Chapter 21: Ice Cold

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Harry's POV

Miranda slams into her with such force it takes Charlie off guard. She falls back slightly and is thrown against the railing. Her eyes shift as she steps back up puts her hands up as if to block another blow, but she doesn't get it. This isn't boxing. This is uncivil caged animal out.

I realize that the line of men have dispersed to watch this new match. I watch them watch Charlie, fascinated by her figure, her angelic eyes. I feel fury rise within me.

Miranda throws a punch. Charlie blocks it.

Within seconds, anger has taken over Miranda as she pushed Charlie to the ground. I can't watch this. I know I need to stop this, but the old me wont let me. The old me wants to watch her. The old me wants her. Oh, he wants her bad.

"Say bye bitch!" I hear Miranda scream as she wraps her hands tightly around Charlie's neck. At first she squirms and I am frozen, watching the red color rush to her face. I know Miranda will kill her.

Quickly, as if I had been waiting for the push all along I slip my hand under the railing so I can get in there and save her. Save Charlie form this monstrous place...from me, but I am taken back. I turn around as Zayn holds on tightly to my shoulder.

"Let her fight man, she is meant to be here." He smiles which only makes me angrier. I shove him away from me and stick my leg under the railing in a swift movement only to be pulled back again, this time by two hands.


"Harry, it's already done."

I look back to Charlie as she lays there still; she's watching Miranda with intense eyes but no longer struggles. I watch her, my head leaning sideways.

She squeezes her eyes shut extremely tight for a moment, as if concentrating on something.

Then they pop open, with so much resentment in them, I feel as If I am looking at a demon. She lifts her leg like an angel and slams it in Miranda's chin like Saitan. She stands up, rubbing her neck and looks over to me. Miranda moans on the ground below her, squeezing her chin.

I don't know what the fuck she just did, but I have never seen anything like it.

She steps down carefully from the railing and runs into me. She shoves her face in my chest and I can tell she is crying. The men around me are watching as if this is some movie. I can't comprehend why she is in my arms. After all of this, after knowing what I do, after not even getting up there to help her, she still came back to me. And god I am squeezing her so tightly, I almost swear I am never going to let go. Almost.


Charlie's POV

The ride back is silent. I lean my head on the window and clasp a cold water bottle over my neck. Harry wont stop fucking looking at be.

"Will you please just take me back to Mary's?" I mumble, my eyes closed.


"Why?" my eyes open.

"You are staying with me." he grumbles.

"To hell with that!" I almost screech. I have too much on my mind to even consider the events of today, of what

Harry opens his mouth and I cut him. "Don't you dare ask why."

His mouth closes with a thump and I g back to closing my eyes. "Well I am the one driving." He finally says and I groan.

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