Dog Days (EXO Fanfic)

By KimchiiDesu

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The cute and loving Xiumin we all know is actually a fake. He is actually a rude and incompetent man, EXO mem... More

Dog days (EXO Fanfic)
Chapter 1 : I'm a dog?!
Chapter 2 : Moving to Seoul
Chapter 3 : Painful Truth!
Chapter 4 : Small World
Chapter 5 : Tea Time
Chapter 6 : A Wish
Chapter 7 : Cappuccino
Chapter 8 : Bittersweet Deal
Chapter 9 : One Step Closer
Chapter 10 : Hectic Delivery
Chapter 11 : Luhan's Warning
Chapter 12 : Photo Album
Chapter 13 : The Accident
Chapter 14 : Mental Breakdown
Chapter 15 : Lost and Found
Chapter 16 : Game On!
Chapter 17 : Two Choices
Chapter 18 : Old Document
Chapter 20 : Truth Is Out

Chapter 19 : Luhan's Advise

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By KimchiiDesu

Haneul's apartment. Xiumin's POV.

My eyes shot up, looking around the room to find it empty. Not a sound was heard all throughout the apartment. I rose from my made-up bed of pillows, walking in all four legs to search for Haneul's presence. It..It was a dream? But if it was then.. I shouldn't have any reason to black out so suddenly. And the voice of Haneul.. it seemed way too surreal to be a dream. I exit the bedroom to find the house eerily quiet.

I sat out the open terrace, looking down the streets where people were busy diluted in their own worlds. It's Thursday today.. I forgot, it seems that Haneul has work today as well. I look back at the coffee table to see that the contract was still in one piece and not shredded into bits by me. I can't get that dream off of my head, could it be some kind of vision that's telling me of some alternate past that's bound to happen if I make one mistake? or could it be because I've been over thinking about the whole thing..?


Haneul's POV.

"Are you okay, Haneul-yah?" I look up to find Jihyun with her face inches away from mine. I took a step back out of surprise. "G-Geez! You could have just called out to me. Aigo, you really scared me." I gibber, wiping the table tops clean with a towel. Hyunseok knocks on my head once, also with the same oddball expression that Jihyun is portraying.

"Alright, what's going on you two?" I finally ask. "Well, it's not us that has a problem. It's simply you that has one." says Jihyun as a matter-of-factly. I look down, seeing some of my reflection from the glass I was holding. "..Well, remember all those stuff I told you about when I was still living in that farm house?" "Yeah." They both said clearly.

I look up at both of them, eyes with a determined look as I spoke. "I'm.. I'm planning on selling it." Jihyun was the first to react with an audible gasp coming out from her mouth. "N-No way.. Are you serious right now? Wasn't that the sole motivation of working so hard all this time?" "Y-Yeah, Haneul-yah! You cherished that house you spent with your family that lived there their whole life. Why give it away so easily?" says Hyunseok.

I felt the pressure weigh in on me. "I just.. don't think I could keep holding on too long onto that house. I mean," I place a strand of her behind my ear, "I love my life here in Seoul.. With Jihyun, Hyunseok, and even Taeho. I've meet such wonderful people.. even the boss who would seldom give me extra work to do here. Just thinking about going back to that farm house feels so lonely.. Not that Haru isn't enough, I just feel that.. I've grown to like everyone and feel that somehow they're now my family."

I felt like my throat go dry after saying a mouthful all out once, tears start streaming down my face as Hyunseok and Jihyun gathered around me to give me a warm embrace. They comforted me well enough to start working again. Even though I have been staying here for only months, I know for sure that this is where I am supposed to belong. And maybe Taeho is right.. if I stay, maybe there's a chance in meeting my prince once more.


After work hours. Evening. CAFE LEC.

"Are you sure you're fine walking? Hyunseok brought in his car today, we could drop you off in your apartment if you want." says Jihyun with a kind offer at hand. I deny their request, "It's okay. I'm fine using the bus. You guys take care, okay?" Hyunseok drives by in front with his Civic. He rolls down the window with a palm raised for a farewell. "Oh, are you going to take the bus again, Haneul-yah?"

I bob my head once, "Yeah.. I'm just going to clear my mind for a bit." Jihyun, who was nearest to me, swoop me into a surprising hug. "If anything happens just let us know, okay? We're just one phone call away after all." I gave out the most positive smile I could send them, and soon after, they were gone down the empty street.

I slip my hands inside my blazers pockets and before I could start my way down the street. A cold breeze goes into my right ear. I turn back to find Luhan who had recently just blown air into my system. Instead of getting annoyed, I was actually relieved to see his face. "Luhan!" I mouthed. He puts a finger on his lips, mentally saying that I keep silent.

I look at the people passing by us and not one seems rather amazed at the idol in front of me. "How come they don't--" "Hehe, it's just one of my secrets. Come on, let's go and have a quick date." My eyes blink twice, "E-Eh? A date? You mean right now?" "Of course! Let's go!"


After getting dragged around almost everywhere, we arrive inside the bus that was five blocks away from my home. "Ahhh, wasn't that fun? We should totally do that again sometime!" I look down my wrist watch, Oh no.. It was already an hour? I hope Haru is doing fine.. "So, Haneul. I heard that you were going to sell your farm house to someone."

My eyes widen, glancing at Luhan who already plastered a serious look all of a sudden. It was hard to tell if he was just kidding around like he always does, but somehow, it seems he wasn't after all. "How did you know that..?" He briefly smiles with his eyes close, "Would you believe if I told you that I was party Psychic?"

Just the thought of him saying that give me chills down my spine. I quickly turn away from his ominous eyes and looked straight where the driver was seated. "A-Are you making fun of me now? Geez!" Luhan laughs out heartily, "Aw come on! That wasn't a joke, and I'm being serious! How else would I know about you selling your farm house, hmm?"

Now that he explains it, maybe he is part Psychic. "Then if you're really Psychic.. do you know the answer that lies within my head?" Luhan zooms close to my face, slowly placing his index finger on my forehead and as soon as his skin touch mine, I felt a small zap. I flinch in place watching as Luhan prompt to sit properly.

"As of right now, you feel as though you belong in Seoul with friends that you treat as one whole family. Not only do you think that way, but you also feel that inside your heart. But," Luhan stares right back at me dead in the eye. "I feel that.. you would regret your choice." "What..? What do you mean by that?"

There was a brief silence between us. The bus doors open and before I know it, I was already at the bus stop nearest to my apartment. "Let's go down for now." Like he ordered, we both tapped our cards and went out in a hurry. The cold air hit my skin once more, but to Luhan, it felt as if it didn't bother him at all especially when he was just wearing thin layers of clothing on him.

I pull his sleeve, making him cease in place. "Hey, answer me, Luhan. What do you mean by me regretting my choice? Is something bad going to happen?" He replies to my question with only just a pat on the head. "Sorry, I was just trying to scare you. I didn't think that you'll panic this much." He said, feeling a bit remorseful.

My cheeks flush red of embarrassment, "Y-Yah! What was that all about, huh? And here I thought that you were confident. Well anyway, you are just part Psychic after all, it's not like it would truthfully come true.." I mutter in the end. He plainly chuckles, "But you know what, thinking of the latter choice isn't that bad as well, Haneul-yah. It's such a big decision after all. Think through about it well, okay?"

His tone of voice sounded very worried, and at the same time relieved. Luhan left me by the stairs of my building apartment, soon saying farewell down the dim-lighted streets.


Haneul's Apartment. Late Evening. Haneul's POV.

"I'm home, Haru." I turn the living room lights on to find Haru fast asleep by the living room couch. I saunter to his side and gently pet him for a while. After, I went to change into house clothes and wash my face seeing that I was too tired to even take a hot shower. I walk out the bathroom patting my face dry when I accidentally kick Haru's bed by the corner.

I glance down to find the edge of a paper sticking out inside the circular mattress. Curious, I decided to check what it was. I knelt down and pulled the paper out, "Land Deed..?" I mumble out of my mouth. I flip through the three paged document and at the very end of the whole thing. I find the most unexpected words, 'All property belongs to our only daughter, Haneul. If the present owner cannot pay the remaining debt of the land, then all oil found below our land must be used to secure the payment and to her wishes.'

There's an oil mine beneath my house..? Wait, if that's the case then the reason why Taeho wants to get the house is because of that, right? I shake my head, rolling the paper. T-That's impossible! Taeho has been living in that farm house too when both my parents were still alive. Heck, he even worked as an assistant to my Father. There's no way he'd say such sweet words to me just to fool me, right?

But if that is the case then, wasn't he just using me after all? Is that what Luhan meant that I would eventually regret my decision if I were to sell my house to Taeho..?


A/N : sorry for not being able to update this! the plot was hard to construct now that it has come to this XD Even I, the author, don't know what future events are going to happen. Thanks for reading!

-kimchii x 

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