The Sisters- The Untold Story...

By lilatu

346 41 50

Ever wondered if what we know about Star Wars is wrong? What if there were people who started the rebels and... More

Beginnings- Karee
texts between sisters
language glossary
after seige of Lothal
karee breaks the time space continuum
the photo album
mida is Padme
top ten crazy things about Ash
Sister texting again
family stuff
more Sister texting
when Sisters spar

Ahsoka has a boyfriend????

41 2 2
By lilatu

Back story: Ahsoka says she has a"friend" for the Sisters to meet. And then another one that's better. This is set around 3 years after the fall of the republic. (Please note, there will be luxsoka, but for only a paragraph, then rexsoka for a couple paragraphs.)
Lux (note, I hate luxsoka)
Ahsoka stood at the door, nervous, before inviting the mysterious guest inside. Karee looked up into the face of.......... LUX BONTERI??????? An imperial senator?????
"No, no way uh uh!!!!" Said Karee, while Ash and Padme got up, weapons drawn.
"Relax he's on our side!" Ahsoka said.
After a night of suspicious, but eventually trusting dinner, Lux left.
Karee, suspicious, followed him, with Ash behind her.
"Lux Bonteri to the Empire, I am in, repeat, they trust me." Lux whispered into a comm link. Karee's blood boiled with anger.
"I wouldn't speak too soon pretty boy!!!" Ash had already jumped out.
After five minutes of chasing, Ash managed to stick a bomb up Lux's...eerrmm... butt, and Lux exploded all over the pavement.
"Now I have to clean it up." Karee said, clicking her fingers, washing away Lux's remains.
After last time, Ahsoka was pretty nervous about Rex meeting the girls.
"Rexster, be careful with them, they may or may not kill you at the door." Ahsoka murmured. He shrugged, meaning he didn't mind.
So, she brought him in carefully. Sure enough, they freaked out. Well, Karee and Ash did.
"He's a clone!!! He's probably a spy!!!!" Karee yelled.
"Get him out!!! Clones are forbidden here anyway!!!" Ash roared.
"Kosmas,oran, (fire, warrior) relax, this is a trustworthy clone. He is super loyal to the rebellion." Padme reassured them. So, the two girls begrudgingly put their weapons down.
They showed Rex to the dining room, and put dinner on the table.
Rex told them stories about his missions with Ahsoka, and they asked questions about them, subtly probing him with their minds. When they were satisfied that Rex wasn't a spy, they relaxed, to Padme, Ahsoka and Rex's relief.
Soon the night was done, and Rex offered Ahsoka the option to walk him home, to prove he had nothing to hide. After getting permission from her mother (yes, Ahsoka is an adult, but Padme likes to know what she is doing) , they walked to Rex's place.
"Well, they eventually trusted you. It went quite well, seeing as my last boyfriend was an imperial spy, and got blown up." Ahsoka chirped.
While the lovebirds were talking, the remaining sisters were discussing Rex.
"Is he the one for her??" Padme asked.
"No. In about five months, they'll break up, because it is too much of a friendship than a love affair." Karee informed.
She was right. But, there was a man for Ahsoka, she just had to find him. Little did she know, she would watch him and his big sisters grow up.

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