drunk."

"I am in love with you." He frowns. My heart sinks into my stomach and I would scream to the world that I didn't believe it...if it weren't for his eyes.

"I can't stay here, Harry. I won't ever love you or accept you. You are no good for me. You are and should be nothing to me." I whisper. I need him to back away, I need him to vanish from my sight before I attach my lips to his, before I can fall any deeper for someone so deceiving, so tempting, so...wrong.

"Please, Harry. Go." I mumble. Instead he steps closer and grabs my hand. Then he leans into my ear and breathes for a moment.

"Isn't it ironic how the one girl capable of unlocking my heart, doesn't wish to hold the key?" he finally whispers. He plants a slow soft kiss under my ear and I fight the urge to say something.

Then, he turns.

And he is gone.

I turn around with my hand over my mouth to stop me from screaming. He is gone. And I find myself wishing he hadn't left.

Someone taps my shoulder and I turn around, my heart aching for Harry. Hoping to see his light, green eyes back in front of me. Refusing to leave with out a kiss or an explanation because he wants me, because he loves me.

But it is not Harry. I don't mean gasp when I look into his blue eyes but they look so different than they did days ago.

"Niall." I whisper, in shock.

"Stranger." He smiles. You're one to talk. The man in the hospital words comes back to me.

He just got too close to the wrong thing. Stay away from him and he won't get hurt. Tell anyone about this, and you will be standing over another grave wondering what you could have done differently.

"Where have you been?" I ask him, looking over his shoulder to see if Harry really left or not.

"Around. How's Harry?" Niall asks, timid. He doesn't seem the same.

"What do you mean? He's fine I guess, you watched the race?" I whisper and he laughs.

"No, I just came here for hell of it. Let's get a drink." Niall says, grabbing my wrist ith a deathly hold and dragging me into the kitchen of the warehouse before I can protest. He pours some vodka in a red cup, and then another. I turn around and look into the living room for hopes of Jo. If anything I want to leave.

"Here." Niall says and I turn around. He hands me my cup with a strange, nervous smile. I smile back at him but looking into his eyes just feel off.

"To New Beginnings." He raises his cup. I look at him confused and roll my eyes.

"To New Beginnings." I say, clinking my cup with his and taking a huge gulp.

"Will you come with me? Outside? There's something I have been wanting to show you." Niall smiles and I look around once more for Jo, but she could anywhere.

"Um, sure." I say and follow Niall outside. I almost miss the step and Niall has to catch me. I put my hands on my head and shake myself awake.

"You alright?" Niall asks, holding my hand. I nod even though I feel dizzy. Following him to the side yard, he stops. I hold onto the wall for help because I cant stand straight. I feel...looooooopy.

"Charlie?" Niall smiles.

"Hmmm." I purr as my vision of him gets blurry. He begins to look like an elf of some sort, a smiling elf. His voice sounds of something like vibrations.

I look down at my drink again but this time it has a blue looking liquid. My whole body feels numb and I am confused by how dizzy I feel for only one gulp of alcohol. I almost feel like I am being controlled. I don't understand if I am drunk or if vodka is normally blue. Looking up at Niall confused, I open my mouth to speak, but he cuts me off.

"I am so sorry, Charlie. I really am." Sorry for what?

But right as I am about to open my mouth to ask him why, his smile fades and he pulls something from behind him, then shoving a bag over my head.

In seconds, blackness conquers all.

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