Chapter 23: Bait

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"Miss?" I hear a voice. It startles me awake and I blink my eyes at him.

Suddenly I realize I am still in the stairwell; I must have fallen asleep. Standing up and rubbing my head, I nod at the man then brush past him.

I find Jo passed out on the chair next to Dominique's bed. This sight makes me laugh. I cover my mouth as I watch Dominique's eyes open.

"Charlie." She whispers.

"Hi Dominique." I smile awkwardly. She shifts uncomfortably in her bed and I keep my eyes away from her wrapped forehead.

"What have I missed?" she smiles and I laugh.

A lot.

"Nothing really." I shrug and take a seat on the end of her bed. It's silent for a moment, while I try to catch the guts to even ask this question.

"Do you remember what happened to you Dominique?" I finally whisper. Her eyes shift towards mine and she lets out a sigh.

"Sort of. I know when I got in the room, I wasn't alone because Jo's closet door was closed and let's face it that girl is a mess. She never closes that damn closet." Dominique laughs looking over to a slightly snoring Jo.

"Right as I realized that, someone in a hoodie just jumped out and attacked me. I don't remember much after that, they were wearing a mask." She sighs, grazing her finger over her wounded upright face. I frown at her.

This is because of you, Charlie.

"And it was a man?" I ask. Dominique nods with confidence.

"Probably a bit older too. He has a groggy voice, sounded crazy to me." she whispers in horror.

"Wait, he spoke? What did he say?"

"Not sure, wasn't really paying attention to is voice, rather than trying to defend myself. He kept saying something about Elizabeth, like....'for Elizabeth' and I really just thought he meant Queen Elizabeth, some freaking crazy, obsessed with her but I don't know if he meant the queen..."

I stand up quickly and shake my head. "I have to go Dom." I say quickly. I rush out of her room holding my head to keep it from exploding, but it is too late. I know what I heard.

Gosh, damn't Ellie.

He was talking about Ellie.


"Charlie, darling, how are you?" Mary asks me before I even make it to the counter of Koffee Kall.

"I am okay. I was wondering if I could work a shift today, I need to get my mind off of some things." I twist my lips.

"Of course! Niall quit just about an hour ago. We are short handed." She frowns sadly.

Wait, what?

"Niall quit, why?" I almost scream. I think about what that man told me and how it was important that I stay away from him. I wonder if someone was telling him the same thing.

"He said he was so busy with school, Charlie. Don't take it personally." Mary smiles at me. I lock eyes with her for a long moment and then sigh.

"Okay." I whisper, walking past her and grabbing my apron.

The shift does me well. It's been busy so I haven't had a moment to think. Though that is not initially good, I have been avoiding thinking for quite too long. There is so much that I have to think about, to figure out. I am almost sure that if I just sit down and try to piece it all together...

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