To Travel Through Time

By Academy-Angel

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Sang has always been looking for that one thing that would make her complete. But no matter how much she tri... More

Chapter I
Chapter II
Chapter III
Chapter IV
Chapter V
Chapter VI
Authors Note
Chapter VII
Chapter VIII
Chapter IX
Chapter X
Chapter XI
Chapter XII
Chapter XIII
Chapter XIV
Chapter XVII
Chapter XVIII
Chapter XIX (Part I)


1.3K 113 8
By Academy-Angel

If Sang had a diary right now - or actually ever owned one - she knew exactly what she would be writing in it. Well she would if she could move. Pain. That was all she felt right down to the bone, every muscle hurt, even her skin felt raw even though there was no reason for it. Well the sore muscle part, cause that's a given. But the raw skin feeling... Who knows the reason for that?

But that isn't what she would be writing about. No, it would be about the fact that last night Sang remembers falling asleep on the couch talking to the guys, except the Captain, but she'll get back to that later. What had her intrigued and a little giddy was the fact she was wrapped up in two sets of arms and legs with nude well-defined chests pressed up against her front and back of her body. It's probably why she feels like she is being smothered to death.

Without opening her eyes she could tell who exactly was lying in bed with her. To think about it, the sweetness of Luke's vanilla and sugar scent to North's light, rick musk scent were both the complete opposite of each other as were their looks and personality. But Sang wouldn't change a thing with either of them; there scent matching their personality to a T.

Keeping her eyes closed Sang cuddled more into the chest she was laying on, Luke tightening his hold on her from behind. She almost started giggling when she realized she was in a Taylor sandwich, a sandwich she never wanted to leave.

But of course she knew she had to, knowing that the Captain will be there soon to take her to another day of training, or what she likes to call torture. Sang never minded a good jog before, even got up early every morning to go for a run, but this? This was cruelty not running, this was killing of the competition before the test even started. The way Sang saw it going, they wouldn't make it to twenty weeks, more like ten before the final test.

Sang's eyes flew open at this remembering what the old weapons master, Master Brullo, had said about the Champion becoming the King's Assassin. She flew up in bed, dislodging Luke in the process, and tried to take in what it meant to win. Oh hells to the no. She did not sign up for that.

She may have killed people before, but that was for survival, could this really be classified as the same thing? Of course she wanted to talk to the Captain about it yesterday, but the bastard had avoided her like she was a plague. Bloody coward, she thought.

"Who's a coward?" North grunts his voice rough from sleep.

She jumped looking down at North, not realizing that she had spoken out loud. "What?" She started flushing as she watched as his hand trailed down his chest and scratches at a spot just above his night pant things.

Luke threw an arm around her shoulder and leant his chin on her other shoulder. "Morning Sugar. What's got your panties in a twist so earlier in the morning?"

"Oh, it was nothing. Just thinking out loud." Sang rests her head against Luke's her eyes closing.

"Come on Sang Baby, let's get up and have some breakfast. You have another big day ahead of you and you need to keep up your strength." She smiles down at him, loving how even though his half asleep he still thinks about her and her wellbeing.

"We're up, it's you who's still laying downing, lazy bum." But at that her stomach lets out a loud grumble, as if agreeing with North. "Well, I guess my stomach spoke, it's breakfast time." She climbs over North and stretched before walking over to the door. "I hope there is heaps of food, I'm starving and could eat a horse."

"It may be to late to get you it for breakfast, but if you really want some, we can order it for dinner." Luke says calmly like it's an every day occurrence to eat horse.

Of course her reaction was anything but, whirling around so fast her hair whipped out around her like a fan. "WHAT?" She yells disgusted. "It's just a saying, please don't kill any horses on my behalf."

Luke and North both start chuckling, North still lying down but with an arm thrown over his face and Luke staring up at her with a goofy smile. "Whatever." She says shaking her head turning around throwing the dressing gown over her nightdress, dipping her head so they didn't see the smile on her face.

Sang walked out into the sitting room to find Evana finishing up placing the food on the table. She walked over to her and pulled her into a hug. "Have I told you how much I love you?" Sang ask placing a kiss on Evana's cheek at the same time grabbing a slice of bread and placing some cheese and ham on it.

Evana laughs and pulls out a chair for Sang to sit down on, "just everyday. If you didn't have nine attractive males, two who currently slept in the same bad as you last night," she pauses to smirk down at her. Sang just hitches a shoulder in response, a slight blush tinting her cheeks. The smile turns to one of mischief and she turns to pick up a goblet and pour some water into it, "As I was saying, if I haven't seen proof of nine amazing man you have wrapped around your little finger, I would swear you had a thing for me Miss Sang." She state proudly.

I laugh around a mouth full of food and swallow it before replying. "And what makes you think that I only like guys? I may like both sexes." She sends her a wink before taking another bite of food.

"Lucky dog, or in this case bird. She got the L word before us." Luke says as he comes up and wrap an arm around Evana's shoulder, and Sang has to cover her mouth with her hand to stop the laugh that wanted to escape at the look of shock on her face. Luke leans down at stares at Evana, her eyes still wide, "now listen her girly. Sang is ours and we will not be sharing her with no body, not even another female."

Evana jumps back, hands up in surrender shaking her head. "Wh-what? N-n-no, you have it wrong, Lady Sang was only joking, weren't you?" Evana asks looking at her for confirmation.

Sang manages a look of hurt, her hand going to her chest. "Are you saying you don't want me Evana? That hurts, even after I just told you I loved you."

Evana just looked between Luke and Sang, her mouth opening and closing, the poor thing was completely lost for words. Sang decided to let her out of her misery and starts laughing. "You can calm yourself Evana, I was just joking, I don't swing that way, but if I did, you would totally be my first choice. Now sit and feast on this amazing meal you have prepared for us."

You could see the relief physically leave her body, slumping down into a chair, pouring herself a cup of coffee. Sang and Luke just chuckled while North sat back watching us with an amused look on his face.

"Hey, where are the..." The front door opening, and the sound of laughter cut her off. "Never mind." Sang grabbed another piece of bread piling it with cheese and ham. If their was one thing Sang learn while working out, was that the more you worked out, the more your body needed in carbs, and her simple toast and a piece of fruit for breakfast was long since gone.

Sang watched as the remaining seven guys made their way into where they were sitting. "Morning Sweetie." Dakota smiles, placing a kiss on her head. "Morning Dakota."

"Sleep well Princess?" Victor asks, his fire eyes looking at full supremacy. "I did thank you Victor. Did you?" Sang squeeze his hand as he walks past, whishing he would kiss her two, but she learnt that he was a gentleman and only really showed affection when they were alone.

"Pookie!" Sean yells. Unlike the others who only really ever place a kiss, on her cheek, or forehead, Sean has no problem attacking her lips, and she giggles into his mouth, wrapping her hand into his hair holding him there, loving the way he feels, taste. "Good morning Sean." She says on a sigh.

"Will you get the fuck out of the way Doc? I need me some trouble." Sean places one last quick peck on her lips and with a wink heads of to grab some food. I stand up to pull Gabriel into a hug placing a kiss on his neck, Gabriel smiles into her neck and pulls back to places kiss all of her face, making her laugh. He finishes with a lick up the side of her face, and growls 'Mine'.

"Gross you Meanie." Sang laughs pushing him away.

"Please, you love it." He pushes her into Nathans arms and takes her seat; she shoots him a playful glare, but turn back to Nathan.

"Hi Honey?" Nathan gives her a quick kiss on the cheek and grabs her hand and bites down on her finger. "Good morning Peanut." He mumbles around her finger.

"Can I please have some Aggele Mou now." Sang looks to Silas and smiles. Nathan releases her finger from his mouth, places a kiss on her hand and steps aside.

"Good morning Superman." Silas pulls her in for a hug and she wraps her legs around his waist sighing. Sang loved his hugs, they were amazing.

"When will you tell me what superman means, Aggele?" She laughs into his chest, knowing that Superman was yet to exist and the fact that she had been holding off telling him, more out of fun then secrecy.

"Soon." He sighs but places a kiss on her head, then lowers her back to the ground.

"You really are trouble." But there was only humor in his voice, and when she thought about it, she really had never seen him get angry.

Silas turns her around and with a slightly to hard of a push, sends her sailing into the Captains arms, who instantly catches her, before realizing that she was indeed in his arms, quickly released her and stood back frowning.

Sang rolled her eyes and glared up at him, "I'm not contagious Captain, cooties don't actually exist you know."

The Captains face blanks of all expression, except for the small pinch at the corner of his eyes. "I fail to understand exactly what these cooties are Miss Sorenson, so your point is invalid."

"Oh Lordy Lord, you vex me sir. Go. Sit. Before you have an aneurism." Sang turns around and climbs onto Gabriel's lap, picking up her food and finishing it in a couple of bites. She watches out of the corner of her eye as the Captain takes a seat next to Sean. Sean leans over and whispers something into the Captains ear causing the Captain to frown and Sean to chuckle.

Sang looked around at everyone smiling to herself, wishing that every day were like this. North was arguing with Luke, Luke was purposely pissing him off, judging by the shit-eating smile he had on his face. Gabe was picking on Nathans hair, which had grown to his shoulders, he kept pulling at it and Nathan kept flicking his hand away ignoring him. Dakota was talking to Victor and Silas, but I think Victor had zoned out and was tapping away on the table like he was playing the piano – she'll have to ask him about that later – Silas had his elbow on the table his head in his hands as he listened intently to what Dakota was saying. Sean looked like he was telling a story to the Captain his hands going everywhere as he explained something about the compromising position he found Steven and Jack in... Oh my.

Sang's face flushed at that and she quickly looked away but not before catching the Captains amused look at her discomfort. Sang didn't have anything against gay people, she just never knew what to do when in that type of conversation arose.

"Ok, enough. Miss Sorenson, you have to be in training in twenty minutes, so go finish getting ready." Sang salutes him and jumps up off Gabriel's lap, of course Gabriel follows her closing the door behind him.

"Oy, Trouble? What you wearing today?"

Sang looked to him with a frown, wondering if they were headed to a fashion show instead of another day of torture. "Clothes."

"Well fuck, obviously. Although, if you want to practice without clothes now, I'm game." He smiles wickedly at her and she blushes a thousand shades of red.

"Of course you would be. Anyway I'm wearing that." Sang points to where Evana had laid out a simple trousers and a white tunic top.

Gabriel eyes it like it's going to jump out and bite him. "Fine, it will do."

"Glad to have your approval." Sang's says rolling her eyes.

Gabriel walks over to the bed and leans up against the post and waves a hand at her for her to hurry up when he noticed that she still hadn't moved. "Well then, get a move on."

Sang wasn't afraid to be naked in front of someone. After everything she had gone through, worrying about what you look like – clothed or not – was something that wasn't high on her priority. But with Gabriel, she was different and she had to wonder if it was because she actually liked him and didn't want to disappoint him or any of the others in any way.

So when Gabriel waited for her to strip out of her thin nightdress she was wearing, she froze looking from Gabriel to the clothes Evana had laid out and back to him.

Of course Gabriel being the typical male he is, wasn't quite getting the panicked look on her face.

Does she really have to spell it out to him?

"Did you want someone else in here... the Captain perhaps?" Oh that Bastard. So maybe he did understand but was enjoying tormenting her.

"I don't understand why I need anyone in here." Sang rested her hands on her hips frowning at him. "Can you at least turn around?" She said doing the swirly motion with one of her fingers.

Gabe let out a huge dramatic sigh and straightened from where he was leaning, before turning and even covering his eyes with his hands, making a big show of it.

As fast as she could, she stripped out of her clothes and practically ripped the new ones on in its place. When she was finished she decided to keep him waiting a little bit longer and took him in, inch... by... inch. She started from his head, checking out his thin, but strong frame, the ripple of his muscles of his arms as he kept them up covering his eyes, down to his tight fitting trousers that hugged his firm gluteus maximus.

Damn, she wondered if he was just as good looking naked, as he was clothed.

"Are you checking me out?" He asks slowly, his voice unmistakably lower.

"Ummm, no?" Sang says slowly, the blush back ten fold.

"Oh, I think you were Trouble." Sang watches as he turns around and looks her up and down before frowning. "You know, I don't really like this outfit on you. It hides everything, and I fucking mean everything." He stalked – yes stalked – over to her and before she can even blink, wraps an arm around her waist pulling her up flush against his own body.

His hand slid up eithers side of her body, his thumbs grazing the side of her breast causing her to shiver in response. He leans down until there is barely an inch of space between them, his breath mingling with her own. Sang rested one hand on his chest, not sure if it was his heart or her own pounding in such a wild rhythm.

"Trouble..." was all he said before he closed the remaining space and captured her lips with his own. Gabriel didn't hold back, his kiss hard, almost demanding... hungry. Sang gave back just as much as he was giving, wanting more as his hands roamed over her body. Sang pulled back in desperate need for a breath before diving back in, Gabe picked her up and her legs went instantly around his hips, and pushed her up against the wall.

The bedroom door slamming open had them breaking apart fast, Sang seeing the Captain standing there with a blank expression. Sang lowered her legs to the floor, straitening out her shirt that had risen in their activity and saw that Gabriel was smirking, Sang shot him a glare and pushed him back allowing her to walk past him.

"If you two are quite finished we have a training to attend, unless you would like to explain to Master Brullo as to why you were late."

Sang rolled her eyes and grabbed her shoes on her way past him, not bothering with a response, it just wasn't worth the trouble.

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