Nightwing & Angel (Nightwing...

By cuddles2405

14.6K 463 83

Serena and Dick have moved from Gotham to Blüdhaven to start a new chapter of their lives. No, they aren't ma... More

(2) School...
(3) Tick Tock
(4) Overheat
(5) Make A Wish (PT 1)
(6) Make A Wish (PT 2)
(7) Jaded
(8) Toxic
(9) Love You

(1) Welcome Back

2.5K 61 13
By cuddles2405


"....Talking through communicators..."


'...Communicating mentally...'


"Congrats babe." I smiled, giving him a kiss. 

"Thanks baby." He smiled down at me.

He did it, he graduated the academy, and at the top of his class as well. I was at his ceremony right now along with the whole gang: Barbara, Bruce, Jason, Damian, Kaldur, Megan, Conner, Zatanna, Artemis, Wally, Tim, and Alfred (did I miss anyone? >.>). "Congratulations Dick." Bruce smiled, patting his shoulder.

"Hey, let's go party." Wally grinned. 

I chuckled and rolled my eyes, "Still the same ole Wally."

"Shall we head back to your place master Dick? I have prepared a feast at your house." Alfred said.

"Food?" Wally's face lit up, and he was in the car in no time. "Hey," he honks the horn, "Let's go! Precious food awaits!"

"Congratulations Dick." Kaldur smiled, placing his hand on Dick's shoulder and giving it a light squeeze.

"Thanks man." Dick chuckled. "Come on, let's head back." All of us piled into the cars, and went back to Dick and I's house.

"Nice place." Artemis commented as she walked in. Of course, the first thing Wally did was make a run for the food. "Hey!" Artemis grabbed him by his ear and dragged him back to the group. 

"So, when do you start school?" Barbara asked as all of us were chilling in the living room.

"Two weeks." I answered, eating some of my food.

"Lucky, I already started." Barbara grumbled.

"But your break starts earlier." I chuckled.

"So, I'm guessing you're going to apply for the police force here?" Wally directed his question at Dick, who confirmed with a nod.

"I actually already have a spot saved for me. They saw my high marks, and saved me a spot for when I graduated the academy." Dick boasted slightly, making me roll my eyes.

"Well aren't you lucky." Bruce chuckled.

"When do you start?" Tim asked.

"Monday." Dick answered.

"Damn, that soon huh?" Jason chuckled. 


"Damn, that was a long night." I chuckled as I cuddled in bed with Dick. Everyone went home about half an hour ago, and it's nearly midnight.

"I can't remember the last time the whole lot of us were together like that." Dick chuckled, pulling me closer to him.

"It was nice," I agreed as I felt myself getting drowsy. "Nighty night." I yawned before knocking out.



"Ughm." I groaned in reply, turning my face the other way.

"Baby, wake up." Dick whispers in my ear.

"Nuuuu." I whined, covering my head with the blanket.

"You have work baby." He chuckles, pulling the blanket off of me. "Come on, get up baby, I made some breakfast." He says in a soft voice. 

"Ugh, I don't wanna deal with indecisive people today." I groaned, taking his pillow and putting it over my head.

"Don't you deal with them every time you go to work?" Dick chuckles.

"No, some know what they want, and go for what they want. Some are like well my mom doesn't like it, soooooo I don't know. Like it's your damn wedding, who gives a flying crap what your mother wants." I complained.

I heard Dick chuckle before I felt myself being lifted out of bed. "Well, you still have to go to work." He told me, setting me down in the shower stall. "Now, shower, I'll be waiting in the dinning room for you." He chuckles, kissing me.

Groaning, I turned the water on after I stripped. I took a quick shower, and got dressed in my work out fit, which consisted of black slacks and a black fitted tee. Once I was dressed, I want to the dinning room where Dick was setting the table. "That was quick." He noted, looking at up at me from the table.

Smiling, I went over to him, and gave him a kiss. "What are you going to be up to while I'm gone?" I wondered out loud, sitting down.

"I have orientation." He answered, placing a plate of food in front of me. 

"Thanks babe." I smiled, kissing his cheek as he was standing back up.

"No problem." I smiled, kissing my temple. 

The two of us quickly ate our breakfast. Then, Dick dropped me off at my work place. "Thanks babe," I give him a quick kiss before getting off the motorcycle, and going inside. "Morning everyone." I greeted my coworkers with a smile. 

"How are you always so cheerful?" Natty groaned.

"I don't know, I just have to to smile around people." I shrugged. 

"Well, can you help me today with one of my clients? She's the heir to Goode Industries and she's bringing her whole bridal party today. There's going to be, like, 10 people including her." Natty asked.

"I think Tina put me to help you with her today." I replied as I clocked in. Yep, I'm working at one of Tina Fae's bridal stores.

"Ugh, I heard she's a real bitch though." Natty groaned.

"She is." I rolled my eyes.

"You've met her?" Natty asks, slightly surprised.

"Yeah, at a gala. She's a total bitch, she hates me." I snorted, putting my lunch into the fridge.

"How do I know you're not making this up? What were you even doing at a gala? Are you secretly some billionaire princess?" Natty looks at me skeptically in a joking way.

"Nope, and my boyfriend had to go, so I had to go." I shrugged.

"Who's even your boyfriend?" Natty asks.

"I told you like a million times, it's Dick Grayson." I chuckled. I told her before when she asked, but she never believed me. Well, she still doesn't.

"Again, you're pulling my leg." Natty scoffed with a smirk.

"Hey, believe what you want, but tis the truth." I shrugged. "Now, come on, she'll be coming any time soon." I sighed, opening the door to the employee lounge. 

Natty groaned and stood up from the couch, "I really hope she ain't picky as fuck." She went through the open door, and I followed her.

"Oh you're in for a rude awakening." I chuckled.


"Ugh, that was hell." Natty groaned as we were on our break.

"I told you." I said in a sing song voice.

"I didn't think she hated you that much." She remarked.

"Dude, if that girl could get rid of me and get away with it I'm pretty sure she would." I chuckled.


"Ready to get back into action?" Dick smirked as he pulled his suit out.

"Yeah, I feel like it's been to long." I smirked back, putting my bracelets on. I waved my left hand over my body, suiting up. "It feels so good to be back in this." I smiled, running my hands down my body. 

"Still as sexy as ever in it." Dick chuckled, backing me up against the wall and kissing me hungrily.

"Same to you mister." I purred, eyeing him up and down.

"We are so fucking tonight." He chuckles deeply, giving my ass a squeeze before stepping back.

The two of us want down to our cave, which we have yet to name, and climbed onto Nightwing's motorcycle. He sped out of the secret exit, and into the streets of the city. He hid his motorcycle, and we took to the roof tops. Smiling, I unfolded my wings, and stretched them. "Feels so good to do that." I smiled to myself, admiring my white wings.

The two of us stood hand in hand as we over looked the busy city. "Well Blüdhaven, time to meet your saviors." Nightwing smirked, looking at me slightly. I smirked and look up at my boyfriend.

"Well then, what are we waiting for?" I giggled, casting an illusion over my wings so that they looked black. 

Nightwing pulls me into a heated kiss. "Let's go get em." He smirked when he pulled away. Smirking, I took off to the skies. 'God it feels so good to fly again.' I thought as I soar through the night sky. 

"Nightwing to Angel, can you read me?" I heard him over my com.

"Loud and clear." I replied.

"Hope you memorized this place because there's a robbery on 24th." Nightwing chuckled. 

"Beat you there." I challenged, picking up speed as I flew over to the General Bank.

"Let's go?" He smirked when I arrived, twirling his escrima sticks. "Oh, I expect a prize later for beating you." He whispered in my ear before we headed inside the bank.

"Hey!" I shouted, grabbing the robbers' attention. I summoned my bow, and smirked at the robbers who looked at us with shocked faces. 

"Hey! It's ain't Halloween you nut cases!" One of the robbers shouted, pointing his gun at us.

"Oh? Didn't noticed." I laughed, shooting an ice arrow at him, freezing him from the neck down. 

Nightwing charged in and took the robbers out with his escrima sticks while I stood back and shot at them with ice arrows. It wasn't long until they were all knocked out, and tied up. "Feels so good to be back in action." I smirked as I dragged the tied up robbers outside the back with Nightwing. 

"Well, it's gonna be a long night tonight, the a jewelry store that's a block from here is being robbed right now." Nightwing chuckled, calling his cycle around. 

"I'm gonna beat you this time." I stuck my tongue out at him before taking off to the skies. This time I did beat him there. I grunted when I nailed one of the robbers in the face, knocking him out cold. "Who's next?" I smirked, cracking my knuckles. One of the robbers shot at me, but I easily dodged the bullets. I ran up to the robber, knocked the gun out of his hand, punched him in the gut, and knocked him into the other robber. I let out a small grunt when something hard hit my thigh. 

I turned around, swinging my fist at who ever hit me, only to have my fist caught. I quickly swung my leg at his head, only to have it caught. "Hey, hands off." A familiar voice rang throughout the store. The guy that was holding onto me released me when he stumbled forward from being kicked in the back. Nightwing quickly pulled me back up to my feet. "Looks like someone's a little rusty." He snickered before charging at one of the robbers, hitting them with his escrima sticks.

Rolling my eyes, I went for one of the other robbers, upper cutting him and kneeing him in the stomach before delivering a nice punch to his face, knocking him out. "Oof!" My vision went blurry from the blow to the back of my head. "You did not just hit me with that chair." I hissed, glaring at the robber who held the broken chair in the air. 

I lunged at him, tackling him to the ground. The guy swung at me, but I leaned back, avoiding it. I aimed a nice punch to the side of his head, knocking him out. "Come on, police are on their way, let's tie em up." Nightwing informed me, helping me up. The two of us quickly tied them up, and left them for the police.

The two of us ran around the city for a while longer until calling it a night. "Damn, this is going to take some getting use to again." I sighed, un-suiting while Dick changed. 

"We'll fall into the pattern soon." Dick chuckled, pulling me to bed. "But for now," he kisses me and shoves his tongue in my mouth. Smirking, I start to undress him.


:D I can't believe I'm doing a sequel >.>

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