Chapter 36: Anchor

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Previously in Deception:

"He killed her." I finally gain the energy to say. Harry pauses, and then opens the car door, settling me in the seat. He then pops in the other door and looks at me.

"We're going to make him pay." He finally says, awestruck.

"No. Were not."

"What are we going to do?" he whispers, setting his car into drive.

"We're going to kill him." I whisper but sleep is dragging me in as I say it and it comes out as more of a mumble. Before I can satisfy myself with the sight of Harry's smile, I pass out knowing that Gary Long smith is a dead man to me now...but will be real dead man soon.

Even if it takes my own soul to do it.

Chapter 36:

It must have been hours ago that I actually woke. It's at least 8 in the night but I don't bother waking Harry to ask the time.

I lay in his bed, still tangled in his arms. His breathing continues to tickle my ear as his face is nudged into my cheek.

It's like having your own living, breathing teddy bear.

Except it would be quite difficult to find a teddy bear this beautiful. He really is. Maybe it is someone mistakes that makes them beautiful. Maybe its their scars or maybe it's the look in their eyes.

But I don't think you can fall in love with someone just because they are good looking. That's like getting a cake because it looks pretty. But regardless, you don't know the taste.

There is something about Harry. He's a stranger to me and I have come to know that maybe he always will be...but theres still that one aspect that I cant quite grasp the words to say.

He's mysterious, well, that's a given. It draws me in. He is so much weaker within then he claims to be and I don't know why I look at that as a challenge. Maybe I don't, I guess I see it as an opportunity. Its an opportunity to know someone like me, with demons encaged in their heart.

It takes a moment of staring at Harry for me to realize; I do know him. I know he blames himself for Julia's death. He thinks he could have saved her if they had brought her to a hospital sooner. And I know his biggest regret is hitting her.

The thought still stings, to imagine what kind of demon had possessed him to lay his hand on a girl he was in love with. I can't say I understand because sometimes anger controls some more than others.

But so does pain.

Harry hides his pain, oh so well. Someone could crack me like a vase and suddenly I am broken needing weeks to repair just from a slightest comment. But Harry?

He's a beautiful monster. He hides it behind his eyes and when he fears that someone can see inside him, he runs away.

Instead, you can see it when he's sleeping. In his nightmares. His breathing begins to halt and his face scrunches up in the most deplorable way. The thought of him in pain, trapped in a nightmare, pinches at my heart because I have regrets too; regrets that haunt me every waking minute of every day.

And I want him to know. I want him to know who Gary is to me just how I know it is time for him to understand that I once had a sister, who I ran away from while her oxygen was being sucked out of her tiny, helpless body.

Harry shifts and his arm squeezes onto my hip tighter.

"Charlie." He hums. I smile at his rusky voice and snuggle deeper into his arms. Suddenly his eyes flash open and he winces.

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